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The Past Simple Tense

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1. We celebrate my birthday today.

  a) We celebrated my birthday today.

  b) We did celebrate my birthday today.

  c) We celebrated my birthday yesterday.

2. She cooks tasty soup every day.

  a) She cooked tasty soup yesterday.

  b) She did cook tasty soup yesterday.

  c) She cooked tasty soup every day

3. He washes the floor every week.

  a) He washed the floor every week.

  b) He washed the floor yesterday.

  c) He did wash the floor every week.

The aim of this lesson is

to repeat all information about the Past Simple

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«The Past Simple Tense»

The Past Simple Tense

The Past Simple Tense

The aim of this lesson is    to repeat all information about the Past Simple

The aim of this lesson is to repeat all information about the Past Simple

Choose the right sentences in the Past Simple Tense:   1. We celebrate my birthday today.  a) We celebrated my birthday today.  b) We did celebrate my birthday today.  c) We celebrated my birthday yesterday. 2. She cooks tasty soup every day.  a) She cooked tasty soup yesterday.  b) She did cook tasty soup yesterday.  c) She cooked tasty soup every day 3. He washes the floor every week.  a) He washed the floor every week.  b) He washed the floor yesterday.  c) He did wash the floor every week.  4. She calls him every week.  a) She call him yesterday.  b) She call him every week.  c) She called him yesterday. 5. On Friday he stays in his office.  a) On Friday he stays in his office.  b) He stayed in his office last Friday.  c) On Friday he did stay in his office. 6. He plays football on Sundays.  a) He played football last Sunday.  b) He plays football last Sunday.  c) He played football on Sundays.

Choose the right sentences in the Past Simple Tense:

1. We celebrate my birthday today.

a) We celebrated my birthday today.

b) We did celebrate my birthday today.

c) We celebrated my birthday yesterday.

2. She cooks tasty soup every day.

a) She cooked tasty soup yesterday.

b) She did cook tasty soup yesterday.

c) She cooked tasty soup every day

3. He washes the floor every week.

a) He washed the floor every week.

b) He washed the floor yesterday.

c) He did wash the floor every week.

4. She calls him every week.

a) She call him yesterday.

b) She call him every week.

c) She called him yesterday.

5. On Friday he stays in his office.

a) On Friday he stays in his office.

b) He stayed in his office last Friday.

c) On Friday he did stay in his office.

6. He plays football on Sundays.

a) He played football last Sunday.

b) He plays football last Sunday.

c) He played football on Sundays.

Fill in the gaps in this table.   Tim  Tom  … I didn’t come home late yesterday. I didn’t go to Moscow last year.  … … I knew about it 2 days ago.  I read an interesting book yesterday.  … I played with my toys yesterday.  …

Fill in the gaps in this table.



I didn’t come home late yesterday.

I didn’t go to Moscow last year.

I knew about it 2 days ago.

I read an interesting book yesterday.

I played with my toys yesterday.

Fill in the gaps in this table.   Tim  Tom  I came home late yesterday. I didn’t come home late yesterday. I didn’t go to Moscow last year.  I went to Moscow last year.  I didn’t know about it 2 days ago I knew about it 2 days ago.  I read an interesting book yesterday.  I didn’t read an interesting book yesterday.  I played with my toys yesterday.  I didn’t play with my toys yesterday.

Fill in the gaps in this table.



I came home late yesterday.

I didn’t come home late yesterday.

I didn’t go to Moscow last year.

I went to Moscow last year.

I didn’t know about it 2 days ago

I knew about it 2 days ago.

I read an interesting book yesterday.

I didn’t read an interesting book yesterday.

I played with my toys yesterday.

I didn’t play with my toys yesterday.

Imagine that you are speaking to your friend about your last summer vacation. Write questions to these answers.    - …  - I was in London last summer.  - …  - Yes, it was. The weather was fine: warm and dry.  - …  - I saw the Tower of London and Trafalgar Square. It was great!  - …  - I stayed in a small hotel, my room wasn’t big, but it was clean and nice.  - …  - Yes, I did. I tried to speak with some Englishmen. It was very hard and funny.  - …  - Yes, I did. I enjoyed my summer vocation very much. It was interesting and useful for my English.

