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"Provinces and territories"

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Саба?ты? жоспары

Поурочный план

The plan of the lesson

К?ні/ Дата/ Date: 12.02.16

Топ/ Группа/ Group: 10 class

П?н/ Предмет/ Subject:  English language

Саба?ты? та?ырыбы/ Тема занятия/ Theme: Provinces and territories

Ма?саты/ Цели занятия/ Objectives:

білімдік / образовательная/ educational:  Развитие монологических умений по теме “Canada. Provinces and territories of the country”;Совершенствование умений аудирования с извлечением специальной информации;Совершенствование умений информативного чтения с извлечением специальной информации.

дамытушылы?/ развивающая/ developing:  Развитие способности логически правильно и грамотно излагать свои мысли по теме;Развитие у учащихся способности анализировать предъявленный материал, выражать свое мнение по предложенной теме;Развитие творческих способностей учащихся и их эстетического вкуса.

т?рбиелік/ воспитательная / bringing-up: Воспитание уважения к культурному наследию Канады.К?рнекі ??ралдар/ Оборудование/ Resources: компьютер, наглядности, учебник, тетради.

Саба?ты? барысы/ План занятия/ Plan

1) Greeting.

2) Warm up.

3) Checking up homework.

4) Presentation new material

5) Practice.

6)Result to lesson.

The procedure of the lesson

Этапы урока 

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся

Individual work











Warm up

Phonetic drill

Checking up home work

Presentation new material


Result to lesson

Проверка готовности к уроку.

 Good morning, dear pupils! I am very glad to see you. First of all let’s find out who is on duty today?

Warm up: What is the date/day today?

Who is absent?

What is the weather like today?

Thank you.








What was your home task?

- Today we are going to make our trip to one of the most wonderful and unique countries in the world, the country with a rich history, the country of beautiful landscapes and lake districts, the country of ten provinces and three northern territories. The name of this country is CANADA!

Vocabulary: land area — площадь population — население border — граница uninhabited — незаселенный thinly populated — малонаселенный severe — суровый natural conditions — природные условия federation — федерация independent — независимый Constitution Act — Конституционный акт British Monarch — английская королева the United Kingdom — Соединенное Королевство to recognize — признавать ties — связи to rule — править domestic affairs — внутренние дела to govern — управлять foreign affairs — иностранные дела ancestry — происхождение official language — государственный язык custom — обычай ancestors — предки Indians — индейцы to make up — составлять urban — городской capital — столица to maintain — сохранять community — общность government — правительство to pay attention — уделять внимание recognition — признание

Open your workbooks and write down date is it

today and theme of the lesson.

1. Let's see what you know about Canada (учитель работает фронтально с классом по вопросам).

1.Where is the country situated? (Canada is situated in North America)

2.What is the origin of the name “Canada”? (Canada is a name derived from Iroquois “Kanata” meaning a village or settlement)

What is Canada washed by? (Canada is washed by the Arctic Ocean in the North, by the Atlantic Ocean in the east, by the Pacific Ocean in the west)

What country does Canada border on in the south? (Canada borders on the United States of America)

What do you know about the climate of this country? (It is generally temperate but it varies from freezing winter cold to summer heat)

Geographically Canada can be divided into five regions. What is the largest region of Canada? (The Canadian Shield. It covers about half of the country)

What rivers in Canada do you know? (the St.Lawrence, the Mackenzie, the Columbia, the Yukon)

What are Canada’s national languages? (English and French)

What leaf is on the Canadian flag? (the maple leaf)

What is the Canadian national anthem called? (O Canada)

How many provinces and territories are there in Canada? (the federation is made up of ten provinces and three territories)

Ex.2. Read the text and translate it

Ex.3. Questions:

1. Where is Canada situated? 2. How many people live in Canada t 3. Where do most Canadians live? 4. Who is the head of state in Canada? 5. When did Canada gain its independence? 6. What are the official languages in Canada? 7. What people live in Canada? 8. What is the main problem facing Canada today?

Thank you for your work! The marks for today are the following…

H/w: To learn by heart new words

Положительный настрой на урок.

Good morning, dear teacher! We are glad to see you too!

Repeat after teacher

Our home task was…

Work in vocabulary



Reads and translates.


5 min

5 min



10 min

10 min

5 min

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«"Provinces and territories"»

Сабақтың жоспары

Поурочный план

The plan of the lesson

Күні/ Дата/ Date: 12.02.16

Топ/ Группа/ Group: 10 class

Пән/ Предмет/ Subject: English language

Сабақтың тақырыбы/ Тема занятия/ Theme: Provinces and territories

Мақсаты/ Цели занятия/ Objectives:

білімдік / образовательная/ educational: Развитие монологических умений по теме “Canada. Provinces and territories of the country”;Совершенствование умений аудирования с извлечением специальной информации;Совершенствование умений информативного чтения с извлечением специальной информации.

