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The Theme of the lesson: Educational system in Great Britain and in Kazakhstan.

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The aims of the lesson:Educational:

1.  To generalize of pupils knowledge

2. To find differences and similarities in education in Kazakhstan and Great Britain


3.To develop the students’ reading, speaking and writing skills in comparing the

facts on the theme.

4.To develop logical and critical thinking, students’ creation

Bringing up:

5.To bring up respect to other people’s language and education

The type of the lesson: combination lesson

The form of the lesson:non-tradition  

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«The Theme of the lesson: Educational system in Great Britain and in Kazakhstan. »

Form: 8

The Theme of the lesson: Educational system in Great Britain and in Kazakhstan.

The aims of the lesson:Educational:

1. To generalize of pupils knowledge

2. To find differences and similarities in education in Kazakhstan and Great Britain


3.To develop the students’ reading, speaking and writing skills in comparing the

facts on the theme.

4.To develop logical and critical thinking, students’ creation

Bringing up:

5.To bring up respect to other people’s language and education

The type of the lesson: combination lesson

The form of the lesson:non-tradition

Method of lesson:to explain, asking and answering questions, individual work, group work,

Visual aids:cards, pictures, interactive board, colored markers and papers

I. Organization moment:a) The greetings.
Teacher: Good day, dear teachers, boys and girls! I am glad to see you!
You are welcome to our lesson by the theme: Educational system in Great Britain and in Kazakhstan. And I’ll divide class into two groups. Group A - will speak about education in Great Britain. Group B – will speak about education in Kazakhstan. The aim of our lesson is to compare education into two countries: Great Britain and Kazakhstan. I hope you’ll find something interesting and new for yourselves. Let’s start, please. Good Luck!

II. Phonetic drillLook at the screen and read

The school has doors that open wide Books and pencils I will need

And friendly teachers wait insideWhenI start to write and read

Hurry, hurry, let’s go in Lots to learn and lots to do

For soon lessons will begin I like to go to school, don’t you?

What do you think about Education?

Education is compulsory for all children in Kazakhstan. The main purpose of compulsory education is to involve all children into school. The development of the nation, its prosperity and wealth depend on the people’s education.

Prosperity–дәуірлеу, процветание, благосостояние

depend -тәуелді болу, зависеть

involve – тарту, вовлекать, включать в себя

purpose – мақсат, цель, 2. результат,успех 3. целеустремленность, воля

III.Working with the pictures. Look at the screen.

Can you guess what subjects are being taught in each picture?

English, physics,biology, physical training, Russian

Do you study these subjects at school?

What are you favorite subject?

Do your school subjects educate your for life?

IV. Checking the homework.

Let’s check your homework? What was your home task for today? Learn the new words and to write an essay about your school and to make cluster.

1.to learn the new words 2.to write an essay “My school” 3.to make cluster

V. Presentation of new theme.

Children, today we will do a lot of work. Today we will practice our lexis, read the texts,answer the questions. Learn the new information about the education and find differences and similarities in education in Kazakhstan and Great Britain.

Read the text and answer the questions.
Group A: Education in Great Britain.
In Great Britain children start going to school when they are five and continue studying until they are 16 or older. Compulsory education begins at the age of five when they go to primary school. Primary education lasts for six years. First they attend the infant school from five to seven.
In infant schools children don’t have real classes. They get acquainted with the class - room, desks, play and through playing. They learn numbers and how to add them. When children are seven they go to junior school which they attend until eleven. Boys and girls study at junior school for four years. There they have classes, read and write, do mathematics.
At secondary school pupils study English, Maths, Science, Geography, History, Art, Music, Foreign languages and PT. There are some types of secondary schools in Great Britain. They are grammar school, modern schools and comprehensive schools. One can attend modern school but of a modern school don’t learn foreign languages.
If they go to grammar school they will have a good secondary education. This type of school is most popular in England. At secondary school pupils study English, Maths, Science, Geography, History, Art, Music, Foreign languages and PT lessons. English, Maths and Science are called ‘core’ subjects. Pupils take examinations in the core subjects at the age of 7, 11 and 14.
There are some private schools in England. Boys and girls do not together study at these schools. The son and daughters of aristocracy go to these schools. Their parents pay much money for the education in private schools. The teachers of these schools pay personal attention to each pupil.Today a lot of British schools have uniforms. Usually they differ only in colours but include a blazer, a pullover, a shirt (a blouse), trousers (a skirt), tights or socks, shoes and boots, a scarf and gloves of a certain color, a cap or a hat. School badge is on a cap and on a blazer’s pocket.One of the most important elements of the uniform is a school tie.
Group B: Education in Kazakhstan.
We started school at the age of seven. After four years of primary school we went to secondary school. Primary and secondary schools together comprise eleven years of classes are compulsory in our republic.
Our school year began on the first of September and ended in May. It lasted 9 months. We had four holidays a year: winter, spring, summer and autumn. On the 1st of September we got acquainted with our teachers and had our first lessons. Every lesson lasted 45 minutes. Every day we had 5 or 6 lessons.
The primary school curriculum included such as subjects Kazakh, Maths, Russian, Drawing, PT and Music. We had also Nature classes. Our school was not English but we had English classes which started in the 2nd form.
Recently Kazakhstan has also developed several types of schools with greater specialization such as gymnasium, technical, lyceums and private schools. Education is free, except those which work on a commercial basic.
Today the educational system in Kazakhstan is presented by two languages: Kazakh and Russian. Primary education is the most developed of the state’s educational system. Pupils receive their primary education in schools of three different levels. Primary 1 - 4 grades, middle 5 - 9 grades and junior 10 - 11 grades. After finishing the 9th grade children continue education in high schools in technical - professional institutes, or in special schools.

