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Природа. Зеленый мир

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Урок-закрепление ранее изученного материала по теме "Экология. Окружающий мир", где акцент делается на развитии монологической речи, совершенствовании умений использования модальных глаголов в предложениях настоящего времени, и помимо этого на привитии уважения к природе и потребности в участии в сохранении окружающей среды.

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«урок 6 кл Зеленый мир»

Открытый урок в 6 классе

по теме “The green world” “Зеленый мир”

Садыкова А. Р.

Учитель английского языка

КГУ «Средняя школа №24»

акимата г.Усть-Каменогорск

Тип урока: урок закрепление изученного материала.

Форма урока: урок-презентация.

Цель: развитие монологической речи учащихся, обсуждение экологических проблем, действий граждан по охране природы.

Задачи урока:

  1. учебный аспект - совершенствовать грамматические навыки употребления в речи модальных глаголов в предложениях настоящего времени; догадываться о значении незнакомых слов по контексту; формировать умения и навыки учащихся вести беседу, высказывая свое мнение по теме.

  2. воспитательный аспект - прививать школьникам любовь и уважительное отношение к природе, ответственности к экологическим проблемам, формирование потребности в участии сохранения природы.

  3. развивающий аспект- развитие способности восприятия и применения грамматических структур с модальными глаголами, формулировать выводы и высказывать своё мнение на изучаемом языке.

Методы: словесный, наглядно-иллюстративный, частично-поисковый, фронтальная беседа.

Формы работы: индивидуальная работа, работа в парах.

Оборудование: УМК «МessagesCambridge University Press; фотографии ИКТ, раздаточный материал, картинки-схемы.

Ход урока

  1. Орг. момент. Приветствие. Презентация темы урока.

Т: Good morning, dear friends! I`m very glad to see you here again. The theme of our today`s lesson is “The green world” and we`ll speak today about the environment , how we can protect it and what should we do to keep our nature clean. - СЛАЙД 1,2

  1. Т: First answer the question “what is the environment?” Here is the picture of our planet. –P1, P2, P3. –СЛАЙД 3

Environment is the water in our rivers, seas and oceans.

Environment is the air around the Earth.

Environment is animals and where they live.

Environment is the climate and weather.

Environment is trees, plants and flowers.

Environment is rocks and soil.

Environment is humans and human activity.

  1. Т: Let`s begin our work with the rhyme “Yours and mine”. Will you recite it all together. One, two, three. –СЛАЙД 4

  2. Т: Today you will give marks for the work of your classmate and sometimes for yourselves. You receive the pieces of paper with the “Mountain of Success” and note there your marks for every activity. - СЛАЙД 5

  3. Т: Your first task is reading. Your hometask for today`s lesson was to read and to translate the text “The Earth” at page 53. Open your books and begin to read. –P1, P2, P3

  4. Т: Will you translate the text. –P1, P2, P3

  5. Т: The Earth is our environment. Land, air, water are important for flowers, trees, animals, birds, fish and people. If we are not worried about the Earth, some  ecological problems appear. Children do you know what the main environmental problems are? Name them. – СЛАЙД 6

  • Air pollution, smog, water pollution.

  • Destruction of natural resources.

  • Acid rains (кислотные дожди).

  • Forests are cut down

  • Animals are damaged

  • Wildlife is disturbed

  • Litter in water

  • Spoiled health

  • The polluted water.

  • The changed climate

  • Damaged nature.

  • Litter in the forests.

Т: Very good. Right. What should we do to help the nature? Make up some sentences using the given words with the modal verbs must, can and should. – СЛАЙД 7,8

People must protect the environment.

We mustn’t pollute the air.

People can change the climate.

We should think of the future.

People mustn’t destroy the forest.

We shouldn’t throw away plastic bottles and leave litter in the forests.

We can hurt animals.

We mustn’t break trees and disturb birds.

We mustn’t throw litter in the rivers and seas. We may cause water pollution.

People should solve the nature problems. We must recycle litter.

Т: Give marks for your work on the steps of “Mountain of Success”.

  1. Т: British and American children learn a lot about the environment at school. All of them remember the three R's:

What can or must we

  • reduce? (уменьшать)

  • reuse? (использовать заново)

  • recycle? (перерабатывать)

THE MATCHING. Let us look and check your ideas!

  • We can reduce using electricity.

  • We can reduce using water.

  • We must recycle cartons.

  • We must reuse glass bottles.

  • We can recycle newspapers.

  • We must recycle paper.

  • We can recycle plastic containers.

All these actions help to reduce pollution, deforestation and not to damage the nature. – СЛАЙД 9

  1. Т: Now it`s time for grammar test from your textbooks. Open lesson 11, exercise #1 and 2. Then check yourselves and note the marks in your “Mountain of Success” . – СЛАЙД 10, 11

  2. Т: Speaking. The next activity is Exercise 5 on the page 125. Here are some green ideas of the English children . Let`s read them and then you will say each other what green ideas you have. – СЛАЙД 12,13

  • I don’t use much water when I have a shower.

  • We walk to school and work on foot.

  • I try to buy recycled paper. etc.

Заполнение “Mountain of Success”.

  1. Т: Let`s sing our favorite song “It isn`t any trouble”

  2. Т: Home task for the next lesson is exercise 1,2 on the page 68 of your workbooks.

  3. Derby writing. – СЛАЙД 14

  • Т: Now I`d like to ask you to write as fast as possible , until I say “Stop”, your thoughts and ideas about the lesson , and what you have learnt at this lesson. Don`t worry about grammar, just write whatever comes into your mind. You have only two minutes.

  1. Т: Stop! Your time is up! Count the number of words you have written and write it in your handouts “Mountain of Success” and will you give them to me.

  2. Т: So, dear friends, our lesson is over! Thank you for your job! I hope you will always be friends of nature and will try to keep it clean and healthy. – СЛАЙД 15

Просмотр содержимого презентации
«к уроку англ яз в 6 кл Зеленый мир»

Welcome  to the English lesson!

Welcome to the English lesson!

The green world!
  • The green world!
Yours and mine! The the the the The silver that’s sailing by. white, The and dew and The of night. sweet and whispering The songs of The of spring the Such lovely things to hear and see Belong to you, belong to me.

Yours and mine!





The silver

that’s sailing by.



and dew and


of night.

sweet and


The songs of


of spring


Such lovely things to hear and see

Belong to you, belong to me.

Mountain of success Writing Speaking Grammar Translation Reading

Mountain of success






Ecology Problems

Ecology Problems

Modal verbs

Modal verbs

  • Can (can’t)
  • Must (mustn’t)
  • Should (shouldn’t)
Try to use the following verbs:

Try to use the following verbs:

  • to protect
  • to keep the nature clean
  • to pollute
  • to throw the litter
  • to think of the future
  • to solve the problems
  • to kill the animals
  • to recycle
  • to reuse
  • to reduce
The three R’s  reduce? (уменьшать)  reuse? (использовать заново)  recycle? (перерабатывать)

The three R’s

  • reduce? (уменьшать)
  • reuse? (использовать заново)
  • recycle? (перерабатывать)

Green ideas!

Green ideas!

Derby writing

Derby writing

Thank you for your work! good-bye!

Thank you for your work! good-bye!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Природа. Зеленый мир

Автор: Садыкова Айгуль Рысбековна

Дата: 08.12.2017

Номер свидетельства: 442903

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