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Разработка урока на тему Bad habits

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«Разработка урока на тему Bad habits»

  • Курс :2

  • Тақырып: bad habits

  • Сабақтың мақсаты:

  • Білімділік: Британдықтардың салауатты өмір салты туралы не ойлайтынын таныстыру, жаман және жақсы әдеттер, денсаулыққа пайдалы азық – түліктер туралы айтуға үйрету.

  • Дамытушылық: логикалық ойлау қабілеттерін дамыту; жеке тұлғаны дамыту (өз ойын ашық айта білу арқылы)

  • Тәрбиелік: денсаулыққа деген жауапкершілік қарым-қатынасты орнату.


1. Плакат «Healthy types of food»
2. Карточкалар

Сабақ барысы:

Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls! How are you getting on today? What shall we do today? We are going to deal with the very important problem – good and bad habits, because the unit is called “Healthy Living Guide”. So we have a lot of work today. Let us begin. Look at the blackboard. There are our aims on it.

1. To learn and train new words.
2. To read the text and try to speak.
3. To revise adverbs.

Teacher: So you see one interesting saying “Eat at pleasure, drink with measure “ (Ешь в волю, пей в меру).

Pupils say how they understand this proverb.

Teacher: Open your books at page 98 and you can learn what habits our health consists of.

Оқушылар жаман және жақсы әдеттер туралы айтады..

Фонетикалық жаттығу

Teacher: First, look at the blackboard. You see the words. Let us read them and translate. You see the words without translation. Try to guess.

  • a diet –

  • wholemeal – сделанный из непросеянной муки

  • fibre – жасуша

  • obesity – толу

  • sin – күнә

  • smoking – темекі тарту

  • alcohol –

  • weight – салмақ

  • to keep fit – формада болу

  • carbohydrate – углeвод

  • overweight – весящий больше нормы

  • to be rich in – бай болу

  • slimmer – диетада отырған адам

  • envy – қызғаныш

  • anger – ашу

  • inactivity – бездеятельность

  • skip – босату

  • protein –

  • calcium –

  • gums – қызыл иек

  • eyesight – көру

  • dairy – сүт тағамдары

Оқушылар сөздерді қайталайды: Мұғалім – оқушы, оқушы – мұғалім.

Grammar for revision

Teacher: Open your activity books , ex. 1, 2., p. 45. Үстеулерді еске түсіру little, much, many, a lot of және үстеулердің салысмтырмалы шырайларын.Содан соң оқушылар жаттығу орындайды.

Complete these healthy eating tips using much, many, little, a lot of.

Don’t Forget:

Too ----- food makes you thin.
Too ----- food makes you fat
Too ----- sweets are bad for you, especially for your teeth.
Eat ----- high fat food and ----- fibre.
----- fruit and vegetables keep you healthy.
Walking ----- makes you fit.
Sleeping too ----- or too ----- can make you nervous and restless.

Key: little, much, many, little, much, a lot of, much, much, little.

Екінші жаттығуда оқушылар қателерін түзетеді.

Correct the mistakes

1. Eat more sugar. (less)
2. Don’t eat vegetables.
3. Eat many fat. (little)
4. Eat the same things. (different)
5. Eat less fresh fruit. (more)
6. Eat a lot of salt. (little)
7. Eat a lot between meals. (don’t)

Работа над чтением Teacher: Now please, open your student books at page 99. You can see the text “Seven Deadly Health Sins “. Read the text, name modern health sins and get ready to answer my questions.

Оқушылар мәтінді оқып және мәтіннен адамның денсаулығына зиян келтіретін заттарды атайды.

