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Контрольная работа по 2 модулю для 7 класса

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Контрольные задания на проверку усвоения PastSimple и структуры used to +infinitive

Модульный контроль 2 для 7 класса

I variant

I. What did/didn’t Bill use to do when he was six? Write sentences.

1. go to school (-)

2. make snowman (+ )

3. help mother (+)

4. swim in the river (-)

5. play with toys (+)

II. Put the verbs in brackets  into the past simple.

  1. How ( you /feel) when you ( come) home?
  2. He ( not/ find) the initials on the wall.
  3. Who (be) Arthur Conan Doyle?
  4. …they (see) the knife?
  5. Professor and Axel (hide) behind some bushes.

III.  Write the past simple forms.

  1. catch                              6. know
  2. send                                7.play
  3. go                                    8. feel
  4. find                                  9.put
  5. be                                    10. hide

IV. Match the sentences ( 1-5) with their responses (a-e)

  1. How do you feel?                                 A. To the zoo.
  2. What on earth was it?                         B. It was a man with elephants.
  3. What did they found?                         C. Really?                            
  4. He was unhappy.                                  D. A very old knife.
  5. Where did you go?                               E. I had quite a shock.

Модульный контроль 2 для 7 класса

  1. variant
  1. What did/didn’t  Sam  use to do when he was six? Write sentences.
  1. Read books (-)
  2. Go to the zoo (+)
  3. Ride a horse (-)
  4. Watch cartoons (+)
  5. Drive a car (-)


  1. Put the verbs in brackets  into the past simple.
  1. What ( be) the weather like when you  (come) home?
  2. The friends ( not /watch) that film.
  3. Where  ( Captain /Nemo/travel)?
  4. They ( hear) a strange noise.
  5. He (go) to the airport.

 III.  Write the past simple forms.

  1. catch                                    6. find
  2. bring                                    7.explore
  3. buy                                       8.smoke
  4. write                                    9.use
  5. tell                                       10. create
  1. Match the sentences ( 1-4) with their responses (a-d)

1.Where did you see a snake?                 A. No, no one.

2.Did someone fall in the water?            B. Yes, a big snake.

3. Who was quite a shock?                       C. An old knife.

4.Wait. What’s this?                                   D. Me of course.

5. Was anyone hurt?                                  E. At the zoo.

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«Контрольная работа по 2 модулю для 7 класса»

Модульный контроль 2 для 7 класса

I variant

I. What did/didn’t Bill use to do when he was six? Write sentences.

1. go to school (-)

2. make snowman (+ )

3. help mother (+)

4. swim in the river (-)

5. play with toys (+)

II. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple.

  1. How ( you /feel) when you ( come) home?

  2. He ( not/ find) the initials on the wall.

  3. Who (be) Arthur Conan Doyle?

  4. …they (see) the knife?

  5. Professor and Axel (hide) behind some bushes.

III. Write the past simple forms.

  1. catch 6. know

  2. send 7.play

  3. go 8. feel

  4. find 9.put

  5. be 10. hide

IV. Match the sentences ( 1-5) with their responses (a-e)

  1. How do you feel? A. To the zoo.

  2. What on earth was it? B. It was a man with elephants.

  3. What did they found? C. Really?

  4. He was unhappy. D. A very old knife.

  5. Where did you go? E. I had quite a shock.

Модульный контроль 2 для 7 класса

II variant

  1. What did/didn’t Sam use to do when he was six? Write sentences.

  1. Read books (-)

  2. Go to the zoo (+)

  3. Ride a horse (-)

  4. Watch cartoons (+)

  5. Drive a car (-)

  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple.

  1. What ( be) the weather like when you (come) home?

  2. The friends ( not /watch) that film.

  3. Where ( Captain /Nemo/travel)?

  4. They ( hear) a strange noise.

  5. He (go) to the airport.

III. Write the past simple forms.

  1. catch 6. find

  2. bring 7.explore

  3. buy 8.smoke

  4. write 9.use

  5. tell 10. create

  1. Match the sentences ( 1-4) with their responses (a-d)

1.Where did you see a snake? A. No, no one.

2.Did someone fall in the water? B. Yes, a big snake.

3. Who was quite a shock? C. An old knife.

4.Wait. What’s this? D. Me of course.

5. Was anyone hurt? E. At the zoo.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Контрольная работа по 2 модулю для 7 класса

Автор: Максимова Ольга Григорьевна

Дата: 17.10.2016

Номер свидетельства: 349949

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