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Открытый урок "Films and cinema"

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Урок английского языка "Films and cinema"  разработан для учащихся 9 класса. На уроке используются все виды работ по 7 модулям, презентация Prezi

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«Открытый урок "Films and cinema"»

Open lesson plan


Grade: 9

Theme: Films and Cinema


-To give them information about kinds of cinema


-To enrich students vocabulary

-To give students speaking practice using new grammar/ words

Material: Blackboard, chalk, worksheets, posters of cinema stars.








Stand-up, sit down, please!

Hello, how are you? What is the weather like today? What day is it today? What's the date today? Who is on duty today? Who is absent?

  • Now you must say wishes for each other. ( You are good pupil and I wish you be lucky. …)

  • Now you must take these papers and divide into 2 groups.




  1. Now check your h/t: We Revise The Gerund. (grammar ex-s.) give your papers to each other and checked it.

5 min


Write words on the blackboard



Task 1:

  1. And now let’s watch a small video about genres of cinema look at the board and watch videos.

  2. What kind of films are these?

( миға шабуыл)


love story





science fiction

  1. And do you know what`s the theme of our lesson today? Yes, OK.

Today the theme of our lesson is cinema. Do you like cinema? What type of cinema do you like? Who is your favourite actor? Ok, thank you! OK! Continue!

7 min

Worksheets with the text.

Try to help them



Task 2:

Let’s enrich our vocabulary with the help of next new words! You should write down new words on your dictionaries, read and translate examples.

1.cinema (noun)- 1) movie theater

2) the production of movie

2. Sequence noun

/sikw()ns/- series of related events or actions

3. Still -remaining in place or at rest.

4. Motion (noun)- the act of changing place or position

5. Decade (noun)- a period of 10 years

6. Rapidly ((adv) (adj): rapid)- = fast, quickly

7. Scene (noun)- part of a movie

8. Audience (noun)- = viewers or listeners of a play, film, concert,....

9. Character (noun)- a person in a novel, play, or film

10. Existence (noun)- the state of living

11.Replace - (v) take the place of

12. Spread (v)- extend larger

- Now repeat after me these words.

7 min

Worksheets with the exercise.

Try to help them



Task 4

  • Now, let’s listen to one text about cinema:

The history of what we call cinema today began in the early 19th century. At that time, scientist discovered that when a sequence of still pictures were set in motion, they could give the feeling of movement. In the first 2 decades of its existence the cinema developed rapidly. In those early days, films were little more than moving photographs, usually about one minute in length. By 1905, however, films were about 5 or 10 minutes long. They used changes of scene and camera positions to tell a story, with actors playing character parts. In the early 1910s, audiences were able to enjoy the first long films, but it was not 1915 that the cinema really became an industry.

From that time, films makers were prepared to make longer and better films and build special places where only films were shown. The cinema changed completely at the end of 1920s. this was when sound was introduced. The change began in America and soon spread to the rest of the world. As the old silent films were being replaced by spoken ones on the screen, a new cinema form appeared, the musical cinema

  • I hope you understand this text. Because we are going to play “Millionaire” ARe you ready? Look at the blackboard, try to answer!

Well done!!!

10 min


Try to help them



Task 5:

Do you want to be an actor? Or actrees?

Today you have a great chance to do it!

Did you see the film “Titanic”? Do like it?

Listen to words from the video and try to remember!

Now let’s make dialog like in the video.

Are you ready?

Well done! How artistic you are!


Worksheets with the words

Play with them



  • Today at the lesson we speak about cinema.

  • Now you should write a sinqwein

  • Do you like our lesson? Now you should write on these stickers did you like this lesson or didn`t like and why.

5 min



Your home task is to make your own video and write essay about your favourite actors.

Thank you for the lesson!

The lesson is over good bye!

1 min

Total time:45 min

You should write these words in the right form of verbs.

Increase eat do walk drink(2) smoke swim run go jog

1.­­­______ is bad for your heart and lungs.

2._________ too much fat and sugar is also unhealthy.

3._____________ enough water is bad for your general health.

4. Doctors suggest ________ the amount of fruit and vegetables in your diet.

5. Avoid _________ too many high impact sports such as jogging and jumping.

6. Instead, consider ________ in a pool every day. It’s an excellent low-impact activity.

7. Many health experts think that _______is better than ______because there is less stress on your body when your feet come into contact with the ground.

