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Урок разработан для учащихся 7 класса УМК УМК Ю. Е., Ваулиной, ДЖ. Дули, О. Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс. Урок открытия нового знания в рамках системно – деятельностного подхода. Урок обучения письменной речи. На уроке учащиеся учатся писать статью, описывая какое – то место.

Формируемые УУД: коммуникативные, регулятивные, познавательные, личностные.

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«Конспект урока»

Муниципальное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

Гимназия № 19 имени Н. З. Поповичевой г. Липецк

Конспект урока по английскому языку

в 7 классе

Статья о достопримечательности

(An article about a place)

УМК Ю. Е., Ваулиной, ДЖ. Дули, О. Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс


преподаватель английского языка

Жаглина Татьяна Владимировна

Липецк 2017

Тип урока: Урок открытия нового знания в рамках системно – деятельностного подхода.

Цель урока: Формирование навыков письменной речи.

Деятелъностная: Тренировать в чтении и устной речи.

Содержательная: Научить писать статью на заданную тему.

Задачи урока:


  • тренировка произносительных навыков;

  • развитие речевых умений.


  • воспитание положительного отношения к изучению иностранного языка;

  • воспитание интереса к учению и формирование познавательной активности;

  • формирование потребности в практическом использовании языка в различных сферах деятельности.


  • развитие внимания, памяти.

Планируемый результат:


  • расширение объема знаний по теме;

  • умение написать статью.


  • проявление интереса к изучению английского языка;

  • формирование уважения учащегося к культуре изучаемого языка.



  • осуществлять подбор аргументов для решения учебных задач.

  • уметь оценивать результаты своей деятельности, анализировать собственную работу, планировать свое действие в соответствии с поставленной задачей. (Регулятивные УУД);

  • уметь определять цель учебной деятельности, формулировать собственное мнение и позицию. Уметь с достаточной полнотой выражать свои мысли (Коммуникативные УУД);

  • уметь систематизировать материал, сравнивать и рассуждать. (Познавательные УУД).


  • умение осуществлять деятельность с учётом конкретных учебных задач.


  • умение выполнять действие в соответствии с заданием;

  • умение выполнять самооценку.

Учебно-познавательная и компенсаторная компетенция

- учатся пользоваться такими приемами мыслительной деятельности, как группировка, сравнение, анализ, синтез;

- пользуются правилами.

Языковая компетенция

- закрепляют употребление предлогов и прилагательных;

Оборудование: компьютер, презентация, раздаточный материал.

Ход урока.

I. Организационный момент.

(1. Мотивация к учебной деятельности.)

T: Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you. Today we shall read, speak as usual. We shall also write.

II. Речевая зарядка.

T: Let’ start.

  1. How are you today?

  2. Do you like to visit interesting places?

  3. Why do you like to do it?

  4. What can you see there?

  5. Do you tell your friends about the places you have visited?


III . Актуализация навыков чтения и письменной и устной речи.

(2. Актуализация знаний и фиксация затруднений в деятельности)

T: Study the examples. (Слайд 1)

The house is very big. It's got a beautiful garden.

The house is very big, with a beautiful garden.

There is a sofa in the living room. There are two tables in the living room.

There is a sofa and two tables in the living room.

You can watch TV. You can listen to the radio.

You can watch TV or listen to the radio.

T: Read the article and fill in and, with, or.

King of a day (Слайд 2)

I. Would you like to relax 1)______ be the king of a castle? Well, now is your chance - Lumley Castle, in County Durham, can make your dream come true.

Ii. The castle is six hundred years old. It is very large, 2) _________thick walls. There are beautiful gardens all around it. The view is magnificent.

III. Inside the castle there are many rooms. There are sixty bedrooms and all have a TV 3)_____ a radio. The other rooms have got nice furniture, 4)________ paintings of the Lumley family. You can relax in your room 5)_______ sit by the huge fireplace in the Baron's Hall.

IV. Lumley Castle is perfect for a relaxing weekend in the country. Don't miss the chance to stay there! Book now!

(Key: 1) and 2) with 3) and 4) and 5) or)

IV. Актуализация навыков чтения и устной речи.

(3. Выявление места и причины затруднения.)

T: Let’s return to the article.

