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The theme : New Year in Great Britain

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Конспект урока на тему: Новый год в Великобритании

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«The theme : New Year in Great Britain»

Тема: «Празднование Рождества и Нового года в англо-говорящих странах»


Научить студентов обобщать и использовать на практике в устной и письменной речи полученную на уроке информацию по данной теме, оптимизировать учебный процесс.



  1. Углубить знания студентов об истории и современной жизни Великобритании и  других англо- говорящих стран

  2. Усвоить новые лексические единицы


  1. Развивать компетенции  в чтении, аудировании, письме, устной речи

  2. Расширить кругозор студентов


Воспитывать уважение к традициям и обычаям других стран


  1. Коммуникативной направленности

  2. Введение в урок упражнений на развитие слуховых, разговорных, письменных компетенций

  3. Использование игровых форм (соревнование двух команд)

      Учебно – методическое обеспечение и оснащение:

  1. Символы Рождества и Нового Года в  Великобритании и других странах

  2. Распечатки текста “Праздники в Великобритании”, кроссворд

  3. Компьютер, проектор, экран, магнитофон, аудиозаписи (текст, песни на английском языке)

  4. Наглядный и раздаточный материал

  5. Стенгазеты, посвященные празднованию Рождества и Нового года

  6. Новогодняя елка

The Outline of the Lesson

(ход урока)

The lesson begins with the musical introduction (Last Christmas). The date and the theme are written on the blackboard.

(Мероприятие начинается с музыкального вступления. Звучит песня “Прошлое Рождество”. Дата и тема урока написана на доске).

  1. Warming up

                  (Организационный момент)


The Dialogue with the student on duty.

T. – What date is it today?

P. – Today is the 18th of December.

T. – Who is absent?

P. – All students are present.

T. – All right. Let’s begin our lesson. The theme of our discussion today is “Holiday in Great Britain”. You will know a lot of interesting things about customs and traditions of the British. You should be very attentive doing the tasks.

Our lesson is a kind of a competition so the group will be divided into 2 teams. The captains of the teams “Snowmen” and “Santa Claus” are chosen.

(Наше мероприятие проходит в форме соревнования, поэтому группа будет делиться на две команды. Выбираются капитаны команд “Снеговик” и ”Дед Мороз”).

The students are sitting at the blocks of tables with the flags “Santa Claus” and “Snowman” on them.

(Две команды сидят за столами. На столах флажки “Снеговик” и ”Дед Мороз”).

T. – Well, students, let’s begin! What holidays do you know?

P1, P2. – New Year, Easter, Women’s Day, Christmas.

T. – Do you know any special British holidays?

P1, P2. – Guy Fawkes Day, St Patrick’s Day, the Queen’s birthday, Boxing Day.

T. – You are right. And today we shall know more about these holidays. First, let’s review some words:


Reindeer                                          Cracker

Stocking                                           Christmas tree

Chimney                                           Fireplace

Star                                                   Celebrate

Turkey                                              Church

Christmas pudding                           Carol

Tinsel                                                Christmas Eve

Students translate the words from English into Russian.

  1. Aural Practice (Appendix 1)

(Аудирование. Приложение 1)

T. – Let’s work with the text “The Gift” after O. Henry.

(Работа с текстом “Дары Волхвов” по рассказу О. Генри).

New words and expressions are written on the blackboard:

  • to count                                                

  • to burst into tears

  • full length

  • to be proud of

  • to cut off

  • platinum chain

  • there was an expression on his face

  • to frighten

  • package

  • combs

T. – Let’s read and translate them. Listen to the text and tell us what this text is about.

(Appendix I) Listen to the text once more. Now divide the pages in your exercise books into 2 parts. I’ll read you nine sentences. If the sentence is correct, make a note in the first column. If it is wrong, do the same in the second one.

   Then join the marks.  Like this:

                                            +                                      -

                  1                       //

                  2                                                                  //                                              

                  3                                                                  //

                  4                                                                  //

                  5                      //

                  6                      //

                  7                                                                 //

                  8                                                                 //

                  9                     //

T. – And the last question to the text:

Can you say that Jim and Delia were real loving people?

P1 – Yes, of course. They gave the most expensive things for them to each other.


  1. Writing Practice (Appendix II The Missing Letters)

(Письменная практика. Приложение 2 – пропуски букв).

T. – The next task is to put the missing letters into the text “January”. The captains are responsible for this task.

The commission checks the texts and announces the winner.

IV.       Reading Practice (Appendix III)

  (Практика чтения. Приложение 3. Текст “Праздники в Великобритании”)

T. – Today we shall read  an interesting text “Holidays in Great Britain”. Let’s read the words to the text. Repeat after me…

The students read and translate the text. The Song “Auld Lang Syne” is mentioned in the text. They listen to it.

The students answer the questions to the text. (the test) The captains lift the cards (letters A, B, C, D), when the team hears the right answer.

  1. Tests  

1) Which is the most popular holiday in Great Britain?

