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Professions in our life

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2a,                 2г,                  2д

13.10.2016   08.10.2016    11.10.2016

Theme of the lesson:



 To learn the grammar item, enlarge their vocabulary knowledge, develop their listening comprehension, speaking skills, to bring up the children to be  hardworking.


Pupils  will share with their points of view,  thoughts about the professions ; they will be interested in the lesson

Main idea:

To  bring up the children to be  hardworking, to respect the adult people


Critical thinking, group work, giving associations, think win, self-assessment.



Procedure of the lesson

Teacher’s activity

Students’ activity

I. Introduction.

Organization moment

Welcome the children

II. Warm up. Revision of vocabulary. This is my mother. She's a doctor./ My mother is a doctor.

  A taxi -driver, a clown, a pianist, a vet, a policeman, a seller.


ow-  cow, clown, crown, how, flower

Hello,  how are you ? I wish you …

Play CD The song the karaoke version

Electr. book.

Game 8B

III. Presentation.   Professions. Present Simple.  Present Simple. She works at school. Imperative: Don't throw rubbish

IV. Practice.  Track 15 Aigerim apa 

Read, then say about your school.

V. Production. Do you know the cleaners of your school?

Do you help them?

 A cleaner, to work, hard, rubbish, to throw. Make  up the sentences

Ex:1p. 13. Work book.

Ex:2.  Finish the sentences. 

Let’s  play.

VI. Conclusion.. Feedback.


Вы уже знаете о суперспособностях современного учителя?
Тратить минимум сил на подготовку и проведение уроков.
Быстро и объективно проверять знания учащихся.
Сделать изучение нового материала максимально понятным.
Избавить себя от подбора заданий и их проверки после уроков.
Наладить дисциплину на своих уроках.
Получить возможность работать творчески.

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«Professions in our life»




2a, 2г, 2д

13.10.2016 08.10.2016 11.10.2016

Theme of the lesson:



To learn the grammar item , enlarge their vocabulary knowledge, develop their listening comprehension , speaking skills, to bring up the children to be hardworking .


Pupils will share with their points of view, thoughts about the professions ; they will be interested in the lesson

Main idea:

To bring up the children to be hardworking , to respect the adult people


Critical thinking, group work, giving associations, think win, self-assessment.



Procedure of the lesson

Teacher’s activity

Students’ activity

I. Introduction.

Organization moment

Welcome the children

II. Warm up. Revision of vocabulary. This is my mother. She's a doctor./ My mother is a doctor.

A taxi -driver, a clown, a pianist, a vet, a policeman, a seller.


ow- cow, clown, crown, how, flower

Hello, how are you ? I wish you …

Play CD The song the karaoke version

Electr. book .

Game 8B

III. Presentation. Professions . Present Simple. Present Simple. She works at school. Imperative: Don't throw rubbish

IV. Practice. Track 15 Aigerim apa

Read, then say about your school.

V. Production. Do you know the cleaners of your school?

Do you help them?

A cleaner, to work, hard, rubbish, to throw. Make up the sentences

Ex:1p. 13. Work book.

Ex:2. Finish the sentences.

Let’s play.

VI. Conclusion. . Feedback.


Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 2 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Professions in our life

Автор: Kulbarakov Nurbol

Дата: 22.02.2018

Номер свидетельства: 459068

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