T: Read the article again, then read sentences 1 to 4 and fill in the correct word from the list. (Слайд 3)

location • name • inside • recommendation • outside

1 The first paragraph is about the ..................of the place and its.............................

2 The second paragraph is about the.......................... of the castle.

3 The third paragraph is about the .................................. of the castle.

4 The last paragraph is the writer’s............................

(Key: 1) name 2) location 3) outside 4) inside 5) recommendation )

T: Read the article "King for a day" and complete the table. Use your notes to talk about Lumley Castle. (Слайд 4)


Lumley Castle


County Durham


large, with thick walls, beautiful gardens, magnificent view


sixty bedrooms, TV, radio, nice furniture, paintings, huge fireplace in the Baron's Hall


perfect for a relaxing weekend in the country

T: Read the article again and complete the phrases below with the correct adjectives. (Слайд 5)

  1. rweekend

  2. t…walls

  3. b…gardens

  4. m...view

  5. n…furniture

  6. h…fireplace

(Key: 1) relaxing 2) thick 3) beautiful 4) magnificent 5) nice 6) huge)

T: What are we going to write today? (S: An article)

What about? (S: About a place)

Do you know how to write an article about a place? (S: No)

What is our aim? (S: To learn how to write it)

Write down the topic of the lesson. (Слайд 6)

(4. Построение проекта выхода из затруднения.)

T: What do we need to write an article?

(S: We need a plan)

  1. How many paragraphs shall we write? (S: 4)

  2. What shall we write in the first (the second, the third and the final) paragraph? (Students’ answers)

  3. Let’s write a plan. (Слайд 7)

V. Обучение написанию письма.

(5. Реализация построенного проекта и первичное закрепление с комментированием во внешней речи.)

T: Read the newspaper advertisement and fill in the missing adjectives from the list. (Слайд 8)

magnificent •large •fantastic •modern

in the Highlands of Scotland

1)..........................place to relax


balconies with 3)..........................view of


beautiful gardens

60 bedrooms with colour TV and huge fireplace

4)..........................kitchens and bathrooms

great place to stay at any time of the year

(Key: 1) fantastic 2) large 3) magnificent 4) modern)

(7.Самостоятельная работа с самопроверкой по эталону.)

T: Use the newspaper advertisement, as well as the plan , to write an article about Mountain Lodge for a tourist magazine (60 words). Use the text ‘King of a day’ as a model.

Start like this:

Mountain Lodge, in the Highlands of Scotland, is a fantastic ...


Mоuпtaiп Lodge, iп thе Нighlaпds of Scotland, is a fantastic place to rеlaх.

It has largeе windows and balсопiеs with о magnificent view of thе mоuпtaiпs. Тhеrе are a beautiful gаrdепs all аrоuпd it.

Inside Mountain Lodge there are 60 соmfortable bedrooms with cоlоur TV and a huge fireplace Тhе kitсhепs and bathrooms are all mоdеrп.

Mоuпtaiп Lodge is a gгеat place to stay, at aпу time of the уеar.

T: Read your articles. (2 students) Check your answers. (Слайд 9)

(7. Включение в систему знаний и повторение.)

T: Now open your workbooks, ex 1a), page 8. Look at the title of the text. What do you think the article is about? Read and check if you are right.

Hampstead Heath is a huge park in Hampstead, North London. The park is 10 km long and has 25 pretty ponds, hundreds of tall trees and many large playing fields.

Locals and tourists love walking on the Heath. You can enjoy beautiful landscapes, lots of fresh air, peace and quiet and there are plenty of things to do. You can swim in the ponds, walk around the lovely gardens, and see some amazing birds. If you visit in the winter, you can enjoy skating on the massive ice rink.

If you want to get away from the hustle and bustle of London, take the tube and go to Hampstead Heath. Just remember to take a map with you in order to find your way back!

T: Ex 1b) Look in the text and find the adjectives that describe the following words. (Слайд 10)

1 park .....................

2 trees .....................

3 playing fields .......

4 landscapes.............

5 air ..........................

6 gardens .................

7 birds .....................

8 ice rink ....................