Imagine that you are speaking to your friend about your last summer vacation. Write questions to these answers.

- …

- I was in London last summer.

- …

- Yes, it was. The weather was fine: warm and dry.

- …

- I saw the Tower of London and Trafalgar Square. It was great!

- …

- I stayed in a small hotel, my room wasn’t big, but it was clean and nice.

- …

- Yes, I did. I tried to speak with some Englishmen. It was very hard and funny.

- …

- Yes, I did. I enjoyed my summer vocation very much. It was interesting and useful for my English.

Put in the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple.  Last summer Jane and Pete ( visit ) _________ their granny. She ( live ) ________ in a little house in Oxford. The weather ( be ) _________ nice and children ( have ) _________ a lot of fun. One day they ( see ) _________ a little dog in the street. They ( take ) _________ the dog home and ( call ) __________ it Nancy. Nancy ( be ) _________ very kind and clever. They ( play ) ___________ together every day. When Pete’s ball ( get lost ) ______ _______ she ( find ) _______ it and Pete ( be ) ______ very happy. Autumn ( come ) _________ and the children ( go back ) _________ to London. They ( can not ) ________ take Nancy with them to their little flat, so Nancy ( stay ) _________ with Granny. The children often ( think ) _________ about Nancy and ( want ) _________to visit her. One morning Jane ( look ) _________ out the window and ( see ) _________ Nancy. She ( find ) __________ them and ( come ) _________with a present. In her mouth she ( have ) _________ Pete’s old trainer.

Put in the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple.

Last summer Jane and Pete ( visit ) _________ their granny. She ( live ) ________ in a little house in Oxford. The weather ( be ) _________ nice and children ( have ) _________ a lot of fun. One day they ( see ) _________ a little dog in the street. They ( take ) _________ the dog home and ( call ) __________ it Nancy. Nancy ( be ) _________ very kind and clever. They ( play ) ___________ together every day. When Pete’s ball ( get lost ) ______ _______ she ( find ) _______ it and Pete ( be ) ______ very happy. Autumn ( come ) _________ and the children ( go back ) _________ to London. They ( can not ) ________ take Nancy with them to their little flat, so Nancy ( stay ) _________ with Granny. The children often ( think ) _________ about Nancy and ( want ) _________to visit her. One morning Jane ( look ) _________ out the window and ( see ) _________ Nancy. She ( find ) __________ them and ( come ) _________with a present. In her mouth she ( have ) _________ Pete’s old trainer.

Put in the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple.   Last summer Jane and Pete visited their granny. She lived in a little house in Oxford. The weather was nice and children had a lot of fun. One day they saw  a little dog in the street. They took  the dog home and called it Nancy. Nancy was very kind and clever. They played together every day. When Pete’s ball got lost she found it and Pete was very happy. Autumn came  and the children went back to London. They couldn’t take Nancy with them to their little flat, so Nancy stayed  with Granny. The children often thought about Nancy and wanted  to visit her. One morning Jane looked out the window and saw Nancy. She found them and came  with a present. In her mouth she had Pete’s old trainer .

Put in the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple.

Last summer Jane and Pete visited their granny. She lived in a little house in Oxford. The weather was nice and children had a lot of fun. One day they saw a little dog in the street. They took the dog home and called it Nancy. Nancy was very kind and clever. They played together every day. When Pete’s ball got lost she found it and Pete was very happy. Autumn came and the children went back to London. They couldn’t take Nancy with them to their little flat, so Nancy stayed with Granny. The children often thought about Nancy and wanted to visit her. One morning Jane looked out the window and saw Nancy. She found them and came with a present. In her mouth she had Pete’s old trainer .

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

The Past Simple Tense

Автор: Кулбекова Жанна Егеновна

Дата: 19.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 307547

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