  • Great Britain consists of England, Scotland and Wales. It’s an island. It’s situated in the west of Europe. It’s washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. There are a lot of rivers and lakes, valleys and forests, rocks and hills. Its landscape is very picturesque. The weather is usually wet and foggy. Great Britain has borders with France, Ireland and other European countries. The flag of Great Britain is red, white and blue. The British people call it “the Union Jack”

  • The coat of arms of Great Britain has a crown on the shield, because it’s a monarchy. The shield is supported by the English lion and by the Unicorn of Scotland.

1. What kind of schools are there in Kazakhstan?
2. What kind of schools are there in Great Britain?
3. How many years do pupils study at secondary school?
4. When do children start going to school in Great Britain?

5. How many years do pupils go to school in Kazakhstan?
6. What school subjects have you got at your school?
7. When does compulsory education begin?
8. How long does primary education last?

9. How many year of study are compulsory in our Republic?
10. How long does every lesson last?
11. How many lessons have day every day?

12. What do children do in infant school?

13. Who goes to private schools?

Compare the system of Education in Great Britain and Kazakhstan, find similarities and differences and fill in a Venn diagram.

Concluding stage:

Who knows the proverbs about education, example and model?Оқу, білім, тәрбие, үлгі, өнеге туралы қазақ, орыс, ағылшын тілдеріндегі мақал – мәтелдер

Ағылшын тілінде

Қазақ тілінде

Орыс тілінде

Knowledge is power

Күш – білімде

Знание – сила

A word to the wise

Ақылдыға жалғыз сөз

Мудрому – одно слово

If you command wise, you will be obeyed cheerfully

Ақылмен басқарғанды, ықыласпен тыңдайды

С умом и дело спориться

Repetition is the mother of learning

Қайталау – білім анасы

Повторение – мать учения

Learn wisdom by the follies of others


Учись на чужих ошибках

To know everything is to know nothing

Бәрін білемін деу – ештеңе білмеу

За все браться – ничего не уметь

Easier said than done

Тіліңмен жүгірме, біліммен жүгір

Не спеши языком, торопись делом

Live and learn

Оқы және өмір сүр

Живи и учись

It is never too late to learn

Оқусыз білім жоқ, білімсіз күнің жоқ

Век живи, век учись

A word to the wise

Ақылдыға- ишарат

Умному – палик

Clothes don’t beautify a man but knowledge

Кісінің көркі киім емес – білім

Не одежда украшает человека, а знание

Learning is the eye of mind

Оқыған озар, оқымаған тозар

Ученье – свет, неученье - тьма

Knowledge is no burden

Көп ойласаң дана боларсың

Знания на плечи не давят

Knowledge without practice makes but half an artist

Білім алып құрасын, еңбек етіп сұрасын

У того, кто приобрел знания только по книгам, ошибок больше, чем правильных шагов

There is no royal road to learning

Ынта-жігер – сәттіліктің анасы


VI. Results of the lesson.

Балалар бүгін біз сабақта не білдік?

VII. Complete the sentences.

1.Compulsory education in England begins at the age of five when children go to -------school.

2.---------education lasts for six years.

3.When children are seven they go to -------school which they -----until eleven.

4. One can attend modern school but5 pupils of-------school don’t learn foreign languages.

5.English ,Maths and Science are called ---------subject.

VIII. Translate the following sentences into your native language.

  1. My junior brother goes to infant school.

  2. Private school is a new type of school uniform.

  3. We don’t wear any school uniform.

It is not strange that he likes to study such subjects as Physics and Biology. Yt is going to enter the university.

IX. Giving home work.

Your home task will be Ex 3 p 138 Fill in the correct prepositionEx 6 p 139

X. Giving marks.

Бағалау парақтарына өздеріңе және достарыңа баға қойыңдар және қойған бағаларыңды түсіндіріңдер.

Бағалау парағы

Оқушының аты

Суретпен жұмыс

Сөздікпен жұмыс


Мәтінді оқуМәтінді олқуммттттттттттттттттт

Мәтін оқу




Қорытынды баға






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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

The Theme of the lesson: Educational system in Great Britain and in Kazakhstan.

Автор: Мамалакова Гаухар Конысбаевна

Дата: 26.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 179192

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