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Sports and games

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  This lesson is about sports and games  in Kazakhstan and in foreign  countries.

The aim of this lesson is: to revise all the words related to the theme "sport".

                                      to teach the usage of the modal verb "can, cannot".

                                        to develop the reading,  listening,writing, speaking  skills of the pupils.

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«Sports and games»

Sports and games

Sports and games

Let’s Do  exercises!

Let’s Do


What kind of sports do you know?

What kind of sports do you know?

Words that you should know….. ? ? ? ? ? a. Жарыстарға қатысу b. Сүйікті спорт c. Жаттығу , жаттықтыру d. Дені сау болу e. Жаттықтырушы f. Жеңу g. Жарыс 1. A Coach 2. To take part ( past. Took part)  3. A competition  4.To win( past. Won) a medal  5.To train 6. To keep fit 7. Favourite sport     ? ? ?

Words that you should know…..






  • a. Жарыстарға қатысу
  • b. Сүйікті спорт
  • c. Жаттығу , жаттықтыру
  • d. Дені сау болу
  • e. Жаттықтырушы
  • f. Жеңу
  • g. Жарыс

1. A Coach

2. To take part ( past. Took part)

3. A competition

4.To win( past. Won) a medal

5.To train

6. To keep fit

7. Favourite sport




Hi! My name is Samat . I live in Almaty city . I like sport and I’m a wrestler. I have my own coach , who trains me . I’ve took part in many competitions, and won many medals.  Also beside wrestling I can play football or chess. My friend likes sport too, he is a boxer . I like sport because it helps us to keep fit and be healthy. What about you? What is your favourite sport? What can you do?

Hi! My name is Samat . I live in Almaty city . I like sport and I’m a wrestler. I have my own coach , who trains me . I’ve took part in many competitions, and won many medals.

Also beside wrestling I can play football or chess. My friend likes sport too, he is a boxer . I like sport because it helps us to keep fit and be healthy. What about you? What is your favourite sport? What can you do?

Is it true or false?  1.Samat is a wrestler, he isn’t a football player.

Is it true or false?

1.Samat is a wrestler, he isn’t a football player.

? True or false 2. Samat has his own coach.


True or false

2. Samat has his own coach.

True or false ? 3. His friend is a boxer , but he doesn’t like sport.

True or false


3. His friend is a boxer , but he doesn’t like sport.

True or false? 4 . He can’t play football or chess

True or false?

4 . He can’t play football

or chess

What is your favourite sport And what can you do?

What is your favourite sport

And what can you do?

Modal verb: Can / can’t  I can / can’t: Run Ski Play tennis Play football Dance  wrestle skate

Modal verb:

Can / can’t

I can / can’t:



Play tennis

Play football




A dog ___ swim very well in a sea, lake or river.  Turtles ___ run fast because they have to carry their heavy shells.  Oliver ___ play basketball very well. He is in the school team.  Mr.Steep ___ climb high mountains. He is a successful mountaineer.

A dog ___ swim very well in a sea, lake or river.

Turtles ___ run fast because they have to carry their heavy shells.

Oliver ___ play basketball very well. He is in the school team.

Mr.Steep ___ climb high mountains. He is a successful mountaineer.

To Wrestle To Swim  to play basketball Asel Berik Dana Bolat

To Wrestle

To Swim

to play basketball





Put the sentences in correct order!

Put the sentences in correct order!

  • Can chess play I.
  • Can’t I play tennis.
  • Football he play can?
  • I ski can’t.
  • My friend can rugby play.
  • Can box you?
An Interview * Can you swim?  * Can your friend play chess? Can your mother or father play basketball? Can you run faster? Can your teacher ski? * Yes, I can/ No, I cannot

An Interview

* Can you swim?

* Can your friend play chess?

  • Can your mother or father play basketball?
  • Can you run faster?
  • Can your teacher ski?

* Yes, I can/ No, I cannot

  • Yes, he/ she can/No, he/ she cannot
  • Yes, he/she can / No, he/she cannot.
  • Yes, I can/ No, I cannot.
  • Yes, he/she can / No, he/she cannot
Famous sportsmen

Famous sportsmen

A plan to describe a sportsman

A plan to describe a sportsman

  • His/ her name is…..
  • And he/she is a( football player, figure skater, weightlifter, boxer , an athlete)
  • He/she was born in…..
  • He/she is….. years old
  • He/she won ( a gold, silver ,bronze medal) at Olympic games in…
  • He/she has a ( big, small) family, …. children
  • In her/ his free time he/she likes( reading books, listening to music, walking, running)
What is it?

What is it?

  • This subject has a round form. You can play football, basketball with this subject.
It is a  ball

It is a


What kind of sport is this?

What kind of sport is this?

  • Figure … is my favourite kind of sport.
Figure - Skating
  • Figure - Skating
What kind of sport is this? In this game you must throw (лақтыру ) a ball into a basket

What kind of sport is this?

In this game you must throw (лақтыру ) a ball into a basket

  • Basketball
What kind of sport is this?

What kind of sport is this?

  • David Backham plays this game
  • Football
What kind of sport is this? You can go … to the swimming-pool

What kind of sport is this?

You can go … to the swimming-pool

  • Swimming
What kind of sport is this?  It is a Kazakh national sport. IT BEGINS WITH THE LETTER “w”

What kind of sport is this?

It is a Kazakh national sport. IT BEGINS WITH THE LETTER “w”

  • Wrestling
What kind of sport is this?

What kind of sport is this?

  • For this kind of sport you need a bike
  • Cycling
What kind of sport is this?

What kind of sport is this?

  • In this kind of sport you should lift(көтеру ) heavy metals
  • Weightlifting
What kind of sport is this?

What kind of sport is this?

  • In the ring you do………
  • Boxing
Well done!!!

Well done!!!

Thank you for your work!  attention!!!

Thank you for your work!


Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Sports and games

Автор: Мусагалиева Асем Ахметовна

Дата: 24.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 309355

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