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Цели и задачи урока:Повторение изученного материала перед зачетом. Закрепить навыки аудирования.
Образовательная; организовать обучение аудированию и употребление материала по изученной теме в речи
Развивающие; развитие навыков аудирования с целью развития речи; развитие и поддержание интереса к изучаемому предмету.
Воспитывать у учащихся уважение к высказываниям своих товарищей, развивать умения слушать. Умение работать в группу.
T:Hello! How are you?
S: Thanks. Fine!
T: Who is on duty today?
S: I’m on duty today. Today the 25- th February. Wednesday. The weather is fine. It’s cold, but sunny. The sky is blue. It isn’t windy. In the morning was foggy, but it’s fine….
Ask to make a list of popular teenage idols, e.g. film stars, musicians, athletes and discuss why people admire them. Set a time limit of four minutes. Groups read out their lists and say why these people are teenage idols.
S: My idol’s Oflando Bloom. He had problem at school because he was dyslexic…
S: My idol is Bethany Hamilton. The shark attacked her and bit off her left arm. But she won the NSSA surfing championships in 2005.
T: She is famous in the USA and she is a hero for many people.
Students read and listen to find out why she is famous.
Play the CD. ( 2 times)
Students read and answer the question. Why is she hero?
S: Aimee is famous as an athlete, an actress and a model.
S: She has worked very hard for her career because she has no legs.
Students answer the question p. 24, ex. 1b.
Ask if students know the people in the photo. Divide students into pairs. They should choose one celebrity from the photos each. Explain that they are going to read some information about this person’s life and then re-tell it to their classmates in their own words.
The following words: dyslexic, drama, recover, trilogy, bite/bit, competition, championships.
Explain the NSSA (National Scholastic Surfing Association) is the most important surfing association for amateurs in the USA.
Set a time limit of twelve minutes for reading, preparation and speaking. Ask students to listen attentively and remember as much possible. When you finished the task, you repeat to each other everything you remember from the biography your partner has told them about.
Work in pairs. Fast finishers say why you admire the famous people in the task.
2. Students find information about a famous person you admire and write it in note form as in Activity 2.
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