(Key: 1) huge; 2) tall; 3) large; 4) beautiful; 5) fresh;6) lovely;9) amazing;

8) massive)

T: Now answer the following questions.(Ex 2)

1 Where is Hampstead Heath?( North London)

2 How big is it? (10 km long)

3 What can you see in Hampstead Heath? (25 ponds ñ hundreds of trees ñ large playing fields)

4 What can you do there? (Swim in the ponds or walk around the lovely gardens; explore the scenic trails; see some amazing birds ñ skate on the ice rink)

VI. Домашняя работа.

T: Write a short article on your favourite place in your city (50-60 words). Use as many adjectives as you can from Ex.1b). Workbook Ex.3, p8 (Слайд 11)

VII. Итоги. Оценки.

T: What have we done today? (S: We’ve read and answered the questions have written an article about a place.)

T: What have we learnt? (S: How to write such an article).

(8. Рефлексия учебной деятельности на уроке.)

T: 1. Какую задачу ставили? (S: Научиться писать статью, рассказывая о достопримечательности.)

2. Удалось решить поставленную задачу? (S: Да)

3. Каким способом? (S: Мы прочитали статью, составили план)

4. Какие получили результаты? (S: Мы умеем писать такую статью)

5. Что нужно сделать ещё? (S: Закрепить полученный результат)

6. Где можно применить новые знания? (S: В личной жизни.)

Использованные материалы:


Virginia Evans, Neil O’Sullivan. Click On 1.Test Booklet. - Newbury: Express Publishing, 2000.

Интернет источники: (12 слайд)

  1. http://img-a.photosight.ru/adf/5989506_xlarge.jpg - изображение домика в горах

  2. http://www.woodscoaches.com/images/itinerary/lumley_castle1.jpg - изображение Lumley Castle

Просмотр содержимого презентации
«Презентация к уроку»

The house is very big. It's got a beautiful garden.  The house is very big, with a beautiful garden.  There is a sofa in the living room. There are two tables in the living room.  There is a sofa and two tables in the living room.  You can watch TV. You can listen to the radio.  You can watch TV or listen to the radio.

The house is very big. It's got a beautiful garden. The house is very big, with a beautiful garden. There is a sofa in the living room. There are two tables in the living room. There is a sofa and two tables in the living room. You can watch TV. You can listen to the radio. You can watch TV or listen to the radio.

King of a day  I. Would you like to relax 1)______be the king of a castle? Well, now is your chance - Lumley Castle, in County Durham, can make your dream come true.  II. The castle is six hundred years old. It is very large, 2)____thick walls. There are beautiful gardens all around it. The view is magnificent.  III. Inside the castle there are many rooms. There are sixty bedrooms and all have a TV 3)_____a radio. The other rooms have got nice furniture, 4)________paintings of the Lumley family. You can relax in your room 5)_______sit by the huge fireplace in the Baron's Hall. IV. Lumley Castle is perfect for a relaxing weekend in the country. Don't miss the chance to stay there! Book now! and  with and and  or

King of a day

I. Would you like to relax 1)______be the king of a castle? Well, now is your chance - Lumley Castle, in County Durham, can make your dream come true.

II. The castle is six hundred years old. It is very large, 2)____thick walls. There are beautiful gardens all around it. The view is magnificent.

III. Inside the castle there are many rooms. There are sixty bedrooms and all have a TV 3)_____a radio. The other rooms have got nice furniture, 4)________paintings of the Lumley family. You can relax in your room 5)_______sit by the huge fireplace in the Baron's Hall.

IV. Lumley Castle is perfect for a relaxing weekend in the country. Don't miss the chance to stay there! Book now!






name   • location  • name  • inside    • recommendation  •  outside   1 The first paragraph is about the ..................of the place and its..................... .  2 The second paragraph is about the .......................... of the castle.  3 The third paragraph is about the ................... of the castle.  4 The last paragraph is the writer's .............................   location outside inside recommendation


location name inside recommendation outside 1 The first paragraph is about the ..................of the place and its..................... . 2 The second paragraph is about the .......................... of the castle. 3 The third paragraph is about the ................... of the castle. 4 The last paragraph is the writer's .............................





