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Political system of Canada

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Political system of Canada. Canada is an endependent federal parliamentary state.

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«Political system of Canada»

Hello, boys and girls! Today at our lesson we have guests; they would like to see your achievements in English. At the lesson we`ll sum up our knowledge about political system in English-speaking countries. And you will have to make a scheme of the political system of Canada, Australia.   At the end of the lesson I would like you to find the similarities and differences and give your description.

II. Речевая зарядка.

Let`s do some speech exercise. What do you think “democracy” means?

(Студенты высказывают свои мнения значения слова «демократия»)

In my opinion …. To my mind … .

III. Устная работа.

  1. Повторение лексики предыдущих уроков.

Match the words in English with the Russian equivalents. (Студенты должны соединить русский и английский варианты лексики.)

Назначать – to appoint

Определять – to determine

Откладывать – to delay

Пересматривать – to revise

Рассматривать – to examine

Голосовать – to vote

Подписывать – to sign

Издавать законы – to make laws

Одобрять – to approve

Законодательная ветвь – a legislative branch

Исполнительная власть – an executive branch

Палата – a house

Представитель – a representative

Большинство -   majority

T: Now, let`s pronounce them.

2.Студенты сравнивают политическую систему США и Великобритании.

T: The task is to compare the US and the UK systems of the government.

(На доске вывешены схемы политического строя двух стран, используя

данные схемы студенты находят сходство и различия между системами.)

P1: The legislative branch of the USA and the UK.

P2: The executive branch of  the USA and the UK.

P3: The judicial branch of  the USA and the UK.

P4: The function of the people.

T: - What are the differences? – What are the similarities?



100 members

The Administration

The Vice President

The Cabinet

Secretaries as heads of the most important departments is the Administration

The people

The UK

The Government


The People

All men and women over 18

3.Работа с текстом.

T: Now I`ll give you 2 texts. You have to read them and make the scheme of these  two countries.

( Студенты работают в группах. Каждая группа получает текст.)

1 группа – Канада

2 группа – Австралия

Задача данной работы: Ознакомиться с информацией данной в тексте и составить схему политического строя каждого государства.)

The Political System of Canada

Canada is an independent Federal state. The Queen is still the head of state. Her powers are extremely limited however, as the Parliament passes the laws which the Queen gives the "Royal Assent" as the final step. The Governor General of Canada is the Queens representative in Canada and carries out all the Royal obligations when the Queen is not in Canada. The Governor is always a Canadian chosen by the Queen on the advice of the Prime Minister.

The Legislative Branch

The Houses of Parliament are located in Canada's capital city, Ottawa. There are 3 main sections to the Canadian Parliament. The Queen as the Head of statethe Senate (appointed on the Prime Minister's recommendations) and the elected House of Commons.

The Senate

The Senate is made up of 105 Senators who are appointed by the Governor General on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. These Senators are men and women from all of the Provinces and from a wide variety of backgrounds. They can serve on the Senate up until age 75 and have to be a Canadian citizen, over age 30.

The main role of the Senate is to read over and examine the "Bills" sent from the House of Commons though they can also initiate Bills.

House of Commons

The real power is held by the House of Commons. Here, the members of Parliament (MP's) are elected by the general public during a Federal election - normally every 5 years.

The Executive Branch

The leader of the political party that wins the election becomes the Prime Minister of Canada. The Prime Minister effectively runs the country with the support and advice of his Cabinet. The Cabinet is made up of "Ministers" chosen by the Prime Minister to be responsible for certain areas of the Government.

The Political System of Australia

Australia is a constitutional monarchy. The democratic country has a parliamentary system of government with federal elements.

The Legislative Branch

At the national level the bicameral Parliament of Australia or Commonwealth Parliament, which is based in Canberra, represents the legislative branch. According to the Constitution of Australia, the parliament has three tiers: the Queen, the Senate and the House of Representatives. The upper house, the Senate, consists of 76 members. Each of the six states is represented by twelve senators and every mainland territory has two senators. Territorial senators serve for a three-year-term, state senators for a six-year-term. The lower house, the House of Representatives, has currently 150 members. They are elected for a three year term from electoral divisions, also called “electorates”, allocated to states on the basis of population.

The Executive Branch

The Governor-General is representing the Queen at federal level. The Federal Executive Council is the “formal body holding executive authority”. It exists to advice and direct the Governor-General and differs from the cabinet because it includes also former ministers. The party with a majority of seats in the House of Representatives forms government. The Prime Minister is appointed by the Governor-General.

The Judicial Branch

The High Court of Australia has the function to interpret and to apply the law. The judges are appointed by the Governor-General who is acting on advice of the Federal Executive Council.

T: Let`s see the political systems of Canada and Australia.

(Представитель каждой группы даёт описание политического строя своего государства, используя схему, составленную вместе.)

IV. Объяснение домашнего задания

T: Your hometask is to make the scheme of your own country 

V.Итог урока

T: What was the aim of our lesson?

     Have we achieved it?

T: Thank you very much for your good work. You have done it very well.

     The lesson is over. Good bye.

Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение № 5 «Гимназия»

Конспект открытого урока

«Политическая система англо – говорящих стран» (США, Великобритания, Канада, Австралия)

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Political system of Canada

Автор: Бактиярова Жанель

Дата: 25.01.2017

Номер свидетельства: 383602

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