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Sport and Games

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Урок английского языка в 7 классе    издательство Атамура Т. Аяпова. Тема урока Sport and Games. Составила учитель английского языка Жамбылской области Байзакского района Средней школы имени Н.Гоголя. 

Aims: - To enrich students’ knowledge about sport and games.
- To introduce pupils with kinds of sport.
- To develop pupils speaking habits and self-working skills.


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«Sport and Games »

The 17 th  of April     S port and Games

The 17 th of April S port and Games

Home task  Complete the sentences using a suitable ending from the box .

Home task Complete the sentences using a suitable ending from the box .

  • Example : I was so hungry that I ate three Big Macs .
  • 1. hungry… started to cry
  • 2. angry… went straight to bed
  • 3. thirsty… drank a litre of water
  • 4. tired… ate three Big Macs
  • 5. pleased… slammed the door
  • 6. upset… gave a kiss
Exercise 1 page 152  Match the words and pictures People: Equipment :  goal keeper boxing gloves  runner helmet  spectators tennis racket  referee goal  tennis player net 1 2 3 4 5  6 7 8 9 10

Exercise 1 page 152 Match the words and pictures

  • People: Equipment :

goal keeper boxing gloves

runner helmet

spectators tennis racket

referee goal

tennis player net

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

Vocabulary work   Skill –навык Goat – козел Whip - кнут Carcass – туша Struggle – борьба Adversary - противник Horseback – верхом Kiss – поцелуй Overtake –догонять Require – требовать Gallop – галопом Lash – хлестать Snatch – хватать

Vocabulary work

  • Skill –навык
  • Goat – козел
  • Whip - кнут
  • Carcass – туша
  • Struggle – борьба
  • Adversary - противник
  • Horseback – верхом
  • Kiss – поцелуй
  • Overtake –догонять
  • Require – требовать
  • Gallop – галопом
  • Lash – хлестать
  • Snatch – хватать

Look at the screen put the missing words in the sentences . Using new vocabulary.

Look at the screen put the missing words in the sentences . Using new vocabulary.

  • If you want to be a football player you should have many ………… .
  • Box is a kind of sport where you must ……… .
  • My mother always ………. me before I get to sleep.
“ Kazakh National Games.”

Kazakh National Games.”

Work in three groups    Group A . Read about Kyz kuu.  Group B. Read about Kokpar.  Group C. Read about Audaryspak.

Work in three groups


Group A . Read about Kyz kuu.

Group B. Read about Kokpar.

Group C. Read about Audaryspak.

Which words from vocabulary are in your text?      Kokpar Kyz Kuu Audaryspak

Which words from vocabulary are in your text?  


Kyz Kuu


Here are some answers about all three games . Write in the questions.

Here are some answers about all three games . Write in the questions.

  • What___________________with?
  • She lashes him with a whip.
  • What kind of _________________?
  • A winner had to have a quick horse.
  • c) What_________________________?
  • It requires skills both in hand-to-hand fighting and riding.
  • d) What________________________?
  • A kiss.
  • e) Who_________________________?
  • The one that brings his adversary down off his horse.
  • f) What would ____________________?
  • He would snatch the carcass.
“ If you happy super simple song”

If you happy super simple song”

You should find right equipments to these sports.

You should find right equipments to these sports.

Giving up the home task  Your home task will be ex. 10 page 155 to read the text “ Sport in Britain.”

Giving up the home task

Your home task will be ex. 10 page 155 to read the text

“ Sport in Britain.”

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Sport and Games

Автор: Сугралиева Айман Тустикбаевна

Дата: 25.03.2015

Номер свидетельства: 191345

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