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Unit 3. «Education. St1. Primary, secondary schools»

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Ма??ыстау облысы
М?найлы ауданы
«?ызылт?бе лицейі»
А?ылшын тілі п?ні м??алімі
Сарсенбаева Кулаш

Unit 3. «Education. St1. Primary, secondary schools»

The date of the lesson: 12.11.2014
The theme of the lesson: Step1 Primary, secondary schools  
The aim of the lesson: To introduce with new words and to enrich pupils` knowledge of foreign language
 develop pupils` ability in choosing right kind of schools, speech habits through  speaking, listening and writing
Bringing up pupils to a good communication, to love and respect their native language, the ambience of education
The method of the lesson: RWCT
Visual aids: Slide, additional sheets for tasks,
The plan of the lesson:

Waking up the interest           Opening the mind                Thinking
I Organization moment
 1.Check the absence
2. Divide class into 3 groups with “school types”
II. Revise home task  The theme “Travelling and vacation”. Ask some questions
1.What is travelling?
2. Can you name the types of travelling?
3 What is your dream vacation?

III Brainstorming.
Work with picture
“What are the students doing”?
What kind of lessons are on now?
With some words make up short story

VII. Working in a group.  Semantic map. Fill in the chart

Types of
Britain schools
schools    Secondary
schools    Grammar schools    Private
schools    Modern
What age
of pupils
 can study
What is the
or rule of
the school
What is the
of pupils
Who can attend this school
Boys or

    IV. New  words
-Junior  [`d?u:nj?]- бастауыш
-Infant [`inf?nt] -с?би, н?ресте
-Private [`praivit] -жекеменшік
-Uniform [ju:nif?:m] -о?у формасы
-Attend [?`tend] -?атысу, назар ауд-у
-Compulsory- міндетті
- Consist – т?ру, ??рау
Choice - та?дау
Opportunity- м?мкіндік
-Infant schools – 3-тен 7 жас?а дейінгі балалар мектебі  
-Science [`sai?ns]- ?ылым
-Modern school [`m?:den sku:l ]-  заманауи мектеп
-Comprehensive [k?mpri`hensiv]- жан-жа?ты, ке? ау?ымды
-Core [k?:]-ортасы

 V. Main part.  Work with text  ex-3
    “ Schools in England”
Try to understand the text

Before reading

    Before reading

    After reading

I know
I want to know    
I learned

  VIII. Reflection. Students should write on sticker their opinion about the theme and feelings and hang it on the board.
IX. Marking the pupils
X. Giving  home task.
Write down topic “ Nowadays school”

Our lesson is over. Thank you very much     

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«Unit 3. «Education. St1. Primary, secondary schools» »

Маңғыстау облысы

Мұнайлы ауданы

«Қызылтөбе лицейі»

Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі

Сарсенбаева Кулаш

Unit 3. «Education. St1. Primary, secondary schools»

The date of the lesson: 12.11.2014

The theme of the lesson: Step1 Primary, secondary schools

The aim of the lesson: To introduce with new words and to enrich pupils` knowledge of foreign language

develop pupils` ability in choosing right kind of schools, speech habits through speaking, listening and writing

Bringing up pupils to a good communication, to love and respect their native language, the ambience of education

The method of the lesson: RWCT

Visual aids: Slide, additional sheets for tasks,

The plan of the lesson:

Waking up the interest

Opening the mind


I Organization moment

1.Check the absence

2. Divide class into 3 groups with “school types”

II. Revise home task The theme “Travelling and vacation”. Ask some questions

1.What is travelling?

2. Can you name the types of travelling?

3 What is your dream vacation?

III Brainstorming .

Work with picture

“What are the students doing”?

What kind of lessons are on now?

With some words make up short story

VII. Working in a group. Semantic map. Fill in the chart

Types of

Britain schools





Grammar schools





What age

of pupils

can study


What is the


or rule of

the school

What is the


of pupils

Who can attend this school

Boys or


IV. New words

-Junior [`dƷu:njә]- бастауыш

-Infant [`infәnt] -сәби, нәресте

-Private [`praivit] -жекеменшік

-Uniform [ju:nifↄ:m] -оқу формасы

-Attend [ә`tend] -қатысу, назар ауд-у

-Compulsory- міндетті

- Consist – тұру, құрау

Choice - таңдау

Opportunity- мүмкіндік

-Infant schools – 3-тен 7 жасқа дейінгі балалар мектебі

-Science [`saiәns]- ғылым

-Modern school [`mↄ:den sku:l ]- заманауи мектеп

-Comprehensive [kↄmpri`hensiv]- жан-жақты, кең ауқымды

-Core [kↄ:]-ортасы

V. Main part. Work with text ex-3

Schools in England”

Try to understand the text


Before reading

Before reading

After reading

I know

I want to know

I learned

VIII. Reflection. Students should write on sticker their opinion about the theme and feelings and hang it on the board.

IX.. Marking the pupils

X.. Giving home task.

Write down topic “ Nowadays school”


Our lesson is over. Thank you very much

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Unit 3. «Education. St1. Primary, secondary schools»

Автор: Сарсенбаева Кулаш Куванышбековна

Дата: 27.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 179549

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