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"The United Kingdom of Great Britain and northern Ireland"

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П?н м??алімі : Абишева Жадыра Курметжановна

Сыныбы : 7

Саба?ты? та?ырыбы:    The United Kingdom of Great Britain and northern Ireland

Саба?ты? ма?саты:     ?лыбритания туралы с?йлеуге  ?йрету.                                                                                                     Жа?а м?тінмен ж?мыс істеу                                                                                                    

Саба? ?дісі:         С?ра?-жауап

Саба? типі:        Жа?а білімді ме?герту

К?рнекілігі:        карта

П?н аралы? байланыс: география

Саба? барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жо?тарды белгелеу

II. Саба?ты? та?ырыбымен, ма?саттарымен таныстыру.

  Our theme in our lesson is “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”.

III.Жа?а саба?

С?здік ж?мыс

Remain                                         сол ?алпында ?алу

Considerate                                 біраз

Expansion                                    ке?ею, созылу

Extend                                          ке?ейту, созылу

Eventually                                    а?ыр сонында

Emerge                                         к?ріну

Read the text


The UK is the shortened word of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Great Britain includes England, Scotland, and Wales and Northern Ireland. Although Britain is a unitary state, the countries of in have separate national identities, variations in culture and tradition.

England is predominantly a lowland country, with the Pennine Chain, the Cumbrian mountains and the Yorkshire moorlands in the north. Wales is a country of hills and mountains. Britain's highest mountain, Ben Nevis (1,343 Hi i 106 ft) is in the central highlands of Scotland. Northern Ireland is at its nearist point only 21 km (13 miles) from Scotland.

Britain has frequent  weather changes through the seasonal cycle of winter, spring, summer and autumn. Rainfall is fairly well distributed throughout the year.

People in the four lands of Britain come from ancient sources:

  • The ancient Celtic people who inhabited western and central Europe;
  • The Angles, Saxons and Jutes - Germanic people who came to Britain from the third centure


Talk to your partner.

Where is the United Kingdom of Great Britain?

Where did the people of the U.K. come from?

What’s Union Jack?

What information can you give about the flag of the U.K.?

What’s the population of the U.K.?



Exercise 3 Match the words with translation. Use your dictionary to help you. Underline the stress then check it?
Find out from the text sentences in Present Simple.


VI. ?йге тапсырма    Exercise 2-9   Vocabulary

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«"The United Kingdom of Great Britain and northern Ireland"»

Пән мұғалімі : Абишева Жадыра Курметжановна

Сыныбы : 7

Сабақтың тақырыбы: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and northern Ireland

Сабақтың мақсаты: Ұлыбритания туралы сөйлеуге үйрету. Жаңа мәтінмен жұмыс істеу

Сабақ әдісі: Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі: Жаңа білімді меңгерту

Көрнекілігі: карта

Пән аралық байланыс: география

Сабақ барысы:


А) амандасу

Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

Our theme in our lesson is “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”.

III..Жаңа сабақ

Сөздік жұмыс

Remain сол қалпында қалу

Considerate біраз

Expansion кеңею, созылу

Extend кеңейту, созылу

Eventually ақыр сонында

Emerge көріну

Read the text


The UK is the shortened word of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Great Britain includes England, Scotland, and Wales and Northern Ireland. Although Britain is a unitary state, the countries of in have separate national identities, variations in culture and tradition.

England is predominantly a lowland country, with the Pennine Chain, the Cumbrian mountains and the Yorkshire moorlands in the north. Wales is a country of hills and mountains. Britain's highest mountain, Ben Nevis (1,343 Hi i 106 ft) is in the central highlands of Scotland. Northern Ireland is at its nearist point only 21 km (13 miles) from Scotland.

Britain has frequent weather changes through the seasonal cycle of winter, spring, summer and autumn. Rainfall is fairly well distributed throughout the year.

People in the four lands of Britain come from ancient sources:

  • The ancient Celtic people who inhabited western and central Europe;

  • The Angles, Saxons and Jutes - Germanic people who came to Britain from the third centure


Talk to your partner.

Where is the United Kingdom of Great Britain?

Where did the people of the U.K. come from?

What’s Union Jack?

What information can you give about the flag of the U.K.?

What’s the population of the U.K.?


Exercise 3 Match the words with translation. Use your dictionary to help you. Underline the stress then check it?
Find out from the text sentences in Present Simple.

VI. Үйге тапсырма Exercise 2-9 Vocabulary

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

"The United Kingdom of Great Britain and northern Ireland"

Автор: Абишева Жадыра Курметжановна

Дата: 22.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 297317

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