A – New Year

B – X-mas (+)

C – Halloween

D – Boxing Day

2) Christmas is celebrated in Great Britain:

A – On the 1st of April

B – On the 31st of December

C – On the 25th of December (+)

D – On the 7th of January

3) What do British people eat during this holiday?

A – Christmas pudding (+)

B – Spaghetti

C-   Pizza

D – Fish and chips

4) What song do the British sing on the New Year’s day?

A – Jingle Bells

B – Auld Lang Syne (+)

C – Yesterday

D – I’ll Meet you at Midnight

5) What do the British do during Guy Fawkes Day?

A – Burn a dummy (+)

B – Give presents to each other

C – Stay at home

D – Let off fireworks (+)

6) What would you expect to find in a Christmas stocking?

A – Old shoes

B – Money

C – Small presents (+)

D – Granny’s hat

T. – The winner of the competition is…

T. – The 2 teams will get the tests “Guy Fawkes Day”. Choose the right answers. Which team will be quicker? (the jury announces the winner)

VI.     New Year  Symbols

               (Новогодние символы)

2 students tell the group about the coming New Year and Christmas and name symbols of these holidays. (Appendix IV)

The cards that name the symbols are on the table.

(Два студента рассказывают о праздновании Нового Года и Рождества и называют символы этих праздников (карточки с символами лежат на столе)). (Appendix V)

The students tell the group about the symbols of New Year and X-mas and decorate the fir-tree with the pictures  of Santa Claus, Christmas stocking, holly, mistletoe.

(Студенты украшают новогоднюю елку игрушками – символами).

T. – And now the students from the 2 teams will recite 2 poems. (Appendix VIWho is the best reciter?

(Студенты декламируют два стихотворения. Предлагают свои переводы. (Appendix VII).

T. – Boys and girls, let’s sing the song “Jingle Bells”


VII. Christmas Riddles

      (Рождественские загадки)

T. – Let’s guess  the riddles. If the team is ready, raise your hands, captains.

  1. He’s old, fat and likes to wear red clothes. He brings children their presents on Christmas Day. (Santa Claus)

  2. It’s cold and white and falls from the sky. (Snow)

  3. What is Santa Claus’s favourite colour? (Red)

  4. It’s green and brown. People put presents under it and open them on Christmas Day. (A fir-tree)

  5. This is something you make with snow. It looks like a man. (A snowman)

  6. How does Santa Claus enter a house? He comes down a what? (A chimney)

  7. People get these on Christmas Day. (Presents)

  8. Who helps Santa Claus with his work? (A snowmaiden, reindeer, snowmen)

  9. Many people eat this tasty food on Christmas Day. (Turkey, pudding)

  10. You can see this at night high in the sky. (A star)

  11. What is the name of the day before Christmas Day?  (Christmas Eve)

  12.  On January the 1st we say “Happy…” (New Year)

VIII. Crossword


T. – Let’s guess the crossword. Which team will guess more words?

(The crossword is written on a big sheet of paper)

(Студенты разгадывают кроссворд , написанный на листе ватмана)

  1. The Final of the Lesson

      (Заключительная часть урока. Подведение итогов. Жюри объявляет команду – победителя)

T. – Our lesson is coming up to the end. The winner of the competition is the … team. Congratulations! But everybody has been working well at the lesson. (Marks)

What new things have you learnt at the lesson?

The students share their impressions. The song “We wish you a Merry Christmas” is heard.

The teacher gives some sweets from the Christmas Stocking to the students.

(Студенты и учитель поют песню “Мы желаем вам счастливого Рождества” под запись магнитофона. Студенты получают сладкие призы).

                                                                     Appendix 1

The Gift

(After O. Henry)

Delia wanted to buy a present for her husband on Christmas but she had no enough money for that. She counted her money. She had only one dollar and eighty – seven cents. She sat down on the sofa and burst into tears.

There were only two things of which the family was very proud: Jim’s gold watch and Delia’s hair. She had beautiful hear. She went to the mirror and led down her hair. It fell to its full length, below her knees.

Delia put on her jacket and her hat and went down the stairs to the street. She decided to sell her hear. She got twenty dollars and her hear was cut off.

Then she went to the shop to buy a present for Jim. It was a platinum chain for Jim’s watch.

When Jim came home from his work and saw Delia, there was an expression on his face which frightened her.

“You’ve cut off your hair,” said Jim slowly.

He took a package from his coat pocket and gave it to Delia. There were combs which she had wanted for so long. She knew they were expensive.

“My hair grows very fast, Jim,” she said. Then she gave him her present.

“Isn’t it beautiful, Jim?” she asked then.

Jim sat down on the sofa and smiled. “Dell,” he said, “Let’s put our presents away for a while. I sold the watch to buy you combs.”

Appendix 2


The name of Jan*ary comes fr*m the Roman god, Janus. He had two f*ces, so he co*ld lo*k forwards into the n*w y*ar and backwards into the *ld year. In s*me cou*tries two New Year’s Day* are c*l*brated: the c*lendar New Year on the fi*st of January and tra*itional or re*igious New Year. The Chi*ese calendar, which is b*th solar and lunar, is o*e of the ol*est in the wo*ld. Jewish (еврейский) and Muslim (мусульманский) calendars are l*nar and the*r New Year beg*ns in Se*temb*r.    