дамытушылық/ развивающая/ developing: Развитие способности логически правильно и грамотно излагать свои мысли по теме;Развитие у учащихся способности анализировать предъявленный материал, выражать свое мнение по предложенной теме;Развитие творческих способностей учащихся и их эстетического вкуса.

тәрбиелік/ воспитательная / bringing-up: Воспитание уважения к культурному наследию Канады.Көрнекі құралдар/ Оборудование/ Resources: компьютер, наглядности, учебник , тетради.

Сабақтың барысы/ План занятия/ Plan

1) Greeting.

2) Warm up.

3) Checking up homework.

4) Presentation new material

5) Practice.

6)Result to lesson.

The procedure of the lesson

Этапы урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся

Individual work










Warm up

Phonetic drill

Checking up home work

Presentation new material


Result to lesson

Проверка готовности к уроку.

Good morning, dear pupils! I am very glad to see you. First of all let’s find out who is on duty today?

Warm up: What is the date/day today?

Who is absent?

What is the weather like today?

Thank you.








What was your home task?

- Today we are going to make our trip to one of the most wonderful and unique countries in the world, the country with a rich history, the country of beautiful landscapes and lake districts, the country of ten provinces and three northern territories. The name of this country is CANADA!

Vocabulary: land area — площадь population — население border — граница uninhabited — незаселенный thinly populated — малонаселенный severe — суровый natural conditions — природные условия federation — федерация independent — независимый Constitution Act — Конституционный акт British Monarch — английская королева the United Kingdom — Соединенное Королевство to recognize — признавать ties — связи to rule — править domestic affairs — внутренние дела to govern — управлять foreign affairs — иностранные дела ancestry — происхождение official language — государственный язык custom — обычай ancestors — предки Indians — индейцы to make up — составлять urban — городской capital — столица to maintain — сохранять community — общность government — правительство to pay attention — уделять внимание recognition — признание

Open your workbooks and write down date is it

today and theme of the lesson.

1. Let's see what you know about Canada (учитель работает фронтально с классом по вопросам).

1.Where is the country situated? (Canada is situated in North America)

2.What is the origin of the name “Canada”? (Canada is a name derived from Iroquois “Kanata” meaning a village or settlement)

What is Canada washed by? (Canada is washed by the Arctic Ocean in the North, by the Atlantic Ocean in the east, by the Pacific Ocean in the west)

What country does Canada border on in the south? (Canada borders on the United States of America)

What do you know about the climate of this country? (It is generally temperate but it varies from freezing winter cold to summer heat)

Geographically Canada can be divided into five regions. What is the largest region of Canada? (The Canadian Shield. It covers about half of the country)

What rivers in Canada do you know? (the St.Lawrence, the Mackenzie, the Columbia, the Yukon)

What are Canada’s national languages? (English and French)

What leaf is on the Canadian flag? (the maple leaf)

What is the Canadian national anthem called? (O Canada)

How many provinces and territories are there in Canada? (the federation is made up of ten provinces and three territories)

Ex.2. Read the text and translate it

Ex.3. Questions:

1. Where is Canada situated? 2. How many people live in Canada t 3. Where do most Canadians live? 4. Who is the head of state in Canada? 5. When did Canada gain its independence? 6. What are the official languages in Canada? 7. What people live in Canada? 8. What is the main problem facing Canada today?

Thank you for your work! The marks for today are the following…

H/w: To learn by heart new words

Положительный настрой на урок.

Good morning, dear teacher! We are glad to see you too!

Repeat after teacher

Our home task was…

Work in vocabulary



Reads and translates.


5 min

5 min



10 min

10 min

5 min

1. Let's see what you know about Canada (учитель работает фронтально с классом по вопросам).

  • Where is the country situated? (Canada is situated in North America)

  • What is the origin of the name “Canada”? (Canada is a name derived from Iroquois “Kanata” meaning a village or settlement)

  • What is Canada washed by? (Canada is washed by the Arctic Ocean in the North, by the Atlantic Ocean in the east, by the Pacific Ocean in the west)

  • What country does Canada border on in the south? (Canada borders on the United States of America)

  • What do you know about the climate of this country? (It is generally temperate but it varies from freezing winter cold to summer heat)

  • Geographically Canada can be divided into five regions. What is the largest region of Canada? (The Canadian Shield. It covers about half of the country)

  • What rivers in Canada do you know? (the St.Lawrence, the Mackenzie, the Columbia, the Yukon)

