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Повторення по темі «Seasons and weather»

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Тема:      Повторення по темі «Seasons and weather».

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Практичні:  Актуалізувати знання по темі "Seasons and weather", повторити назви кольорів. Введення в усне мовлення  питання What is the weather like today? Учити розуміти на слух текст на знайомому матеріалі. Розвивати навички усної діалогічної мови.

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«Повторення по темі «Seasons and weather»»

Seasons  and  weather

Seasons and weather

Фонетична розминка [ e ] - y e llow, Sept e mber,  Dec e mber

Фонетична розминка

  • [ e ] - y e llow, Sept e mber,

Dec e mber

  • [ ei ] – r ai ny, A pril, M ay
  • [ ɔ: ]au tumn, Au gust, w ar m
  • [ əu ] – c o ld, sn ow y, Oct o ber
  • [ dʒ ]J anuary, J une, J uly
The winter months are: December, January, February.

The winter months are: December, January, February.

The spring months are: March, April, May.

The spring months are: March, April, May.

The summer months are: June, July, August.

The summer months are: June, July, August.

The autumn months are: September, October, November.

The autumn months are: September, October, November.

- What is the weather like today ?   - The weather is ______

- What is the weather like

today ?

- The weather is ______

The Troll’s bridge .

The Troll’s bridge .

1. June/July has 31 days. 2. February is a winter/autumn month. 3. Children can ski and skate on summer/winter holidays. 4. The days/nights are short in winter. 5. April/May is the second spring month. 6. There are four months/seasons in a year. 7. January/December is the first month of the year. 8. January/February has 28 or 29 days. 9. Spring comes after winter/summer . 10. It often snows in spring/winter .

1. June/July has 31 days.

2. February is a winter/autumn month.

3. Children can ski and skate on summer/winter holidays.

4. The days/nights are short in winter.

5. April/May is the second spring month.

6. There are four months/seasons in a year.

7. January/December is the first month of the year.

8. January/February has 28 or 29 days.

9. Spring comes after winter/summer .

10. It often snows in spring/winter .

1 . July has 31 days. 2. February is a winter month. 3. Children can ski and skate on winter holidays. 4. The days  are short in winter. 5. April is the second spring month. 6. There are four seasons in a year. 7. January is the first month of the year. 8. February has 28 or 29 days. 9. Spring comes after winter . 10. It often snows in winter .

1 . July has 31 days.

2. February is a winter month.

3. Children can ski and skate on winter holidays.

4. The days are short in winter.

5. April is the second spring month.

6. There are four seasons in a year.

7. January is the first month of the year.

8. February has 28 or 29 days.

9. Spring comes after winter .

10. It often snows in winter .

The pond with snakes .

The pond with snakes .

Reading  Словникова робота


Словникова робота

  • usually [ˈjuːʒʊəli] зазвичай
  • much [ˈmʌtʃ] багато
  • birds [ bɜːds] птахи
  • to become [bɪˈkʌm] ставати
  • favourite [ˈfeɪvərɪt] улюблений
There are four seasons. They are: winter, spring, summer, and autumn. Winter is a very cold season. There is usually  much snow in winter. In spring the trees become green and birds sing. In summer it is hot. Summer is my favourite season. In autumn the weather is usually rainy.

There are four seasons. They are: winter, spring, summer, and autumn. Winter is a very cold season. There is usually much snow in winter. In spring the trees become green and birds sing. In summer it is hot. Summer is my favourite season. In autumn the weather is usually rainy.

The rainy cloud

The rainy cloud

Listening Словникова робота  England [ iƞglӕnd] Англія from [frɔm] з (із)  often [ɔfәn] часто time [taim] час birthday [bᴈ:Ɵdei] день  народження


Словникова робота

  • England [ iƞglӕnd] Англія
  • from [frɔm] з (із)
  • often [ɔfәn] часто
  • time [taim] час
  • birthday [bᴈ:Ɵdei] день


Прізвище, ім’я ______________________________________ The girl’s name is ______________.  a) Sophie b) Silvia c) Taylor 2. She lives in __________.  a) Ukraine b) England c) USA 3. Her favourite season is _______.  a) spring b) summer c) autumn 4. It is often________ in England this time.  a) foggy and rainy b) sunny and hot  c) snowy and frosty 5. Her birthday is in ________.  a) September b) November c) April 6. The birds are___________.  a) not singing b) singing c) not flying

Прізвище, ім’я ______________________________________

  • The girl’s name is ______________.

a) Sophie b) Silvia c) Taylor

2. She lives in __________.

a) Ukraine b) England c) USA

3. Her favourite season is _______.

a) spring b) summer c) autumn

4. It is often________ in England this time.

a) foggy and rainy b) sunny and hot

c) snowy and frosty

5. Her birthday is in ________.

a) September b) November c) April

6. The birds are___________.

a) not singing b) singing c) not flying

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс

Повторення по темі «Seasons and weather»

Автор: Федоренко Наталія Володимирівна

Дата: 30.03.2017

Номер свидетельства: 405067

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