Presentation P, I) Place on PPT (slide 4) map of Kazakhstan. Learners look at s map of Kazakhstan. Explain/elicit where north, south, east, west are. Explain that pairs of learners in turn will have the name of one of the ten main cities. Hand out names of five cities to pairs of learners. In turn, they point where the city is on map and hold up name. Others watch, look at map on their worksheet and give directions if pair of learners is wrong. Learners watching say: ‘Yes, that’s right.’ ‘No, go left/ right one step’; ‘Walk two steps forward, back ‘The next pairs try. Feedback: Ls share their ideas, repeat after the teacher T monitors their answers, makes some notes if necessary, T drills the pronunciation of certain words, learners support each other help and comment, peer assessment. Teacher supports less able-learners with words, pronunciation and location (differentiation by teacher support) Teacher monitors to identify those learners who know many places and those who know a few. Practice (I, P, I, f)Learners read or reread the story ‘Monster in the lake’ in Primary Colours, page 14. They say which country the story is about and what features the country has. Elicit words such as: Scotland: hills, grass, lake) PPT slide 5 It’s important to revisit texts in the course book but with a different focus. Learners should be able to reread the story quickly in Primary Colours 3, page14.
Project map of Scotland on IWB. Explain that Loch Ness is near Inverness. Ask what is different between the map of Scotland and the map of Kazakhstan e.g. Encourage learners to contrast the two maps (Kazakhstan and Scotland) using ‘but’. Monitor learners’ use of directions and prepositions as they describe places.PPT slide 6
Scotland has sea all round it but Kazakhstan has one Sea in the west. Scotland has many islands but Kazakhstan doesn’t have any. Learners listen and tell you which places you are describing e.g. This place is next to the sea. It’s in the west of Scotland. (Oban) This city is the capital of Scotland. It’s near the sea. It’s southeast of Stirling. (Edinburgh) Learners in pairs describe two places each for partner to guess. They then write six sentences about Scotland: two to contrast it with the map of Kazakhstan; four to describe four places on the map. If time, simplify the Loch Ness Monster story on the web link and tell to learners.