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The USA and Kazakhstan partnership in the 21 century

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The theme of the lesson: The USA and Kazakhstan partnership in the 21 century

– to teach pupils to speak about the USA and Kazakhstan;
– to develop the speech habits of pupils; to get information and facts from the history of the USA and Kazakhstan to be more friendly, to develop the friendship between the countries;
– to educate pupils to love our motherland.

Visual aids: the map of the USA and Kazakhstan, symbols, an interactive board, slides and pictures.

The plan of the lesson.

I. Organization moment.
a) greeting

b) conversation with the duty.
II. The check – up of homework

Teacher:  At the last lesson we talk about International partners  of Kazakhstan and The USA. And you must prepare the information about it. We divided into two groips:  1 group: Kazakhstan

2. group: The USA

Answer the teacher`s question: to the group:  The USA

1. Where is the Republic of Kazakhstan situated? (in central Asia)

2. What is the size of KZ.? (the area is 2.753 square km)

3. What can you say about the population of our country? (about 16)

4. Who is the head of the state? (the president)

5. When did Kazakhstan become an independent state? (in 1991)

6. What are the symbols of the state? (national flag, emblem and anthem)

7. What does the blue color of the flag symbolize? (freedom, independent)

8. What is represented on the state flag? (sun, falcon, ornament)

9. What kind of state is KZ? (independent, democratic)

to the group:  The Kazakhstan

1. Where is the USA situated?

2. What is the size of USA?

3. What can you say about the population of this country?

4. Who is the head of the state?

5. When did USA become an independent state?

6. What are the symbols of the state?

7. What does the 50 stars of the flag symbolize?

8. What is represented on the state flag?

9. What kind of state is USA?


  1. It is situated in the central part of the North American Continent.
  2. The total area of the country is more than nine million square kilometers.
  3. The population of the country is about 265 million people.
  4. Barak Obama, head of the State is the President, who is elected every four years.
  5. The United States is a democratic federal republic.
  6. National flag, emblem and anthem
  7. The 50 stars of the flag symbolize of 50 states in the USA
  8. The flag of the United States of America is called “Stars and Stripes”. There are three colours on the flag- red, white and blue. Americans are proud of their flag and display it in many places.
  9. The United States is a democratic federal republic.

Project:                        Kazakhstan

Landscape            Population         Climate

  1. Project:                                               USA

Landscape            Population         Climate

III. The introduction of the new theme.
Teacher: Children, today we also will speak about the USA and Kazakhstan.

Partnership in the 21 century.And to talk about the Coca – Cola business in Kazakhstan.

  1. I.                  Please answer the questions:
  2. Do you like drinking Coca-Cola?
  3. Do you drink Coke?
  4. Do you like this drink?
  5. Do you know anything about the company that produces Coca-Cola?
    1. II.               Work with new words:

Brand – белгі

Beverage – сусын

Community – ?ауым, орта

Operate – іс жасау

Authorize – р??сат ету

Distribution – б?лу, тарату

Joint venture – бірлескен (к?сіпорын)

Non-alcholic – спиртсіз

Alcholic – спиртті

  1. Work with the text: The Coca- Cola business in Kazakhstan

Group investigation:

  1. Reporting – retelling this text in short.
  2. Researcher –  in detail to master main event and to characterize
  3. Questions are a compiler – to prepare main questions
  4. Founder of foot-notes – to find aphorism and saying
  5. Depicting artist – to describe the event
  6. Mediator  – to establish a connection event today’s by life
  1. Conclusion: Dear boys and girls! Today we’ve fixed our knowledge of Kazakhstan and the USA. Did you like the lesson?

Complete the semantic map.

I know

I have learnt

I want to know


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«The USA and Kazakhstan partnership in the 21 century »

Great Britian


First they attend the infant school from 5 to 7.

Primary education lasts for six years

Nine years schools

Grammar schools

Primary 1 - 4 grades, middle 5 - 9 grades and junior 10 - 11 grades.

Pupils take examinations in the core subjects

Primary and secondary schools together comprise eleven years

Every lesson lasted 45 minutes. Every day we had 5 or 6 lessons.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

The USA and Kazakhstan partnership in the 21 century

Автор: Бакирова Эльмира Сматуллакызы

Дата: 14.03.2015

Номер свидетельства: 186150

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