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?лыбританияда?ы мектеп

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Саба?ты? ма?саты:

  • Educational:
    -  systematize the students’ knowledge about the system  of education in Great Britain and in Kazakhstan
  • Developing:

-to develop pupil’s vocabulary and making up sentences ability

- to compare education and schools in Kazakhstan  and the UK

  • Students will be able (о?ушыларды? осы саба?тан алары):

- to speak useful information about education in oral speech;

  • to develop speaking habits which is describing own country’s school in English and doing practical work;

                                          Plan of the lesson (саба?ты? жоспары):


  1. Organization moment. Greeting. Absentees.
  2. Evocation.
  3. Revision of the last lesson. Realization of meaning.(Group-work)
  4. Checking the home-task.
  5. Presentation of the theme.
    1. Vocabulary-work
    2. Work with the text
  6. To fix the new material
    1. Vocabulary-work
    2. Speaking
    3. Comparing table
    4. Silent Numbers
  7. Reflection
  8. Home task
  9. Conclusion. Marking pupils’ knowledge.


  1. Organization moment. Teacher greets pupils, checks the absentees, introduces them with the theme of the lesson and the tasks they will do during the lesson.
    • Good morning, boys and girls!
    • Good morning, teacher! 
    • I’m glad to see you again! You may take your seats.
    • Who is on duty? Who is absent today?
    • I’m on duty today. All are present.

Very good. Boys and girls, our today’s theme is Schools in Great Britain. Today we shall enlarge our vocabularies, try to speak about the education in Great Britain, comparing it with educational system of our country and define how we respect our school and teachers








2. Evocation.



At the beginning of the lesson

At the of the end of the lesson


The degree of the knowledge of this theme




The attitude to the theme of the lesson




The atmosphere in the class



III. Revision of the previous lessons:

     Schools in Kazakhstan. Secondary education. Our School.

     Realization of meaning (Group-work)

     Questions to Group 1:

  1. What is said in our Constitution concerning the education?

Every one in our country has the right for education.

  1. What age do the children start school to?

Children start school at the age of 6 in our country.

  1. How long does the school year begin?

Our school year begins on the first of September.

  1. Is your school large or small? Where is it located?

Our school is large. It is situated in the centre of the village.

  1. How many floors has your school got?

Our school has three floor?

     6. What is your favourite subject?

     Questions to Group 2:

  1. When does the school year end in our country?

The school year ends in May in our country.

  1. When do the children go to secondary school?

Children go to secondary school after four years of primary school.

  1. How many years of study are compulsory in our country?

Nine years of study are compulsory in our country.

  1. Which floor is your classroom located on?

Our classroom is located on the second floor.

  1. Why do you learn English?

We learn English because it is the most widespread language in the world.

IV. Checking the home-task: 1) to learn the poem “The School” by heart

V. Presentation of the lesson.

    a) Vocabulary work.

  junior    [‘dзu;nj?]                                                  infant      [‘inf?nt] 

  private    [‘praivit]                                                 uniform  [ju:nifo:m]

 attend     [?‘tend]                                                    strange   [‘streindз]

 science   [‘sai?ns]                                                  comprehensive [,kompri’hensiv]

 core [ko:]                                                                 blazer [‘bleiz?]        

   infant school                                                        ргivate school

    comprehensive school                                       grammar school

    modern school

b) Work with the text: Schools in Great Britain:

       In Great Britain children start going to school when they are five and continue studying until they are 16 or older. Compulsory education begins at the age of five when children go to primary school. Primary education lasts for six years. First they attend the infant school from five to seven…

       As you have just read British education has many different faces but one purpose. Its purpose is to develop pupils’ abilities and prepare them for life in the modern world.


  1. Vocabulary work. Complete the sentences with the new words:


  1. Compulsory education in England begins at the age of five when children go to ___________ school.
  2. _______________ education lasts for six years.
  3. One can attend modern school but pupils of _________ school don’t learn foreign languages.
  4. English, Maths and Science are called ____________ subjects.

A boy’s _____________


  1. Correction work.


     1. In Great Britain children start going to school when they are seven. (five)

     2. Compulsory education begins at the age of 11. (5)

   3. Primary education lasts for five years. (6)

   4. In infant schools children learn how to write, read, and do mathematics. 


   5. Boys and girls study at junior schools for six years. (4)

   6. If they go to grammar school they will not have a good education.(they will)

   7. Modern schools are most popular in England. (grammar school)

   8. German, History and Science are called ‘core’ subjects. (English, Maths, Sc)


  1. Silent numbers

   1   ( In our country the school year begins on the first of September).

   25 ( In our country the school year ends on the twenty fifth of May).

   7,11,14  (Pupils take exams in the “core” subjects at the age of 7,11 and14).

     16  (In Great Britain children continue study until they are 16).  

  1. Comparing table 



Types of schools

Compulsory education

The age of starting school

Secondary school subjects






Great Britain








At the beginning of the lesson

At the of the end of the lesson


The degree of the knowledge of this theme




The attitude to the theme of the lesson




Atmosphere in the class




  1. Home-task.
  1. to write a letter to an English friend, telling about your school.
  2. to retell the text “Schools in Great Britain”, comparing the educational systems of two countries.