8. Some people are afraid of the doctor but _______ for regular checkups is a mistake.

9. You shouldn’t give up ___________ even if you are out of breath.

10. _________ coffee isn’t healthy.

You should write these words in the right form of verbs.

Increase eat do walk drink(2) smoke swim run go jog

1.­­­______ is bad for your heart and lungs.

2._________ too much fat and sugar is also unhealthy.

3._____________ enough water is bad for your general health.

4. Doctors suggest ________ the amount of fruit and vegetables in your diet.

5. Avoid _________ too many high impact sports such as jogging and jumping.

6. Instead, consider ________ in a pool every day. It’s an excellent low-impact activity.

7. Many health experts think that _______is better than ______because there is less stress on your body when your feet come into contact with the ground.

8. Some people are afraid of the doctor but _______ for regular checkups is a mistake.

9. You shouldn’t give up ___________ even if you are out of breath.

10. _________ coffee isn’t healthy.

You should write these words in the right form of verbs.

Increase eat do walk drink(2) smoke swim run go jog

1.­­­______ is bad for your heart and lungs.

2._________ too much fat and sugar is also unhealthy.

3._____________ enough water is bad for your general health.

4. Doctors suggest ________ the amount of fruit and vegetables in your diet.

5. Avoid _________ too many high impact sports such as jogging and jumping.

6. Instead, consider ________ in a pool every day. It’s an excellent low-impact activity.

7. Many health experts think that _______is better than ______because there is less stress on your body when your feet come into contact with the ground.

8. Some people are afraid of the doctor but _______ for regular checkups is a mistake.

9. You shouldn’t give up ___________ even if you are out of breath.

10. _________ coffee isn’t healthy.

You should write these words in the right form of verbs.

Increase eat do walk drink(2) smoke swim run go jog

1.­­­______ is bad for your heart and lungs.

2._________ too much fat and sugar is also unhealthy.

3._____________ enough water is bad for your general health.

4. Doctors suggest ________ the amount of fruit and vegetables in your diet.

5. Avoid _________ too many high impact sports such as jogging and jumping.

6. Instead, consider ________ in a pool every day. It’s an excellent low-impact activity.

7. Many health experts think that _______is better than ______because there is less stress on your body when your feet come into contact with the ground.

8. Some people are afraid of the doctor but _______ for regular checkups is a mistake.

9. You shouldn’t give up ___________ even if you are out of breath.

10. _________ coffee isn’t healthy.

You should write these words in the right form of verbs.

Increase eat do walk drink(2) smoke swim run go jog

1.­­­______ is bad for your heart and lungs.

2._________ too much fat and sugar is also unhealthy.

3._____________ enough water is bad for your general health.

4. Doctors suggest ________ the amount of fruit and vegetables in your diet.

5. Avoid _________ too many high impact sports such as jogging and jumping.

6. Instead, consider ________ in a pool every day. It’s an excellent low-impact activity.

7. Many health experts think that _______is better than ______because there is less stress on your body when your feet come into contact with the ground.

8. Some people are afraid of the doctor but _______ for regular checkups is a mistake.

9. You shouldn’t give up ___________ even if you are out of breath.

10. _________ coffee isn’t healthy.

You should write these words in the right form of verbs.

Increase eat do walk drink(2) smoke swim run go jog

1.­­­______ is bad for your heart and lungs.

2._________ too much fat and sugar is also unhealthy.

3._____________ enough water is bad for your general health.

4. Doctors suggest ________ the amount of fruit and vegetables in your diet.

5. Avoid _________ too many high impact sports such as jogging and jumping.

6. Instead, consider ________ in a pool every day. It’s an excellent low-impact activity.

7. Many health experts think that _______is better than ______because there is less stress on your body when your feet come into contact with the ground.

8. Some people are afraid of the doctor but _______ for regular checkups is a mistake.

9. You shouldn’t give up ___________ even if you are out of breath.

10. _________ coffee isn’t healthy.

You should write these words in the right form of verbs.

Increase eat do walk drink(2) smoke swim run go jog

1.­­­______ is bad for your heart and lungs.

2._________ too much fat and sugar is also unhealthy.

3._____________ enough water is bad for your general health.

4. Doctors suggest ________ the amount of fruit and vegetables in your diet.

5. Avoid _________ too many high impact sports such as jogging and jumping.

6. Instead, consider ________ in a pool every day. It’s an excellent low-impact activity.

7. Many health experts think that _______is better than ______because there is less stress on your body when your feet come into contact with the ground.