Place:  Lumley Castle Location:   Outside:   Recommendation: Inside:   County Durham large, with thick walls , beautiful gardens , magnificent  view sixty bedrooms , TV, radio , nice furniture , paintings , huge fireplace in the Baron's Hall          perfect for a relaxing weekend  in the country


Lumley Castle





County Durham

large, with thick walls , beautiful gardens , magnificent view

sixty bedrooms , TV, radio , nice furniture , paintings , huge fireplace in the Baron's Hall

perfect for a relaxing weekend

in the country

elaxing  hick  eautiful  r ___________ weekend  t ___________ walls  b ___________ gardens  m __________ view  n ___________ furniture  h ___________ fireplace   agnificent ice uge




r ___________ weekend t ___________ walls b ___________ gardens m __________ view n ___________ furniture h ___________ fireplace






PLAN Introduction (Paragraph 1) name, location Main Body (Paragraph 2) outside (gardens, etc.         (Paragraph 3) inside (rooms, etc.) Conclusion (Paragraph 4) recommendation



(Paragraph 1)

name, location

Main Body

(Paragraph 2)

outside (gardens, etc.

(Paragraph 3)

inside (rooms, etc.)


(Paragraph 4)


HOLIDAY TIME  • magnificent • large   • fantastic • modern  • in the Highlands of Scotland  • 1)..........................place to  relax  • 2)..........................windows  • balconies with 3)....................  view of  mountains  • beautiful gardens  • 60 bedrooms with colour TV  and huge fireplace  • 4)......................... Kitchens  and bathrooms  • great place to stay at any  time of the year   fantastic large  magnificent modern


magnificent large fantastic modern • in the Highlands of Scotland • 1)..........................place to relax • 2)..........................windows • balconies with 3).................... view of mountains • beautiful gardens • 60 bedrooms with colour TV and huge fireplace • 4)......................... Kitchens and bathrooms • great place to stay at any time of the year





Эталон Mоuпtaiп Lodge, iп thе Нighlaпds of Scotland, is a fantastic place to rеlaх.  It has largeе windows and balсопiеs with о magnificent view of thе mоuпtaiпs. Тhеrе are a beautiful gаrdепs all аrоuпd it.  Inside Mountain Lodge there are 60 соmfortable bedrooms with cоlоur TV and a huge fireplace Тhе kitсhепs and bathrooms are all mоdеrп.  Mоuпtaiп Lodge is a gгеat place to stay, at aпу time of the уеar.


Mоuпtaiп Lodge, iп thе Нighlaпds of Scotland, is a fantastic place to rеlaх. It has largeе windows and balсопiеs with о magnificent view of thе mоuпtaiпs. Тhеrе are a beautiful gаrdепs all аrоuпd it. Inside Mountain Lodge there are 60 соmfortable bedrooms with cоlоur TV and a huge fireplace Тhе kitсhепs and bathrooms are all mоdеrп. Mоuпtaiп Lodge is a gгеat place to stay, at aпу time of the уеar.

huge tall large beautiful  1 park ........................................  2 trees ........................................  3 playing fields .........................  4 landscapes..............................  5 air ...........................................  6 gardens ..................................  7 birds .......................................  8 ice rink ...................................   fresh   lovely amazing massive





1 park ........................................ 2 trees ........................................ 3 playing fields ......................... 4 landscapes.............................. 5 air ........................................... 6 gardens .................................. 7 birds ....................................... 8 ice rink ...................................





YOUR HOMEWORK: Write a short article on your favourite place in your city (50-60 words). Use as many adjectives as you can from Ex.1b). Workbook Ex.3, p 8.


Write a short article on your favourite place in your city (50-60 words). Use as many adjectives as you can from Ex.1b). Workbook Ex.3, p 8.

Интернет источники:   1. http :// img - a . photosight . ru / adf /5989506_ xlarge . jpg - изображение домика в горах  2. http ://www.woodscoaches.com/images/itinerary/lumley_castle1.jpg - изображение Lumley Castle

Интернет источники: 1. http :// img - a . photosight . ru / adf /5989506_ xlarge . jpg - изображение домика в горах 2. http ://www.woodscoaches.com/images/itinerary/lumley_castle1.jpg - изображение Lumley Castle

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Статья о достопримечательности

Автор: Жаглина Татьяна Владимировна

Дата: 02.10.2017

Номер свидетельства: 430655

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