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“Sports clothes”

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Form: 7

The theme of the lesson: “Sports clothes”

The aim of the lesson:

Educational:           to enlarge students’ knowledge on the theme, to enrich 

                                 students’  lexicon through new vocabulary.

Developing:            To develop students’ speaking, reading and retelling skills; to        

                                 develop  students’ interest in research works.

The type of the lesson: combined

Inter-subject connection:  sport

Methods of teaching: explaining, showing.

The equipment:     an interactive board, cards, stickers, marking cards, pictures

Literature:   Messages 3 / Students book

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«“Sports clothes” »

Form: 7

The theme of the lesson: “Sports clothes”

The aim of the lesson:

Educational: to enlarge students’ knowledge on the theme, to enrich

students’ lexicon through new vocabulary.

Developing: To develop students’ speaking, reading and retelling skills; to

develop students’ interest in research works.

The type of the lesson: combined

Inter-subject connection: sport

Methods of teaching: explaining, showing.

The equipment: an interactive board, cards, stickers, marking cards, pictures

Literature: Messages 3 / Students book

The procedure of the lesson:



Teacher’s word

Pupils’ word


2 min

3 min

6 min

6 min


6 min

5 min

5 min

3 min



I. Organization moment

II. Checking up the home task

III. Vocabulary work

IV. Explaining new material

V. Work with pictures

VI. Presentation

VII. Listening

VIII. Doing exercises according to the listening

IX. Marking

X. Home task

XI. The end of the lesson

Good morning, boys and girls!

Nice to meet you!

How are you?

Tell me please, what date is it today?

Who is on duty today?

Are you ready to work?

Let’s check up your homework

5 sentences with going to

(teacher checks the homework by asking in oral form)

Listen the dialog

Ex 2

a)close your book and listen to the conversation. What colour tracksuit is Ana going to buy?

b) Listen and check. Which sentence is false?

Pupils you are very activity today, your marks are 5, 4, …
(They’ll bring their diaries to the teacher to their marks)

To learn by heart the new words and make up sentences


Stand up, children.

The lesson is over. Good Bye!

Good morning, teacher!

We are fine, thank you!

Today is the 6th of February

I am on duty today

Yes, we are

Today our home task was Ex.4; 5 sentences with going to

Pupils repeat after teacher



Swimming trunks






Try on

Fitting room


Pupils match pictures and words

D:1 hat

2 shoes

3 umbrella

A:4 Boots

5 dress

6 sweater

7 shirt

8 coat




t- shirt


Pupils listen the conversation

They’ll bring their diaries to write the hometask

Good bye!!!!!!!

The 6th of February

Tracksuit – спорттық киім


Swimming trunks-шомылғанда киетін киім





Shorts-шолақ шалбар

Try on-киіп көру

Fitting room- киінетін бөлме


Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

“Sports clothes”

Автор: Серикбаева Актокты Абдулханкызы

Дата: 26.10.2015

Номер свидетельства: 244241

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