                                                                   Appendix 3

Holidays in Great Britain.

There are some public holidays in Great Britain. They are: Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Easter, May Spring Festival, Spring Bank Holiday, Summer Bank Holiday and many others.

Christmas is the most popular holiday in Britain. It is celebrated on the 25th of December. People spend time at home, with their families, eat special food (turkey, potatoes, green vegetables, a Christmas pudding and drink champagne). Many people decorate Christmas trees with toys and little colored lights. People buy Christmas cards and send them to their friends and relatives. British people buy a lot of presents. In churches people sing Christmas carols – special religious songs.

New Year’s Day is less popular in Britain than Christmas. Some people don’t celebrate it at all. Some people have New Year parties. At midnight they listen to the chime of Big Ben, drink a toast to the New Year and sing Auld Lang Syne.

Guy Fawkes Day is one of the most popular festivals in Britain. It is celebrated on the 5th of November. On that day, in 1605, Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament and kill King James the First. But the king’s men found the bomb, took Guy Fawkes to the Tower and cut off his head. Since that day the British burn a dummy, made of straw and old clothers, on a bonfire and let off fireworks. This dummy is called a “Guy”. Children go about the streets saying “Penny for the Guy”. If they collect enough money, they buy fireworks for the festival.

Words and expressions:

public – общественный

is celebrated – праздноваться                

spend time – проводить время                                        

special - особый

turkey - индейка

coloured lights – цветные огни

cards - открытки

relatives - родственники

church - церковь

carol – гимн, песня

midnight - полночь

chime - курант

Auld Lang Syne – песня “Старая дружба”

blow up - взрывать

cut off – отрубать

dummy - чучело

straw - солома

bonfire - костер

penny – пенс (мелкая монета)

fireworks – фейерверк


                                                                Appendix 4

Student 1. Christmas and the coming of the New Year are the most fascinating holidays all over the world. We can’t imagine them without decorating fir – trees, greeting cards, presents, shopping, gathering at the festive table, meeting with friends and relatives all -our nearest and dearest.

Student 2. A fairy tale comes to our home with Father Frost or Santa Claus and we believe in everything that this holiday brings to us.

Student 1. Look at our fir – tree! Now it’s quite usual but by the end of our party it will become a real Christmas tree.

Student 2. And what shall we decorate it with?

Student 1. Oh, we’ll decorate it with Christmas symbols. And while decorating it, we’ll tell you about Christmas and New Year traditions.


                                                                  Appendix 5

Santa Claus

The old name of Santa Claus and Father Frost was Saint Nickolas who was famous for his love for children. Santa Claus is a jolly fat man with a long white beard wearing red clothes. He gives children presents. Santa’s sleigh and reindeer came from an old legend.

Christmas Meal

Lunch is the most important point of Christmas day. The traditional lunch  consists of roast turkey with vegetables, followed by Christmas pudding made with dried fruit and brandy. Sometimes a coin is put into the pudding as a surprise.


                                                                   Christmas Tree

There are a lot of traditions connected with Christmas. Every year the people of Norway give the city of London a present. It’s a big Christmas tree and it stands on Trafalgar square. Queen Victoria and Prince Albert popularized the German tradition in Britain. The first Christmas tree appeared about 160 years ago. They are decorated with lights, tinsel, glass balls, sweets. Right at the top there is a large shining star. It represents the star appear over the stable in which Christ was born.

Holly and Mistletoe

Besides the Christmas tree, holly and mistletoe are used to decorate the house. Branches of holly are put up behind pictures and mistletoe is hung over doors, so young people have chance to kiss the girl under it.

                                                               Christmas Stocking

Christmas stocking is a long sock for Christmas presents. It is a Dutch tradition born in the16th century. Children usually put their Christmas stockings by the end of their bed or by the chimney. It’s believed that Santa Claus visits each house by climbing down the chimney.

Appendix 6

Christmas Bells

by Henry Longfellow

I heard the bells on Christmas day,

Their old familiar carols play,

And wild and sweet

The words repeat

Of peace on Earth, good will to men.

Услышал колокольчики в Рождественскую ночь,

Послушать их знакомый ритм,

Я был совсем не прочь.

Их сладкий благозвучный звон

Был повторен не раз.

Всем людям на земле родной

- их пламенный рассказ.

Christmas morning

by Peter Jones

I wake on Christmas morning

My stocking on my bed,

Christmas Eve has come and gone,

And Santa Claus has fled.

My parents all around me

A bike! A ball to throw!

I look through the window pane.

At footsteps in the snow.

Рождественское утро

Я проснулся Рождественским утром,

Мой  чулочек был полон подарков.

Канун Рождества пришел и его уже нет,

И Санта Клаус исчез.

Со мною рядом родители,

С подарками: велосипедом и мячом!

Я посмотрел в  окошко,

И увидел  чьи-то следы на снегу.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

The theme : New Year in Great Britain

Автор: Юлия Сергеевна Чехонадских

Дата: 05.01.2023

Номер свидетельства: 622308

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