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Разработка открытого урока на тему Great Britain

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“Sunny thoughts make the whole day better” (repeat in chorus)

 T: I wish you that your thoughts will be sunny!

II. The main part of the lesson: (35 min)

1. Introducing with the theme and the aim of the lesson: (3 min)

T: The subject of discussion is Great Britain. You know a lot about Britain

and its people. Let’s revise the material. And now please let me introduce

you with our guest.

Stewardess: Good morning, ladies & gentlemen. I am a stewardess from

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«Разработка открытого урока на тему Great Britain»

Theme: «The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland».

Form 10 A

Date 18.12.2015 г.

The aim of the lesson: to control the pupils’ knowledge about the United Kingdom of

Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The objectives of the lesson:

1. Educational: to activate listening and acting skills, to develop communicative

skills and abilities, to revise the material about «The United Kingdom of Great

Britain and Northern Ireland».

2. Developing: to develop pupils’ knowledge, logical thinking, to improve reading,

writing, speaking, listening comprehension skills through doing a lots of tasks.

3. Brining up: to motivate pupils interest in learning English, to bringing up pupils

respect to their individuality.

The type of the lesson: revise lesson.

The form of the lesson: a travelling lesson.

The methods of the lesson: Brainstorming, a pair work, demonstration, critical


Visual aids: interactive board, pictures.

The procedure of the lesson:

I. Org. moment: (3 min)

Good morning, children.

Good morning, teacher.

How are you?

Fine, thanks.

How are you feeling today?

We are active and confident. (in chorus)

Today’s Quotation:

Sunny thoughts make the whole day better” (repeat in chorus)

T: I wish you that your thoughts will be sunny!

II. The main part of the lesson: (35 min)

1. Introducing with the theme and the aim of the lesson: (3 min)

T: The subject of discussion is Great Britain. You know a lot about Britain

and its people. Let’s revise the material. And now please let me introduce

you with our guest.

Stewardess: Good morning, ladies & gentlemen. I am a stewardess from

British airlines. Today you will visit the United Kingdom of Great Britain

and Northern Ireland. And you can show us a good knowledge about this

country. I would like to welcome you abroad Delta Flight. We are flying

from Aktobe to Great Britain. Please, keep your seatbelts fastened all the

time. I wish you a wonderful flight!

Listening the song “One way ticket”

2. Developing the skills of oral speech:

1) Work with presentations: (5 min)

- Ladies & gentlemen! Welcome to Great Britain! I am your guide. I am

glad to see you. Please, take your seats at our red double - decker bus

and you will see many interesting places.

This is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is

situated in the north- west coast of Europe between the Atlantic Ocean on

the north and north west and the North Sea on the east. The UK consists

of 4 parts. They are: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The

UK lies on the British Isles. The UK is one of the smallest countries in

the world. It is twice smaller than France or Spain. The area of the UK is

some 244.100 square kilometers. The population of Great Britain is over

61 million. Great Britain is not rich in mineral recourses. Coal and oil are

the most of them. The UK is one of the most industrialized countries.

Agriculture takes also an important sector in the economy of the country.

It isn’t too hot in summer or too cold in winter. It often rains in England.

The UK is a constitutional monarchy. The Queen Elizabeth the II is

officially the head of the state. The formal name of the British national

flag is Union Flag, but it is commonly known as the Union Jack.


England – Red rose.

Scotland –Thistle.

Wales – Daffodil, leek.

Northern Ireland – Shamrock.

The capital of England is LONDON.

The capital of Scotland is EDINBURGH.

The capital of Wales is CARDIFF.

The capital of Northern Ireland is BELFAST.

The official language is English.

2) And now let’s listen to some information about London. Be attentive

please. ( 5 min)

(listening “London’s sights” level 9 reading The world around us)

3. Oral activity: (5 min)

1. The next task is to match the words and the pictures. ( level 9 The world

around us reading activity 1)

2. Are the sentences True or False? ( level 9 The world around us reading

activity 2)

4. Brainstorming (questions-answers) oral work : (7 min)

And now please let’s answer some questions:

1) What are the main countries of the UK?

2) How many people live in the UK?

3) What is the flag of the UK?

4) Name the symbols of the UK?

5) Who is the head of the State?

6) What is the official name of Great Britain?

7) What is the capital of the country?

8) What is the weather like in Great Britain?

5. Writing: (5 min)

Match the columns:

1. The City of London is Britain’s main banking centre.

2. Buckingham Palace is where the Queen lives.

3. Trafalgar Square was built to remember the battle of Trafalgar.

4. Oxford Street is London’s main shopping centre.

5. The National Gallery is London’s biggest art museum.

6. The Tower of London was a fortress, a palace, a prison, a zoo, and

7. The British Museum is one of the most famous libraries in the world.

now it is a museum.

III. The evaluation of the pupils’ achievements: (7 min)

G: And now please let’s evaluate our knowledge about Great Britain, try to

express your opinions. Answer my questions.

1. Discussion:

2. Have you enjoyed the travelling?

3. Have you ever dreamed to see Great Britain?

4. Do you like to travel by plane?

5. What are your impressions?

Poem Travelling

P: I like to ride in a bright red tram,

On a fine and sunny day,

And hear it going “Clang! Clang! Clang!”

When someone is in the way.

I like to ride in a railway train,

Through tunnels dark and wide,

Over the bridges crossing the river.

I feel safe inside.

But an airplane is the best of all,

It flies so very high

That people look like little dots,

And clouds go sailing by.

Stewardess: And now, ladies & gentlemen we are flying back. You have

visited the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. I

welcome you abroad Delta Flight. Please, keep your seatbelts fastened all

the time. I wish you a wonderful flight!

2. Home task: to make up a dialogue about your impressions of your visiting

the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

T: All of you have worked hard and I give you such marks …..

Thank you for taking an active part at the lesson. I think you’ve enjoyed our

lesson. The lesson is over.

Good bye, children.

Good bye, teacher.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Разработка открытого урока на тему Great Britain

Автор: Баккелдиева Мадина

Дата: 20.12.2015

Номер свидетельства: 268392

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