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United Nations in Kazakhstan

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План урока в 10 классе на тему ООН в Казахстане

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«United Nations in Kazakhstan»

date: 10A - 22.11.2016 lesson # 23 grade 10

10B - 24.11.2016

The theme: UNDP in Kazakhstan - Біріккен Ұлттар Ұйымы Қазақстанда.

1. To enrich pupils’ knowledge about development programs in Kazakhstan. 
2. To develop pupils’ skills in oral speech and reading.
3. To bring up patriots of their Motherland.
Visual aids: the interactive board
Subject connection: Kazakh region study, History

Lesson's stage



Organization moment

1. Greeting

2. Duty's report

Revision of the Hometask

"Modal verbs" quiz




Look at the picture.

Which organizations does the emblem belong to?

What do you know about the UN?

Is the UN an international organization?

Who is the General secretary of the UN?

Is Kazakhstan a member of the UN?

Presentation slide


1. Complete the chart about the UN?

I know

Want to know

Have learnt

2. Dividing into 2 groups

3. match the words with their translations

human -

provide -

agreement -

working language -

headquarters -

official language -

the General Secretary -

to sign -

trusteeship - opeka

mission -


KWL chart



Working with the topic

1. Ss read the topic

2. Each group makes a poster according to the questions (each group choose 5 questions)

a. When the UN was established?

b. How many states is the UN made up?

c. What is the mission of the UN?

d. Which principal organs is the UN based on?

e. What are the official languages of the UN?

f. Where is the UN's headquarter situated?

g. What help does the UN also provide?

h. When did Kazakhstan become a member of the UN?

i. When did the General Secretary of the UN visit Kazakhstan first time?

j. Who is the present General Secretary?

k. How many General Secretaries was in the UN?

3. Presentations of the posters


Lists with questions

A3 sheets, markers

Kinder eggs

Reading comprehension

1. True / False sentences

a. The UN was established on November, 1945.

b. The UN's mission is international peace.

c. There are five official languages in the UN.

d. The UN has only one headquarter.

e. The principal headquarter of the UN is situated in New-York city.

2. Answer the questions and show in the map:

Where is New-York situated? - the USA

Where is Geneva situated? - Switzerland

Where is the Hague situated? - the Netherlands

Where is Vienna situated? - Austria

3.Complete the sentences

a. The UN is made up of .... states.

b. The Arabic was added in .......... as an official language of the UN.

c. UN headquarters officially opened on ..........

d. Kazakhstan became the member of the UN on ..........

e. Ban Ki-moon is the ......... General Secretary of the UN.

4. Look at the photos and tell about these men. (John D. Rockefeller Jr., Oscar Niemeyer, Coffe Annan, Ban Ki-moon)

5. Reflection

What have you learnt about the UN?

Complete the 3d column


World map


Presentation slide

KWL chart



1. The UN established in ....

a) 1945 b) 1951 c) 1992

2. The ..... of the UN is international peace.

a) agreement b) mission c) help

3. The UN system is based on ...... principal organs.

a) 4 b)5 c) 6

4. The official languages of the UN are Chinese, English, French, Russian, Arabic and .....

a) Italian b) Spanish c) Japanese

5. The principal headquarter of the UN is in .....

a) the Hague b) Geneva c) New-York

6. Oscar Niemeyer is ......

a) General Secretary b) architect c) millionaire

7. Vienna is situated in ......

a) Austria b) Netherlands c) Switzerland

8. Now the General Secretary of the UN is ......

a) Ban Ki-moon b) Coffe Annan c) John Rockfeller

9. How many states is the UN made up of?

a) 191 b) 192 c) 193

10. When did Kazakhstan become a member of the UN?

a) in 1990 b) in 1991 c) in 1992

- Ss exchange the worksheets, check each other and put the marks



Show your thumb


Find the information about the UN in Kazakhstan

The United Nations

The United Nations, or UN, is an international organization established on October 24, 1945 and now made up of 192 states. Each country has signed an agreement that says that it will help the UN in its actions for international peace and human rights to all people. The United Nations System is based on six principal organs: 1) UN General Assembly; 2) UN Security Council; 3) UN Economic and Social Council; 4) UN Trusteeship Council; 5) UN Secretariat; 6) International Court of Justice. (Система Организации Объединенных Наций состоит из шести главных органов: 1) Генеральной Ассамблеи ООН, 2) Совета Безопасности ООН, 3) Экономического и Социального Совета ООН, 4) Совета по опеке ООН, 5) Секретариата ООН, 6) Международного Суда.) The six official languages of the United Nations include those of the founding nations: Chinese, English, French, Russian as well as Spanish. In addition, Arabic was added in 1982. The United Nations headquarters building was constructed in New York City in 1949 and 1950 beside the East River on land purchased by an 8.5 million dollar donation from John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and designed by architect Oscar Niemeyer. UN headquarters officially opened on January 9, 1951. While the principal headquarters of the UN are in New York, there are major agencies located in Geneva, the Hague, Vienna, and elsewhere. The UN also provides food, drinking water, shelter and other humanitarian services to inhabitants suffering from famine, displaced by war, or suffering from some other disaster. Kazakhstan became a member of the United Nations on March 2, 1992. The General Secretary of the United Nations, Coffe Annan paid his first official visit to Kazakhstan on October 17, 2002. At the present time the General Secretary of the UN is Ban Ki-moon. He is the 8th General Secretary of the UN.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

United Nations in Kazakhstan

Автор: Кульжабекова Айгуль Булатовна

Дата: 29.11.2016

Номер свидетельства: 363829

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