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Урок английского языка "Моя Родина - Казахстан"

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«Урок английского языка "Моя Родина - Казахстан"»

Quiz “My Motherland – Kazakhstan”

(for the 6th form)

Teacher: Bychenko I.


1. To develop pupils’ skills in using topical vocabulary.

2. To practice pupils in elementary grammar.

3. To increase pupils’ skills in work with Interactive board.

4. To improve pupils’ understanding of oral speech.

5. To bring up pupils’ interest in foreign language.

Methods: Audio-Lingual Approach, Communicative Approach.

Equipment: Interactive board, Books by T. Ayapova.


  1. Organization: While one pupil is reciting a poem “My Motherland”, the teachers are demonstrating the slides with the pictures of Kazakhstan.

“Losing in the thicket little village,

Shade of trees and ringing sounds of stream,

Fields of blossom flowers and the bushes –

It’s my only lovely Motherland!...”

  1. Introductory teachers’ words: You have guessed, that our today’s meeting is dedicated to our Motherland – Kazakhstan. Today we’ll speak about our country: our president, the political system of the country, its language, traditions and customs. There are two teams today. They are from different forms. Each team has its captain and name.

  1. Now, let’s begin our competition. The first task is called “Polyglot”. You know, that in 1997 in our country “The Law of three languages” was adopted. Your teams have to translate the given words from Russian into English and Kazakh. You have only five minutes to do this task.

  1. Родина – Motherland – отан;

  2. страна – country – ел;

  3. язык – language – тіл;

  4. национальность – nationality – ұлт;

  5. гимн – anthem – әнұран;

  6. флаг – flag – ту;

  7. город – town, city – қала;

  8. столица – capital – астана;

  9. государство – state – мемлекет;

  10. родной – native – туған.

  1. The second task will be: To make up sentences about your country using the given words.

  1. Kazakhstan, Motherland, is, our.

Kazakhstan is our Motherland.

  1. Аstana, the, is, country, capital, of, our.

Аstana is the of our capital country.

  1. language, the, Kazakh, is, official.

Kazakh is the official language.

  1. different, People, of, live, Kazakhstan, nationalities, in.

People of different nationalities live in Kazakhstan.

  1. The third task is “Crossword”. Read the questions and guess the words.

  1. The main city of the country (capital).

  2. The capital of our Republic (Astana).

  3. The bird on our flag (eagle).

  4. The official language of the Republic (Kazakh).

  5. The place of the Government (Parliament).

  6. The head of the country (president).

  7. The name of our country (Kazakhstan).

  8. The international language of the country (Russian).

  9. The color of our flag (blue).

  10. The main song of the country (anthem).

  1. The fourth task is: To tell about the capital, the state symbols, political and economical system of Kazakhstan.

(For children it was hometask).

About Kazakhstan

About the capital

About our native town – Stepnogorsk

About the political system of Kazakhstan

About the economy of the Republic

About traditions and customs

  1. The fifth task is: “Are you patriotic?”

For each answer under the letter “A” you get 1 point. If you have from 7 to 10 points – you are very patriotic, you love your Motherland and don’t want to live anywhere else outside your home country.

(While the teachers are checking up the tests, the children are watching the film about Astana.)

  1. The results. Our meeting is over. All of you were very good today. You are patriotic, you love your native country, you know much about Kazakhstan, your knowledge is good. We think that your “friendship” has won in our competition. We are proud of our Motherland and now we sing the main song of the country – its anthem.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Урок английского языка "Моя Родина - Казахстан"

Автор: Быченко Ирина Васильевна

Дата: 08.04.2016

Номер свидетельства: 316504

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