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«Трудности чтения на английском языке.»
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент.
- Good morning, dear children
+ Good morning, good morning,
Good morning to you,
Good morning, good morning,
I’m glad to see you.
- Thank you, sit down, please.
2. Фонетическая зарядка.
Now, our phonetic exercises,
Sing a song.
“Are you sleeping”
Are you sleeping,
Are you sleeping,
Brother John,
Brother John?
Morning bells are ringing,
Morning bells are ringing,
Good, thank you. You’re clever boys and girls.
3. Тренировка изученной лексики.
- Today we’ll revise some words.
Look at the board, please. Repeat after me.
1) mother
2) father
3) sister
4) brother
5) grandmother
6) grandfather
7) uncle
8) aunt
(Учитель перемешивает карточки, дети хором называют слова на английском)
Thank you, now I want to listen to everyone in English.(Учитель спрашивает каждого ученика, как будет переводиться это слова на английский язык)
I’ll show you the cards and translate into Russian “What is this?” please.
Good thank you.
Now answer my questions:
- Have you got a family?
+ Yes, I have / No, I haven’t
- Have you got a mother?
+ Yes, I have/ No, I haven’t
- Have you got a father?
+ Yes, I have / No, I haven’t
- Have you got a sister?
+ Yes, I have / No, I haven’t
- Have you got a brother?
+ Yes, I have / No, I haven’t
- Do you like have you got a grandmother?
+ Yes, I have/ No, I haven’t
- Have you got a grandfather?
+ Yes, I have/ No, I haven’t
- Very well done! Thank you.
Choose the correct translation: (ученики соединяют слова в таблице)
4. Практика употребления глагола Have/has got в предложениях.
Употребите глагол have и has в предложениях.
1.Tom … got a small family. (has)
2.I…got a nice ball. (have)
3.Kate …got a mother. (has)
4.You …got a little brother.(have)
5… she got a sister? (Has)
5. Работа в парах. Составление диалога
Make up a dialogue with your partner. Look at the board, please. Use this table.
Теперь разделитесь по парам и расспросите друг друга о своей семье.
- Hello,
- Hello,
- Have you got a family?
- Yes, I have.
-Is your family big?
Yes, It is
No, it is not
-Have you got a mother/ father/sister/brother?
Yes, I have
No, I have not
-What is her/ his name?
-Her/ His name is…
6. Физкультминутка.
- Now, let’s have a break. Do morning exercises.
(выбираю ученика для проведения зарядки)
- Who is eager to show the exercises?
Stand up, stand still
Hands up, hands down.
Hands on hips, sit down.
Stand up, hands to the sides.
Bend left, bend right,
Hands on hips, one, two, tree, hop.
One, two, three, stop. Stand still.
Good, thank you. Sit down, please. Take your places. Go on our work.
7. Практика письма
Make up sentences using these words.
1. got, mother, a, has, Kate. – Kate has got a mother.
2. you, Have, family, a got? – Have you got a family?
3. is, My, family, big. – My family is big.
4. have, I, got, a, brother.- I have got a brother.
5. father, Have, you, a, got? – Have you got a father?
8. Монолог.
Make up a story about your family.
Look at the board, please.(Учитель объясняет, как по схеме составить монолог) I’ll give you 1 min.
My name is…
I have got a family.
My family is big
I have got a mother.
My mother’s name is…
My father’s name is…
I have got a brother too.
My brother’s name is…
My sister’s name is…
I like my family very мuch.
9. Рефлексия.
Сегодня мы говорила о нашей семье. А теперь ответьте на вопросы.
Что я нового узнал?
Чему я научился?
10. Домашняя работа.
Нарисовать свою семью. Составить рассказ о своей маме.
11. Подведение итогов урока.
Thank you for your work. Your marks for today are excellent.
Список используемой литературы:
1. М. З. Биболетова . Английский с удовольстивем.2 класс, 2010
2. Н. В. Могучая. Пой и танцуй. Сборник песен на английском языке для 3-4 классов школ с преподаванием ряда предметов на английском языке. М., "Просвещение"