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План открытого урока в 5-ом классе на тему: «Основные рекомендации как быть здоровым»

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план данного урока содержит повторение уже знакомой лексики по теме, основные приемы развития диалогической, монологической речи.

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«План открытого урока в 5-ом классе на тему: «Основные рекомендации как быть здоровым»»

План открытого урока в 5-м классе

Муниципального бюджетного общеобразовательного учреждения гимназии № 12 имени М.А. Шолохова муниципального образования «города Донецка» (МБОУ гимназия №12 г. Донецка) на тему: «Основные рекомендации как быть здоровым»

April, 3


Les. №

THEME: The leading directions of being healthy and fit.

Objectives: 1. To revise the key-vocabulary on the theme and to present the new ones:1. Hiking,

            1. to overweight, 3. an addict, 4. to injure, 5. herb mixture, 6. cuisine, 7. to advertise.

          1. To activate the students' skills to use the words and phrases, Special and General questions on the study in their theme discussion.

          1. To develop the students' good habits in their day routine and motivate their willingness to active and healthy way of life.

Used material and technical devices:

1. Textbook «English 5», Students' Book, by V.P. Kusovlev;

2. Grammar tables;

3. Students' coloured drawings;

4. Cards with the text and photos for individual test reading

and its analysis;

5. Theme objects for the theme discussion;

6. A computer and a notebook;

7. CDies with a video film and presentation on the theme.

The motto of the lesson: «Better safe, healthy and fit, than later sorry a bit!».

Lesson Stages.

1. Organization moment.

a) The pupipls' questions about their home task;

b) The teacher's glimpse at their copy-books and vocabularies;

c) The pupil's on duty report.

2. The key-vocabulary practice.

a) Answer the teacher's questions;

              1. What are the leading directions of being healthy and fit?

The supposed pupils' answers: ( Food, sports, sport activities, good habits, traffic rules, first medical aid and others).

              1. What kind of phrases and words do you know with the word «Food»?

3. Give some word combinations with the word «Sport and sport activities».

              1. Brush up the notions connected with the word «Traffic».

              1. Make up the phrases with the word «Habits».

              1. How can you relate the notion «Medicine» to our theme?

              1. What is the main direction to be healthy and fit?

(The supposed pupils' answer is to have healthy food).

  1. Speaking practice in the form of monologues, dialogues, discussions and pictures' descriptions.

a) A group of pupils present their project about healthy food proving that junk food is harm for their health.

b) Another group of students should contradict the first one and to

present sports and sport activities showing that sport and active way of life is

much more available and useful.(The video film watching is supposed to be


                  1. The third group of students is to support this point of view and add the

necessity of walks and fresh air.

                  1. The fourth group should warn the rest students not to take too long walks so as not to get ill and present the value of giving the first medical aid.

e) The teacher suggests the photo's attentive watching and questions' putting.

(The supposed and appropriate questions are: 1. What are these people?

2. Where are they now?

3. What are their activities?

4. What are the students in the photo doing useful for our people? Etc.

            1. Reading practice in silence of the unknown text with a number of the unknown

words with the photo to guess the location of the event and the content of the text

and to understand the use of the activity for children's health and their physical

development. (The pupils are supposed to read the text in their own groups, to

put in order the text paragraphs and to guess the new words with the help of the

definitions given in brackets).

          1. Conclussion of the lesson: Answer the teacher' question: What have you learned at

the lesson and what is the best day in your life?

          1. Home task for the next lesson: 1. to learn the new words;

2. to describe in writing «The best day in my life»

in 8-10 sentences using the theme of the lesson.

Учитель английского языка

МБОУ гимназия №12 г. Донецк Е.Е. Чумакова

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

План открытого урока в 5-ом классе на тему: «Основные рекомендации как быть здоровым»

Автор: Чумакова Елена Евгеньевна

Дата: 27.02.2018

Номер свидетельства: 459850

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