Seven Deadly Health Sins“

When the Bible set down the Seven Deadly Sins they were not meant to be taken literally. Few of us will die of pride (гордость), envy or anger. There are, however, modern health sins which are in fact far more deadly.
Two of them – obesity and physical inactivity are known from ancient times .They are joined by the modern bad habits: smoking and drinking too much alcohol , and the surprising ‘danger’ of sleeping too much or too little, eating between meals and skipping breakfast. In combination, these poor health habits could double the chance of dying or lead to different diseases (болезни) for those who survive.
Of course sleeping too much or too little, snacking and skipping breakfast are not quite as deadly as smoking, obesity and drinking. But they are indicative of dangerously chaotic lifestyles.
Regularity in life promotes your health. Sleeping seven or eight hours , getting up early, eating breakfast, a healthy diet and regular meals is really a good way to live.

Teacher: So what are the modern health sins?
Pupil 1: I think, one of the modern sins is obesity.
Pupil 2: To my mind, one of the modern sins is physical inactivity (smoking, drinking too much alcohol, eating between meals, skipping breakfast).
Teacher: I would like you to pay your attention that health is not something that comes to you by accident. Our health depends on many things: the food we eat, our good or bad habits, our physical activity.
Open your books at page 101 and look through these bits of information about British people. These facts are taken from newspapers and magazines.

Popular ways to lose weight and avoid gaining it

Cut out snacks and desserts – 42%
Eat less of everything – 37%
Exercise more – 32%
Cut down on fat – 32%
Do not eat at night – 29 %
Eat more fruit and vegetables – 20%
Count calories – 19%
Eat less red meat – 19%
Use low-calorie foods – 12%
Follow a diet – 1%

Teacher: What is your attitude towards the following facts? Do they seem suprising to you?

Мысалы: It is surprising that British people eat more fibre food now. It suprises me that to cut out snack and desserts is more popular than to exercise more.

Eating habits

Teacher: What do we know about healthy eating? Eating the proper foods is important to stay healthy. Do you agree with me? Look at this poster, read and get ready to answer my questions, to share your opinions.

Тақтада плакат

Рис. 1. Meat – helps you have a strong and healthy body by providing protein.

Рис. 2. Dairy – builds strong teeth and bones by providing calcium.

Рис. 3. Fruits/Vegetables – help you have healthy gums, good eyesight etc, by providing Vitamins A and С.

Рис. 4. Bread /Cereal – Gives you energy by providing protein, iron, and several В vitamins.

Рис. 5. Fats/Sugars – Fast sources of energy.

The questions for discussion:

1. What are the five basic types of food a person should eat?
Answer: Meat, dairy, fruits, vegetables, bread, cereal, fats, sugar.

2. What foods contain carbohydrates?
Answer: Fruits, bread, cereals, rice, potatoes, peas, beans, sugar.

3. What does dairy build in our body?
Answer: Dairy builds strong teeth and bones by providing calcium.

4. Why are fruits and vegetables important for our health?
Answer: Fruits and vegetables help us have healthy gums, good eyesight by providing Vitamins A and C.

5. What do you usually eat for breakfast? What groups are the foods from? What do people in your country usually eat for breakfast?
Answer: I have... /I always have cereal for breakfast.

6. What do you usually have for dinner? What groups are the foods from? What do people in your country usually eat for dinner?

7. What do you usually eat for supper? What groups are the foods from? What do people in your country usually eat for supper?

8. What snacks are healthy for you to eat?

9. What is junk food? Give some examples.
Answer: I always/ never eat...

10. Is it healthy to skip meals?
Answer: No. It may affect your energy level and you might be weak, nervous (jumpy) or irritable (in a bad mood).

11. Why are fresh fruits and vegetables better for you than canned fruits and vegetables?
Answer: Fresh fruits and vegetables have more vitamins.

Teacher: So thank you very much for your work. Your homework is to read and translate the dialogue.

(Мұғалім диалогтармен карточка таратады).


