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Сценарий урока английского языка в 4 классе с презентацией по теме "Времена года"

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-Good morning, dear children! Glad to see you!  Let’s begin our lesson.

Children, do you like to listen to fairy-tales? …  Let’s begin from a fairy-tale. Look at the screen and listen to me, please.

     Once upon a time there lived a girl. She didn’t have a mother. She didn’t have a sister. She had a stepmother. The stepmother had a daughter. The stepmother and her daughter didn’t like the girl. They were not kind to her. One day when it was very cold they asked her to go to the forest and bring a lot of snowdrops. But in the forest the girl met 12 brothers. They helped the girl and she brought a large basket of snowdrops. (Презентация)

Repeat after me - snowdrops. These are snowdrops. Can you translate the word?

Right you are – подснежники. Do you like these flowers?

I like these flowers, too. So at the lesson I’ll give you snowdrops for your answers.  

Do you what to know what we shall speak about today?...

 Look at the screen, please.

And look at the poster. We must read the key word of our lesson. Name the word in the picture. Take the first letter of every word, put it on the screen and we’ll read the name of our lesson.

Первое слово, для примера, показывает сам учитель. Затем дети по одному выходят к доске и пишут на плакате первые буквы слов.









     So what are we going to speak about today?...

Yes, we shall speak about SEASONS.

Repeat after me – seasons. How many seasons are there in the year? (слайд)

Look at the screen. Here you can see all the seasons.

I want to tell you that these are the pictures of our famous Russian artist Levitan.

Я хочу обратить ваше внимание на то, что перед вами не просто картинки. Это репродукции известного русского художника Левитана.  

Do you like them? – They are very beautiful.

Look at the screen, what season is it?  (Смена слайдов) Repeat after me – winter, …spring, …summer, …autumn ….

How many months has got every season? - …(Every season has 3 months.)

 Look at the blackboard. I have written here all the months. Repeat after me: March …

Now we’ll play. Come up to me. I’ll clean some words and you should guess what words they are.

Я буду стирать с доски слова, а ваша задача – догадаться: какое слово или слова исчезли.   

And now let’s work in groups.

   Группы сформированы заранее на основе обученности и обучаемости учащихся, капитанам предложить вытянуть название команды - Winter, Spring,  Summer,   Autumn.

    Well, we’ll have 4 groups. Now put your snowdrops all together. These are your group flowers.

There will be 3 children in every group. Let’s work in groups.

I’ll give your groups cards with the names of the months. You should choose the months according to the name of your team: winter spring, autumn, summer. We’ll see who is the quickest.

Let’s begin after three. One, two, three – begin …

You are summer. What are summer months (для группы «лето»)?

You are winter. What are winter months (для группы «зима»)?

You are autumn. What are autumn months (для группы «осень»)?

You are spring. What are spring months (для группы «весна»)?

Every season has its weather. Repeat after me – weather.

Look at the screen and say what the weather is like in your season.

(слайд на презентации)

Приблизительные ответы:

The weather is rainy (foggy) in autumn.

 The weather is snowy (cold) in winter.

The weather is sunny (nice) in summer.

The weather is bright (windy) in spring.

Let’s play. Stand up!

I’ll give you some sentences. If I am right, you’ll clap your hands. If I am wrong you’ll step your feet.

The weather is cold in summer …

The weather is hot in summer …- 6-7 предложений

Do you like sport?

Now come to my table choose any picture you like and say what you can do in your season.

For example:

I can play football in spring. (беру со стола картинку с «футболом») …

Look at the screen and listen. These are my pupils. They’ll tell you about their favourite seasons. … (презентация)

Answer my questions:

Who likes summer (winter, spring, autumn)? …

Who likes to swim (when the trees are yellow, to play basketball, to make a snowman) ? ... 

 Now I’ll give your groups’ clusters and you’ll tell us about your season with the help of the cluster.

Дети рассказывают.

And now listen to the music … (слайд – камин, звучит музыка Чайковского «У камина»)

У выдающегося русского композитора Петра Ильича Чайковского есть цикл пьес под названием «Времена года». Как выдумаете, сколько всего пьес? …

Сейчас звучит пьеса под названием «У камина». Догадайтесь: какому месяцу она посвящена? …

Представьте, что мы сидим у камина и пьём чай. А сейчас передавайте эту чашечку друг другу и ответьте на такие вопросы:

Что мы сегодня делали на уроке? С чем мы работали? Что нового вы узнали?

Когда вы себе понравились?

Знаете, а ведь сейчас у меня в руках уже другая чашка – это полная чашка. Что в ней?...

And now count your snowdrops. I see that you worked very well.

Thank you. Our lesson is over. Good-bye.


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Просмотр содержимого документа
«Good morning»

Сценарий урока по теме «Времена года»

Цель занятия: активизация лексики по теме: «Времена года».


  1. Повторить изученную лексику (когнитивная).

  2. Способствовать развитию мышления через схемы, наглядность, прогнозирование и игру (операциональная).

