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План урока английского языка на тему "Challenge"

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The theme:



■  To learn new vocabulary on the theme “challenge”.

■  To practise using new words.

Resources used:

Student’s books, Mini-dictionary, mobile phones, flashcards, worksheets, papers, colourful pencils, “Smiley faces” cards.

Previous learning

Past Simple and Past Continuous, regular and irregular verbs, articles ‘a/an, the’.

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«План урока английского языка на тему "Challenge"»


Teacher: Caukhar Ilyassova

Forms: 8


The theme:



■ To learn new vocabulary on the theme “challenge”.

■ To practise using new words.

Resources used:

Student’s books, Mini-dictionary, mobile phones, flashcards, worksheets, papers, colourful pencils, “Smiley faces” cards.

Previous learning

Past Simple and Past Continuous, regular and irregular verbs, articles ‘a/an, the’.

The procedure of the lesson

Planned timings

Planned activities


I.Org. moment.

4 min

2 min

4 min

Get students ready to the class by greeting them.

Warming up

Teacher asks students “How are you?” to find out their mood at the beginning of the lesson; students choose one of the smiles, saying “I am happy/sad….etc.”

Teacher divides the class into 3 groups.

Teacher put on some pictures on the board to show objectives and criteria, also teacher says what kind of rules learners should keep at the lesson.

Home task is checked.

“Smiley faces” cards


II. New theme presentation

3 min

5 min


Whole class activity:

Brainstorming: Teacher asks students try to guess the theme of the lesson by the given pictures. After discuss the meaning of challenge with the class. Is there a direct translation into their own language? Encourage them to think about challenges for different people, e.g. riding a bike in the park is probably a challenge for a young child who is just learning to ride but not for an experienced cyclist.

New vocabulary introduction: Jobs

archaeologist, architect, athlete, chef, computer programmer, dentist, doctor, electrician, engineer, farmer, fire fighter, hairdresser, holiday representative, journalist, lawyer, lifeguard, mechanic, nurse, pharmacist, pilot, plumber, police officer, shop assistant, surgeon, teacher

■ Give students time to read the Key Words and look up any new words in the Mini-dictionary.

■ Ask them to identify the jobs in the photos (A athlete, B fire fighter, C (car) mechanic, D chef).

■ Elicit more jobs to add to the list. Teach any new words students need to talk about jobs that members of their family do or that they want to do. Students add useful new words to the section on Jobs/Work in their vocabulary books.

Jobs flashcards


III. Practical work

5 min

5 min

5 min

7 min

Group work:

Student’s book, page 33. Exercise 3. Which three jobs above are the most challenging?

■ Ask one of the students to read aloud the example sentence about police officers. Elicit from the groups examples of different challenges that police officers face.

■ Give students time to think about and decide which three jobs they think are the most challenging.

■ Students then feed back to the class and see if they agree.

Language Powerbook, page18. Exercise 1. Write the correct job under each picture. There six extra jobs.

Language Powerbook, page18. Exercise 2. Write descriptions of the extra jobs from Ex.1. Ss can use the words and expressions to help them.

Dynamic break

Playing a game. Exercise 4

■ Read the instructions and the example question and answer with the class. Remind students that a rising intonation is used with this type of question.

■ Elicit more Yes/No questions from the students and write prompts on the board for them to refer to while playing the game, e.g.

Do you work alone/with other people/with children/regular hours/at night?

Do you wear special clothes/a uniform/your own clothes/smart clothes?

Do you travel a lot/meet a lot of people/earn a lot?

Is your job dangerous/boring/interesting/unusual/very tiring?

Demonstrate the game by thinking of a job yourself (e.g. a farmer). Students ask you up to ten questions to find out what the job is. If they have not guessed it after ten questions, tell them what it is. Students work in groups, taking turns to think of a job and ask questions. Monitor the activity and make a note of any problems with question forms to revise later with the whole class.

Papers, markers




IV. The end of the lesson.

5 min


Ask students to look at lesson objectives they set at the beginning of the lesson and think and say (with great teacher support) if and they achieved these objectives or working towards them and why.

Smiling feedback

Teacher asks students “How are you?” to find out their mood at the end of the lesson, compare it to the initial mood students had and make conclusion how the lesson influenced students and why.


Whole the group work is assessed by points.

‘Smiley faces’ cards

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

План урока английского языка на тему "Challenge"

Автор: Ильясова Гаухар Оралбаевна

Дата: 06.01.2017

Номер свидетельства: 375822

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