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Сабақ жоспары 1 сынып

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LESSON: Unit 2 My school

Classroom objects and classroom actions



Teacher name: Kereeva A. A.


Number present:


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

1.L1 recognise short instructions for

basic classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly   

 1.S1  make basic personal statements and simple statements about objects

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • listen and repeat the names of classroom objects and actions
  • say and recognize verbs

Most learners will be able to:

  • recognise and name some classroom objects
  • say and recognize verbs without mistakes

Some learners will be able to:


  • recognise and name all classroom objects
  • make word combinations with verb + objects

Previous learning

Numbers 1-10


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)








  • T. gathers Ss in a circle and asks to hold each other’s hands. In a circle T. and Ss say ‘Hello’ three times altogether.
  • Write the numbers 1-10 on the board. Let the pupils look at them for one minute. Then ask them to close their eyes. Erase a number. Ask them to open their eyes. Ask a pupil to tell you which number you have erased. Repeat  the activity as many times as necessary.
  • Play the pencils in my schoolbag song from the previous lesson. Encourage the pupils to sing along.

Flashcards with coloured  numbers














  • Ex 10 p.b.

Explain the activity. Point to the book and ask How many book? Elicit: five. Say: yes five books. Allow the pupils some time to complete the activity. Check the pupil`s answer.

Answer key: 5books 10rubber 8pens 9pencils 3 bags

  • T. demonstrates new words of the lesson using PPT of classroom objects and Ss should repeat after T.: desk  chair  book  pen  bag ruler school etc
  • Let`s play

Bring a feely bag into class and put into it different items the pupils know e,g a pencil, a pen, arubber, a book without letting the pupils see what is in the bag.

Refer the pupils to the picture explain the game ask individual pupils to put their hand in the feely bag and feel an object without looking inside. If you wish, you can even blindfold him/her ask: What is this? The pupils says what the item is and then takes it out of the bag. Elicit the response: It`s a … ask the rest of the class for verification. Demonstrate this yourself first with the help of a pupil. As an extension, you can have individual pupils take your role and the game is repeated.

  • Ss are given worksheets with classroom objects to colour according T’s instruction (formative assessment) T. should say the number, colour and object. In each line there are two correct answers, e.g.: number 1 (pause) book is blue, T. should give time to find the number and object also time to colour it. Instructions could be repeated according to the Ss’ need.
  • T’s instruction (keys):
  1. Blue book
  2. Green bag
  3. Orange pen
  4. Red book
  5. Black ruler
  6. Yellow pen
  7. Grey desk
  8. White ruler  
  9. Brown bag
  10. Pink desk
    • Formative assessment

Activity book. If you wish, you can do page 31 from the a.b. during this lesson or next one.

Colouring pencils

PPT: classroom objects.

Feely bag,

classroom objects



Ss practice saying classroom objects in English when T. shows the picture.


Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Cross-curricular links
Health and safety check
ICT links
Values links

  • Create mixed ability pairs
  • through questioning and the redirecting of questioning in feedback activities
  • through observation in pair & group work
  • through formative assessment
  • Music, Art & Math
  • Formative assessment and warming up activity develop Ss’ critical thinking skills and understanding about academic honesty
  • Ss will become more careful towards their school things
  • White board is used no more than 5 minutes
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«Сабақ жоспары 1 сынып»

LESSON: Unit 2 My school

Classroom objects and classroom actions



Teacher name: Kereeva A. A.


Number present:


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

1.L1 recognise short instructions for

basic classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly

1.S1 make basic personal statements and simple statements about objects

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • listen and repeat the names of classroom objects and actions

  • say and recognize verbs

Most learners will be able to:

  • recognise and name some classroom objects

  • say and recognize verbs without mistakes

Some learners will be able to:

  • recognise and name all classroom objects

  • make word combinations with verb + objects

Previous learning

Numbers 1-10


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)




  • T. gathers Ss in a circle and asks to hold each other’s hands. In a circle T. and Ss say ‘Hello’ three times altogether.

  • Write the numbers 1-10 on the board. Let the pupils look at them for one minute. Then ask them to close their eyes. Erase a number. Ask them to open their eyes. Ask a pupil to tell you which number you have erased. Repeat the activity as many times as necessary.

  • Play the pencils in my schoolbag song from the previous lesson. Encourage the pupils to sing along.

Flashcards with coloured numbers



  • Ex 10 p.b.

Explain the activity. Point to the book and ask How many book? Elicit: five. Say: yes five books. Allow the pupils some time to complete the activity. Check the pupil`s answer.

Answer key: 5books 10rubber 8pens 9pencils 3 bags

  • T. demonstrates new words of the lesson using PPT of classroom objects and Ss should repeat after T.: desk chair book pen bag ruler school etc

  • Let`s play

Bring a feely bag into class and put into it different items the pupils know e,g a pencil, a pen, arubber, a book without letting the pupils see what is in the bag.

Refer the pupils to the picture explain the game ask individual pupils to put their hand in the feely bag and feel an object without looking inside. If you wish, you can even blindfold him/her ask: What is this? The pupils says what the item is and then takes it out of the bag. Elicit the response: It`s a … ask the rest of the class for verification. Demonstrate this yourself first with the help of a pupil. As an extension, you can have individual pupils take your role and the game is repeated.

  • Ss are given worksheets with classroom objects to colour according T’s instruction (formative assessment) T. should say the number, colour and object. In each line there are two correct answers, e.g.: number 1 (pause) book is blue, T. should give time to find the number and object also time to colour it. Instructions could be repeated according to the Ss’ need.

  • T’s instruction (keys):

  1. Blue book

  2. Green bag

  3. Orange pen

  4. Red book

  5. Black ruler

  6. Yellow pen

  7. Grey desk

  8. White ruler

  9. Brown bag

  10. Pink desk

  • Formative assessment

Activity book. If you wish , you can do page 31 from the a.b. during this lesson or next one.

Colouring pencils

PPT: classroom objects.

Feely bag,

classroom objects



Ss practice saying classroom objects in English when T. shows the picture.


Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Cross-curricular links
Health and safety check
ICT links
Values links

  • Create mixed ability pairs

  • through questioning and the redirecting of questioning in feedback activities

  • through observation in pair & group work

  • through formative assessment

  • Music, Art & Math

  • Formative assessment and warming up activity develop Ss’ critical thinking skills and understanding about academic honesty

  • Ss will become more careful towards their school things

  • White board is used no more than 5 minutes

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 1 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Сабақ жоспары 1 сынып

Автор: Кереева Айкөркем Абухановна

Дата: 12.11.2018

Номер свидетельства: 485176

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