Simon: I've been living in this country for more than seven years, but I don't yet understand why there is so much talk about nutrition as a growing science.
Tom (his American friend): Americans want to be healthy. But most of us have no understanding of nutrition problems.
Simon: Whenever I see my family doctor, he advises me to stick to a low cholesterol diet.
Tom: And do you follow his advice?
Simon: It's hard to stick to a diet with my busy schedule.
Tom: For your health it's very important to get a balanced diet.
Simon: What is a balanced diet?
Tom: Adults can get a balanced diet by including foods from the four main groups. These are the milk group (milk, cheese, yogurt, and other dairy foods); the meat group (meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and meat alternatives such as beans, lentils, and nuts); the bread group (bread, cereals, noodles etc.,); and the vegetable and fruit group.
Simon: Can people who don't eat meat or fish stay healthy?
Tom: Absolutely; by eating enough dairy foods and meat alternatives people can get essential proteins.
Simon: What about the nutritional value of canned vegetables that we buy at the supermarket?
Tom: The nutritional difference depends more on how vegetables are prepared than on whether they are bought fresh or canned.
Simon: I am amazed how knowledgeable you are. You could become a professional dietitian.
Tom: It's just my hobby to read about food and health.
Simon: I was told to avoid such food as bread and potatoes, what's your view of point?
Tom: By avoiding bread and potatoes, you cut out several В vitamins, vitamin С and other nutrients.
Simon: Are extra vitamin dosages useful?
Tom: You shouldn't take more vitamins than the body needs.
Simon:Thank you for your valuable information.

Teacher: Your marks are ____. Good bye! The lesson is over.


Simon: I've been living in this country for more than seven years, but I don't yet understand why there is so much talk about nutrition as a growing science.
Tom (his American friend): Americans want to be healthy. But most of us have no understanding of nutrition problems.
Simon: Whenever I see my family doctor, he advises me to stick to a low cholesterol diet.
Tom: And do you follow his advice?
Simon: It's hard to stick to a diet with my busy schedule.
Tom: For your health it's very important to get a balanced diet.
Simon: What is a balanced diet?
Tom: Adults can get a balanced diet by including foods from the four main groups. These are the milk group (milk, cheese, yogurt, and other dairy foods); the meat group (meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and meat alternatives such as beans, lentils, and nuts); the bread group (bread, cereals, noodles etc.,); and the vegetable and fruit group.
Simon: Can people who don't eat meat or fish stay healthy?
Tom: Absolutely; by eating enough dairy foods and meat alternatives people can get essential proteins.
Simon: What about the nutritional value of canned vegetables that we buy at the supermarket?
Tom: The nutritional difference depends more on how vegetables are prepared than on whether they are bought fresh or canned.
Simon: I am amazed how knowledgeable you are. You could become a professional dietitian.
Tom: It's just my hobby to read about food and health.
Simon: I was told to avoid such food as bread and potatoes, what's your view of point?
Tom: By avoiding bread and potatoes, you cut out several В vitamins, vitamin С and other nutrients.
Simon: Are extra vitamin dosages useful?
Tom: You shouldn't take more vitamins than the body needs.
Simon:Thank you for your valuable information.


Simon: I've been living in this country for more than seven years, but I don't yet understand why there is so much talk about nutrition as a growing science.
Tom (his American friend): Americans want to be healthy. But most of us have no understanding of nutrition problems.
Simon: Whenever I see my family doctor, he advises me to stick to a low cholesterol diet.
Tom: And do you follow his advice?
Simon: It's hard to stick to a diet with my busy schedule.
Tom: For your health it's very important to get a balanced diet.
Simon: What is a balanced diet?
Tom: Adults can get a balanced diet by including foods from the four main groups. These are the milk group (milk, cheese, yogurt, and other dairy foods); the meat group (meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and meat alternatives such as beans, lentils, and nuts); the bread group (bread, cereals, noodles etc.,); and the vegetable and fruit group.
Simon: Can people who don't eat meat or fish stay healthy?
Tom: Absolutely; by eating enough dairy foods and meat alternatives people can get essential proteins.
Simon: What about the nutritional value of canned vegetables that we buy at the supermarket?
Tom: The nutritional difference depends more on how vegetables are prepared than on whether they are bought fresh or canned.
Simon: I am amazed how knowledgeable you are. You could become a professional dietitian.
Tom: It's just my hobby to read about food and health.
Simon: I was told to avoid such food as bread and potatoes, what's your view of point?
Tom: By avoiding bread and potatoes, you cut out several В vitamins, vitamin С and other nutrients.
Simon: Are extra vitamin dosages useful?
Tom: You shouldn't take more vitamins than the body needs.
Simon:Thank you for your valuable information.


