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Past Simple контрольная работа

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Контрольная работа для 6 класса по теме " Простое прошедшее время".  3 четверть. по Кауфману. Работа представлена в двух вариантах. В контрольную работу включены следующие правила: образование второй формы правильных и неправльных глаголов, правила произношение окончания - ed в глаголах

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«Past Simple контрольная работа »

Find verbs in the letter line.


Match the verbs.

1. go a) told

2. take ` b) took

3. make c) went

4.tell d) made

Translate the verbs in the brackets in English.

We (встретил) ___ him last week.

Tom (взял)_____my book last month.

Распределите эти слова по колонкам в зависимости от произнесения окончания –ed.

played, invited, started, cooked, opened, celebrated, helped, studied,lived.




Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple.

Last summer Jane and Pete (visit) _____ their granny. She (live)________ in the little house in Oxford. The weather (be) _____nice and children (have) _____a lot of fun. One day they (see) _______a little dog in the street. They (take)_______the dog home and (call) ________it Nancy. Nancy (be) very kind and clever. They (play) ______together every day. Autumn ( come)____ and the children (go back)____ to London. They (cannot) _____ take Nancy with them to their little flat, so Nancy (stay) with Granny. The children often (think)___ about Nancy and (want)____to visit her. One morning Jane (look) ___out the window and (see) ___Nancy. She (find)___ them and (come) with a present. In the mouth she (have)____Pete’s old trainers.

Find verbs in the letter line.


Match the verbs.

1.be a) knew

2. can b) found

3. know c)was

4. find d) could

Translate the verbs in the brackets in English.

He (видел) _____Mary yesterday.

She (читал) ____ this book last year.

Распределите эти слова по колонкам в зависимости от произнесения окончания –ed.

Looked, washed, decorated, waited, closed, liked, stayed, tried, helped.




Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple.

Last summer Jane and Pete (visit) _____ their granny. She (live)________ in the little house in Oxford. The weather (be) _____nice and children (have) _____a lot of fun. One day they (see) _______a little dog in the street. They (take)_______the dog home and (call) ________it Nancy. Nancy (be) very kind and clever. They (play) ______together every day. Autumn ( come)____ and the children (go back)____ to London. They (cannot) _____ take Nancy with them to their little flat, so Nancy (stay) with Granny. The children often (think)___ about Nancy and (want)____to visit her. One morning Jane (look) ___out the window and (see) ___Nancy. She (find)___ them and (come) with a present. In the mouth she (have)____Pete’s old trainers.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Past Simple контрольная работа

Автор: Нуриева Ангелина Ульмасовна

Дата: 21.01.2015

Номер свидетельства: 158868

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