8. Some people are afraid of the doctor but _______ for regular checkups is a mistake.

9. You shouldn’t give up ___________ even if you are out of breath.

10. _________ coffee isn’t healthy.

You should write these words in the right form of verbs.

Increase eat do walk drink(2) smoke swim run go jog

1.­­­______ is bad for your heart and lungs.

2._________ too much fat and sugar is also unhealthy.

3._____________ enough water is bad for your general health.

4. Doctors suggest ________ the amount of fruit and vegetables in your diet.

5. Avoid _________ too many high impact sports such as jogging and jumping.

6. Instead, consider ________ in a pool every day. It’s an excellent low-impact activity.

7. Many health experts think that _______is better than ______because there is less stress on your body when your feet come into contact with the ground.

8. Some people are afraid of the doctor but _______ for regular checkups is a mistake.

9. You shouldn’t give up ___________ even if you are out of breath.

10. _________ coffee isn’t healthy.


  1. Smoking 2. Eating 3. Drinking 4. Increasing 5. Doing

6. Swimming 7. Walking, jogging 8. Going 9. Running 10. Drinking


  1. Smoking 2. Eating 3. Drinking 4. Increasing 5. Doing

6. Swimming 7. Walking, jogging 8. Going 9. Running 10. Drinking


  1. Smoking 2. Eating 3. Drinking 4. Increasing 5. Doing

6. Swimming 7. Walking, jogging 8. Going 9. Running 10. Drinking


  1. Smoking 2. Eating 3. Drinking 4. Increasing 5. Doing

6. Swimming 7. Walking, jogging 8. Going 9. Running 10. Drinking


  1. Smoking 2. Eating 3. Drinking 4. Increasing 5. Doing

6. Swimming 7. Walking, jogging 8. Going 9. Running 10. Drinking


  1. Smoking 2. Eating 3. Drinking 4. Increasing 5. Doing

6. Swimming 7. Walking, jogging 8. Going 9. Running 10. Drinking


  1. Smoking 2. Eating 3. Drinking 4. Increasing 5. Doing

6. Swimming 7. Walking, jogging 8. Going 9. Running 10. Drinking


  1. Smoking 2. Eating 3. Drinking 4. Increasing 5. Doing

6. Swimming 7. Walking, jogging 8. Going 9. Running 10. Drinking

The history of what we call cinema today began in the early 19th century. At that time, scientist discovered that when a sequence of still pictures were set in motion, they could give the feeling of movement. In the first 2 decades of its existence the cinema developed rapidly. In those early days, films were little more than moving photographs, usually about one minute in length. By 1905, however, films were about 5 or 10 minutes long. They used changes of scene and camera positions to tell story, with actors playing character parts. In the early 1910s, audiences were able to enjoy the first long films, but it was not 1915 that the cinema really became an industry.

From that time, films makers were prepared to make longer and better films and build special places where only films were shown. The cinema changed completely at the end of 1920s. this was when sound was introduced. The change began in America and soon spread to the rest of the world. As the old silent films were being replaced by spoken ones on the screen, a new cinema form appeared musical cinema.

The history of what we call cinema today began in the early 19th century. At that time, scientist discovered that when a sequence of still pictures were set in motion, they could give the feeling of movement. In the first 2 decades of its existence the cinema developed rapidly. In those early days, films were little more than moving photographs, usually about one minute in length. By 1905, however, films were about 5 or 10 minutes long. They used changes of scene and camera positions to tell story, with actors playing character parts. In the early 1910s, audiences were able to enjoy the first long films, but it was not 1915 that the cinema really became an industry.

From that time, films makers were prepared to make longer and better films and build special places where only films were shown. The cinema changed completely at the end of 1920s. this was when sound was introduced. The change began in America and soon spread to the rest of the world. As the old silent films were being replaced by spoken ones on the screen, a new cinema form appeared musical cinema.

The history of what we call cinema today began in the early 19th century. At that time, scientist discovered that when a sequence of still pictures were set in motion, they could give the feeling of movement. In the first 2 decades of its existence the cinema developed rapidly. In those early days, films were little more than moving photographs, usually about one minute in length. By 1905, however, films were about 5 or 10 minutes long. They used changes of scene and camera positions to tell story, with actors playing character parts. In the early 1910s, audiences were able to enjoy the first long films, but it was not 1915 that the cinema really became an industry.