Simon: I've been living in this country for more than seven years, but I don't yet understand why there is so much talk about nutrition as a growing science.
Tom (his American friend): Americans want to be healthy. But most of us have no understanding of nutrition problems.
Simon: Whenever I see my family doctor, he advises me to stick to a low cholesterol diet.
Tom: And do you follow his advice?
Simon: It's hard to stick to a diet with my busy schedule.
Tom: For your health it's very important to get a balanced diet.
Simon: What is a balanced diet?
Tom: Adults can get a balanced diet by including foods from the four main groups. These are the milk group (milk, cheese, yogurt, and other dairy foods); the meat group (meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and meat alternatives such as beans, lentils, and nuts); the bread group (bread, cereals, noodles etc.,); and the vegetable and fruit group.
Simon: Can people who don't eat meat or fish stay healthy?
Tom: Absolutely; by eating enough dairy foods and meat alternatives people can get essential proteins.
Simon: What about the nutritional value of canned vegetables that we buy at the supermarket?
Tom: The nutritional difference depends more on how vegetables are prepared than on whether they are bought fresh or canned.
Simon: I am amazed how knowledgeable you are. You could become a professional dietitian.
Tom: It's just my hobby to read about food and health.
Simon: I was told to avoid such food as bread and potatoes, what's your view of point?
Tom: By avoiding bread and potatoes, you cut out several В vitamins, vitamin С and other nutrients.
Simon: Are extra vitamin dosages useful?
Tom: You shouldn't take more vitamins than the body needs.
Simon:Thank you for your valuable information.


Simon: I've been living in this country for more than seven years, but I don't yet understand why there is so much talk about nutrition as a growing science.
Tom (his American friend): Americans want to be healthy. But most of us have no understanding of nutrition problems.
Simon: Whenever I see my family doctor, he advises me to stick to a low cholesterol diet.
Tom: And do you follow his advice?
Simon: It's hard to stick to a diet with my busy schedule.
Tom: For your health it's very important to get a balanced diet.
Simon: What is a balanced diet?
Tom: Adults can get a balanced diet by including foods from the four main groups. These are the milk group (milk, cheese, yogurt, and other dairy foods); the meat group (meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and meat alternatives such as beans, lentils, and nuts); the bread group (bread, cereals, noodles etc.,); and the vegetable and fruit group.
Simon: Can people who don't eat meat or fish stay healthy?
Tom: Absolutely; by eating enough dairy foods and meat alternatives people can get essential proteins.
Simon: What about the nutritional value of canned vegetables that we buy at the supermarket?
Tom: The nutritional difference depends more on how vegetables are prepared than on whether they are bought fresh or canned.
Simon: I am amazed how knowledgeable you are. You could become a professional dietitian.
Tom: It's just my hobby to read about food and health.
Simon: I was told to avoid such food as bread and potatoes, what's your view of point?
Tom: By avoiding bread and potatoes, you cut out several В vitamins, vitamin С and other nutrients.
Simon: Are extra vitamin dosages useful?
Tom: You shouldn't take more vitamins than the body needs.
Simon:Thank you for your valuable information.

Meat – helps you have a strong and healthy body by providing protein.

Dairy – builds strong teeth and bones by providing calcium.

Fruits/Vegetables – help you have healthy gums, good eyesight etc, by providing Vitamins A

Bread /Cereal – Gives you energy by providing protein, iron, and several В vitamins

Fats/Sugars – Fast sources of energy.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Разработка урока на тему Bad habits

Автор: Сагимбаева Бибигуль Тулегеновна

Дата: 28.12.2019

Номер свидетельства: 533887

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