  3. Формировать ценностное отношение к произведениям искусства через знакомство с некоторыми из них и уважения друг к другу через групповую работу(аксиологическая).


-Good morning, dear children! Glad to see you! Lets begin our lesson.

Children, do you like to listen to fairy-tales?Lets begin from a fairy-tale. Look at the screen and listen to me, please.

Once upon a time there lived a girl. She didn’t have a mother. She didn’t have a sister. She had a stepmother. The stepmother had a daughter. The stepmother and her daughter didn’t like the girl. They were not kind to her. One day when it was very cold they asked her to go to the forest and bring a lot of snowdrops. But in the forest the girl met 12 brothers. They helped the girl and she brought a large basket of snowdrops. (Презентация)

Repeat after me - snowdrops. These are snowdrops. Can you translate the word?

Right you are – подснежники. Do you like these flowers?

I like these flowers, too. So at the lesson I’ll give you snowdrops for your answers.


Do you what to know what we shall speak about today?...

Look at the screen, please.

And look at the poster. We must read the key word of our lesson. Name the word in the picture. Take the first letter of every word, put it on the screen and we’ll read the name of our lesson.

Первое слово, для примера, показывает сам учитель. Затем дети по одному выходят к доске и пишут на плакате первые буквы слов.








So what are we going to speak about today?...

Yes, we shall speak about SEASONS.

Repeat after me – seasons. How many seasons are there in the year? (слайд)


Look at the screen. Here you can see all the seasons.

I want to tell you that these are the pictures of our famous Russian artist Levitan.

Я хочу обратить ваше внимание на то, что перед вами не просто картинки. Это репродукции известного русского художника Левитана.

Do you like them? – They are very beautiful.

Look at the screen, what season is it? (Смена слайдов) Repeat after me – winter, …spring, …summer, …autumn ….


How many months has got every season? - …(Every season has 3 months.)

Look at the blackboard. I have written here all the months. Repeat after me: March …

Now we’ll play. Come up to me. I’ll clean some words and you should guess what words they are.

Я буду стирать с доски слова, а ваша задача – догадаться: какое слово или слова исчезли.


And now let’s work in groups.

Группы сформированы заранее на основе обученности и обучаемости учащихся, капитанам предложить вытянуть название команды - Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn.

Well, we’ll have 4 groups. Now put your snowdrops all together. These are your group flowers.

There will be 3 children in every group. Let’s work in groups.

I’ll give your groups cards with the names of the months. You should choose the months according to the name of your team: winter spring, autumn, summer. We’ll see who is the quickest.

Let’s begin after three. One, two, three – begin …

You are summer. What are summer months (для группы «лето»)?

You are winter. What are winter months (для группы «зима»)?

You are autumn. What are autumn months (для группы «осень»)?

You are spring. What are spring months (для группы «весна»)?


Every season has its weather. Repeat after me – weather.

Look at the screen and say what the weather is like in your season.

(слайд на презентации)

Приблизительные ответы:

The weather is rainy (foggy) in autumn.

The weather is snowy (cold) in winter.

The weather is sunny (nice) in summer.

The weather is bright (windy) in spring.

Let’s play. Stand up!

I’ll give you some sentences. If I am right, you’ll clap your hands. If I am wrong you’ll step your feet.

The weather is cold in summer …

The weather is hot in summer …- 6-7 предложений


Do you like sport?

Now come to my table choose any picture you like and say what you can do in your season.

For example:

I can play football in spring. (беру со стола картинку с «футболом») …

Look at the screen and listen. These are my pupils. They’ll tell you about their favourite seasons. … (презентация)

Answer my questions:

Who likes summer (winter, spring, autumn)? …

Who likes to swim (when the trees are yellow, to play basketball, to make a snowman) ? ...

Now I’ll give your groups’ clusters and you’ll tell us about your season with the help of the cluster.

Дети рассказывают.

And now listen to the music … (слайд – камин, звучит музыка Чайковского «У камина»)

У выдающегося русского композитора Петра Ильича Чайковского есть цикл пьес под названием «Времена года». Как выдумаете, сколько всего пьес? …

Сейчас звучит пьеса под названием «У камина». Догадайтесь: какому месяцу она посвящена? …

Представьте, что мы сидим у камина и пьём чай. А сейчас передавайте эту чашечку друг другу и ответьте на такие вопросы:

Что мы сегодня делали на уроке? С чем мы работали? Что нового вы узнали?

Когда вы себе понравились?

Знаете, а ведь сейчас у меня в руках уже другая чашка – это полная чашка. Что в ней?...

And now count your snowdrops. I see that you worked very well.

Thank you. Our lesson is over. Good-bye.

Просмотр содержимого презентации



8 9 S S E S N O A


















warm snowy cold windy The weather is frosty clean foggy rainy sunny





The weather is






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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс

Сценарий урока английского языка в 4 классе с презентацией по теме "Времена года"

Автор: Чуева Людмила Викторовна

Дата: 20.06.2014

Номер свидетельства: 107549

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