 IX. Marking pupils’ knowledge. (Teacher thanks pupils for their activeness   and marks their answers)



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«?лыбританияда?ы мектеп »

Сабақтың мақсаты:

  • Educational:
    - systematize the students’ knowledge about the system of education in Great Britain and in Kazakhstan

  • Developing:

-to develop pupil’s vocabulary and making up sentences ability

- to compare education and schools in Kazakhstan and the UK

  • Students will be able (оқушылардың осы сабақтан алары):

- to speak useful information about education in oral speech;

  • to develop speaking habits which is describing own country’s school in English and doing practical work;

Plan of the lesson (сабақтың жоспары):

  1. Organization moment. Greeting. Absentees.

  2. Evocation.

  3. Revision of the last lesson. Realization of meaning.(Group-work)

  4. Checking the home-task.

  5. Presentation of the theme.

    1. Vocabulary-work

    2. Work with the text

  6. To fix the new material

    1. Vocabulary-work

    2. Speaking

    3. Comparing table

    4. Silent Numbers

  7. Reflection

  8. Home task

  9. Conclusion. Marking pupils’ knowledge.

  1. Organization moment. Teacher greets pupils, checks the absentees, introduces them with the theme of the lesson and the tasks they will do during the lesson.

    • Good morning, boys and girls!

    • Good morning, teacher!

    • I’m glad to see you again! You may take your seats.

    • Who is on duty? Who is absent today?

    • I’m on duty today. All are present.

Very good. Boys and girls, our today’s theme is Schools in Great Britain. Today we shall enlarge our vocabularies, try to speak about the education in Great Britain, comparing it with educational system of our country and define how we respect our school and teachers

2. Evocation.

At the beginning of the lesson

At the of the end of the lesson


The degree of the knowledge of this theme


The attitude to the theme of the lesson


The atmosphere in the class

III. Revision of the previous lessons:

Schools in Kazakhstan. Secondary education. Our School.

Realization of meaning (Group-work)

Questions to Group 1:

  1. What is said in our Constitution concerning the education?

Every one in our country has the right for education.

  1. What age do the children start school to?

Children start school at the age of 6 in our country.

  1. How long does the school year begin?

Our school year begins on the first of September.

  1. Is your school large or small? Where is it located?

Our school is large. It is situated in the centre of the village.

  1. How many floors has your school got?

Our school has three floor?

6. What is your favourite subject?

Questions to Group 2:

  1. When does the school year end in our country?

The school year ends in May in our country.

  1. When do the children go to secondary school?

Children go to secondary school after four years of primary school.

  1. How many years of study are compulsory in our country?

Nine years of study are compulsory in our country.

  1. Which floor is your classroom located on?

Our classroom is located on the second floor.

  1. Why do you learn English?

We learn English because it is the most widespread language in the world.

IV. Checking the home-task: 1) to learn the poem “The School” by heart

V. Presentation of the lesson.

a) Vocabulary work.

junior [‘dзu;njә] infant [‘infәnt]

private [‘praivit] uniform [ju:nifo:m]

attend [ә‘tend] strange [‘streindз]

science [‘saiәns] comprehensive [,kompri’hensiv]

core [ko:] blazer [‘bleizә]

infant school ргivate school

comprehensive school grammar school

modern school

b) Work with the text: Schools in Great Britain:

In Great Britain children start going to school when they are five and continue studying until they are 16 or older. Compulsory education begins at the age of five when children go to primary school. Primary education lasts for six years. First they attend the infant school from five to seven…

As you have just read British education has many different faces but one purpose. Its purpose is to develop pupils’ abilities and prepare them for life in the modern world.

  1. Vocabulary work. Complete the sentences with the new words:

  1. Compulsory education in England begins at the age of five when children go to ___________ school.

  2. _______________ education lasts for six years.

  3. One can attend modern school but pupils of _________ school don’t learn foreign languages.

  4. English, Maths and Science are called ____________ subjects.

A boy’s _____________

  1. Correction work.

1. In Great Britain children start going to school when they are seven. (five)

2. Compulsory education begins at the age of 11. (5)

3. Primary education lasts for five years. (6)

4. In infant schools children learn how to write, read, and do mathematics.


5. Boys and girls study at junior schools for six years. (4)

6. If they go to grammar school they will not have a good education.(they will)

7. Modern schools are most popular in England. (grammar school)

8. German, History and Science are called ‘core’ subjects. (English, Maths, Sc)

  1. Silent numbers

1 ( In our country the school year begins on the first of September).

25 ( In our country the school year ends on the twenty fifth of May).

7,11,14 (Pupils take exams in the “core” subjects at the age of 7,11 and14).

16 (In Great Britain children continue study until they are 16).

  1. Comparing table

Types of schools

Compulsory education

The age of starting school

Secondary school subjects


Great Britain


At the beginning of the lesson

At the of the end of the lesson


The degree of the knowledge of this theme


The attitude to the theme of the lesson


Atmosphere in the class

    1. Home-task.

  1. to write a letter to an English friend, telling about your school.

  2. to retell the text “Schools in Great Britain”, comparing the educational systems of two countries.

IX. Marking pupils’ knowledge. (Teacher thanks pupils for their activeness and marks their answers)

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

?лыбританияда?ы мектеп

Автор: Сапабекова Бакытгуль Кылышбековна

Дата: 23.01.2015

Номер свидетельства: 159993

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