І. Greeting
Good morning
Good morning
Good morning to you
Good morning our teacher
We are glad to see you
ІІ. To tell about yourself using adjectives:.
Active, attentive, better, brave, clever,
careful, dear, darling, erudite, educated,
first, friendly, good, honest, helpful,
interesting, kind, lucky, lovely, modest,
normal, ordinary, outstanding, polite,
popular, quick, rich, true, uniqe,
young, shy, wise, wonderful.
For example: I` m beautiful Bota. I` m interesting.
ІІІ. Phonetic exercises:
R r - [r] name the colour to this sound red
Ww - [w] name the colour to this sound yellow
ck - [k] name the colour to this sound black
Gg - [dj] name the colour to this sound orange
Gg - [g] name the colour to this sound green
Bb - [b] name the colour to this sound blue
І?. Winter is white
Springtime is green
Autumn is yellow
Summer is red
Просмотр содержимого документа

Узакбаева Злиха Муратовна
Қызылорда облысы Жалағаш ауданы
№202 орта мектептің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі
The theme of the lesson
Revision of the theme : «Сolours»
І. Greeting
Good morning
Good morning
Good morning to you
Good morning our teacher
We are glad to see you
ІІ. To tell about yourself using adjectives:.
Active, attentive, better, brave, clever,
careful, dear, darling, erudite, educated,
first, friendly, good, honest, helpful,
interesting, kind, lucky, lovely, modest,
normal, ordinary, outstanding, polite,
popular, quick, rich, true, uniqe,
young, shy, wise, wonderful.
For example: I` m beautiful Bota. I` m interesting.
ІІІ. Phonetic exercises:
R r - [r] name the colour to this sound red
Ww - [w] name the colour to this sound yellow
ck - [k] name the colour to this sound black
Gg - [dj] name the colour to this sound orange
Gg - [g] name the colour to this sound green
Bb - [b] name the colour to this sound blue
ІҮ. Winter is white
Springtime is green
Autumn is yellow
Summer is red
Ү. Make up a Clusters 
ҮІ. «Go to the Village» Describe it

ҮІІ. Lets sing a song. Listen with your heart
Red and yellow and pink and green Listen with your eyes
Purple and orange and blue Sing everything you see
I can sing a rainbow I can sing a rainbow
Sing a rainbow Sing a rainbow
Sing a rainbow Sing a rainbow too
ҮІІІ.Read, colour and write

ІХ. Draw a Venn-diagram