From that time, films makers were prepared to make longer and better films and build special places where only films were shown. The cinema changed completely at the end of 1920s. this was when sound was introduced. The change began in America and soon spread to the rest of the world. As the old silent films were being replaced by spoken ones on the screen, a new cinema form appeared musical cinema.

Rose: Hello Jack. I changed my mind. They said you might be out here.

Jack: Shhh. Give me your hand. Now close your eyes, go on. Now step up. Now hold on to the railing. Keep your eyes closed, don't peek.

Rose: I'm not.

Jack: Step up on the railing. Hold on, hold on. Keep your eyes closed. Do you trust me?

Rose: I trust you.

Jack: All right. Open your eyes.

Rose: I'm flying, Jack!

Rose: Hello Jack. I changed my mind. They said you might be out here.

Jack: Shhh. Give your hand. Now close your eyes, go on. Now step up. Now hold on to the railing. Keep your eyes closed, don't peek.

Rose: I'm not.

Jack: Step up on the railing. Hold on, hold on. Keep your eyes closed. Do you trust me?

Rose: I trust you.

Jack: All right. Open your eyes.

Rose: I'm flying, Jack!

Rose: Hello Jack. I changed my mind. They said you might be out here.

Jack: Shhh. Give me your hand. Now close your eyes, go on. Now step up. Now hold on to the railing. Keep your eyes closed, don't peek.

Rose: I'm not.

Jack: Step up on the railing. Hold on, hold on. Keep your eyes closed. Do you trust me?

Rose: I trust you.

Jack: All right. Open your eyes.

Rose: I'm flying, Jack!

Rose: Hello Jack. I changed my mind. They said you might be out here.

Jack: Shhh. Give me your hand. Now close your eyes, go on. Now step up. Now hold on to the railing. Keep your eyes closed, don't peek.

Rose: I'm not.

Jack: Step up on the railing. Hold on, hold on. Keep your eyes closed. Do you trust me?

Rose: I trust you.

Jack: All right. Open your eyes.

Rose: I'm flying, Jack!

Rose: Hello Jack. I changed my mind. They said you might be out here.

Jack: Shhh. Give me your hand. Now close your eyes, go on. Now step up. Now hold on to the railing. Keep your eyes closed, don't peek.

Rose: I'm not.

Jack: Step up on the railing. Hold on, hold on. Keep your eyes closed. Do you trust me?

Rose: I trust you.

Jack: All right. Open your eyes.

Rose: I'm flying, Jack!













Правила написания синквейна

  1. Первая строка - одним словом обозначается тема (имя существительное).

  2. Вторая строка - описание темы двумя словами (имена прилагательные).

  3. Третья строка - описание действия в рамках этой темы тремя словами (глаголы, причастия).

  4. Четвертая строка - фраза из четырех слов, выражающая отношение к теме (разные части речи).

  5. Пятая строка - это синоним из одного слова, который повторяет суть темы.

Правила написания синквейна

  1. Первая строка - одним словом обозначается тема (имя существительное).

  2. Вторая строка - описание темы двумя словами (имена прилагательные).

  3. Третья строка - описание действия в рамках этой темы тремя словами (глаголы, причастия).

  4. Четвертая строка - фраза из четырех слов, выражающая отношение к теме (разные части речи).

  5. Пятая строка - это синоним из одного слова, который повторяет суть темы.

Правила написания синквейна

  1. Первая строка - одним словом обозначается тема (имя существительное).

  2. Вторая строка - описание темы двумя словами (имена прилагательные).

  3. Третья строка - описание действия в рамках этой темы тремя словами (глаголы, причастия).

  4. Четвертая строка - фраза из четырех слов, выражающая отношение к теме (разные части речи).

  5. Пятая строка - это синоним из одного слова, который повторяет суть темы.

Правила написания синквейна

  1. Первая строка - одним словом обозначается тема (имя существительное).

  2. Вторая строка - описание темы двумя словами (имена прилагательные).

  3. Третья строка - описание действия в рамках этой темы тремя словами (глаголы, причастия).

  4. Четвертая строка - фраза из четырех слов, выражающая отношение к теме (разные части речи).

  5. Пятая строка - это синоним из одного слова, который повторяет суть темы.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Открытый урок "Films and cinema"

Автор: Искакова Назгуль Кажимовна

Дата: 07.02.2017

Номер свидетельства: 388900

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