  • What are Canada’s national languages? (English and French)

  • What leaf is on the Canadian flag? (the maple leaf)

  • What is the Canadian national anthem called? (O Canada)

  • How many provinces and territories are there in Canada? (the federation is made up of ten provinces and three territories)

1. Let's see what you know about Canada (учитель работает фронтально с классом по вопросам).

  • Where is the country situated? (Canada is situated in North America)

  • What is the origin of the name “Canada”? (Canada is a name derived from Iroquois “Kanata” meaning a village or settlement)

  • What is Canada washed by? (Canada is washed by the Arctic Ocean in the North, by the Atlantic Ocean in the east, by the Pacific Ocean in the west)

  • What country does Canada border on in the south? (Canada borders on the United States of America)

  • What do you know about the climate of this country? (It is generally temperate but it varies from freezing winter cold to summer heat)

  • Geographically Canada can be divided into five regions. What is the largest region of Canada? (The Canadian Shield. It covers about half of the country)

  • What rivers in Canada do you know? (the St.Lawrence, the Mackenzie, the Columbia, the Yukon)

  • What are Canada’s national languages? (English and French)

  • What leaf is on the Canadian flag? (the maple leaf)

  • What is the Canadian national anthem called? (O Canada)

  • How many provinces and territories are there in Canada? (the federation is made up of ten provinces and three territories)

Canada (1)

Canada is the second largest country in the world. Only Russia has a greater land area. Canada is situated in North America. Canada is slightly larger than the United States, but has only about a tenth as many people. About 28 million people live in Canada. About 80 % of the population live within 320 km of the southern border. Much of the rest of Canada is uninhabited or thinly populated because of severe natural conditions.

Canada is a federation of 10 provinces and 2 territories. Canada is an independent nation. But according to the Constitution Act of 1982 British Monarch, Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom is recognized as Queen of Canada. This symbolizes the country's strong ties to Britain. Canada was ruled by Britain completely until 1867, when Canada gained control of its domestic affairs. Britain governed Canada's foreign affairs until 1931, when Canada gained full independence.

Canada's people are. varied. About 57 % of all Canadians have some English ancestry and about 32 % have some French ancestry. Both English and French are official languages of the country. French Canadians, most of whom live in the provinces of Quebec, have kept the language and customs of their ancestors. Other large ethnic groups are German, Irish and Scottish people. Native people—American Indians and Eskimos — make up about 2 % of the country's population." 77 % of Canada's people live in cities or towns. Toronto and Montreal are the largest urban areas. Ottawa is the capital of the country.

Today, maintaining a sense of community is one of the major problems in Canada because of differences among the provinces and territories. Many Canadians in western and eastern parts of the country feel that the federal government does not pay enough attention to their problems. 80 % of Quebec's population are French Canadians. Many of them believe that their province should recieve a special recognition in the Canadian constitution.


Канада (1)

Канада — это вторая по величине страна в мире. Только Россия имеет большую площадь. Канада находится в Северной Америке. Канада немного больше Соединенных Штатов, однако в ней живет в десять раз меньше людей. В Канаде — около 28 миллионов жителей. Около 80 % населения живет в пределах 320 км от южной границы. Большая часть остальной территории Канады не заселена или мало заселена из-за суровых природных условий.

Канада является федерацией 10 провинций и 2 территорий. Канада — это независимое государство. Но согласно Конституционному акту 1982 года английская королева Елизавета II признана главой государства Канады. Это символизирует прочные связи страны с Британией. Британия правила Канадой вплоть до 1867 года, когда Канада получила контроль над своими внутренними делами. Британия управляла иностранными делами Канады до 1931 года, когда Канада получила полную независимость.

Население Канады разнообразно. Около 57 % канадцев имеют английское происхождение и около 32 % жителей — канадцы французского происхождения. Как английский, так и французский являются государственными языками страны.

Французские канадцы, большинство из которых живет в провинции Квебек, сохранили язык и обычаи своих предков. Другими большими этническими группами являются немцы, ирландцы и шотландцы. Коренные народы, американские индейцы и эскимосы, составляют около 2 % населения страны. 77 % населения Канады живет в больших и малых городах. Торонто и Монреаль — самые большие города. Оттава — столица страны.

Сегодня сохранение чувства общности является главной проблемой в Канаде из-за различий среди провинций и территорий. Многие канадцы в западных и восточных областях страны считают, что федеральное правительство не уделяет достаточно внимания их проблемам. 80 % населения Квебека — французские канадцы. Многие из них считают, что провинция должна получить специальное признание в канадской Конституци

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

"Provinces and territories"

Автор: Sultanova Saniya Orazovna

Дата: 13.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 292710

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