Цель урока: Развить речевые и читательские компетентности учащихся.
Образовательный аспект:
- Автоматизация изученных лексических единиц;
- Актуализация и контроль грамматического материала в разнообразных коммуникативных упражнениях;
- Автоматизация сформированности грамматического навыка говорения
Развивающий аспект:
- Развитие внимания, воображения, памяти, мышления, логики;
- Развитие языковых, индивидуальных и интеллектуальных способностей учащихся.
- Развитие навыков и умений восприятия англоязычной речи на слух.
- Развитие познавательного интереса к культуре другой страны.
Воспитательный аспект:
- Воспитание интереса к изучению темы и реалиям страны изучаемого языка;
- Воспитание культуры общения в парах, в группах.
- Воспитание самостоятельности и личной ответственности.
- Воспитание толерантного отношения к иноязычной культуре, к изучаемому языку;
Оборудование: Интердоска, раздаточный материал: отрывок текста «Робинзон Крузо»; карточки с заданиями к тексту; таблица - карточки; листы бумаги;
Структура урока: Организационный этап. Мотивация творческой деятельности. Усвоения новых знаний. Рефлексия.
Методы обучения: Объяснительно-иллюстративный; проблемно-диалогический; поисковый;
Формы работы: Индивидуальная. Парная. Групповая
I.ОРГАНИЗАЦИОННЫЙ ЭТАП (настрой на работу) I am glad to see you today. Let’s start our lesson
II. Целеполагание
Учитель показывает портрет Дефо (Слайд 1).Look at the screen, please. Can you recognize this person? Maybe these words will help you. “He wrote about a man, who lived on a desert island for 28 years” You are right: It’s Daniel Defoe. What novel made him famous? So the theme of our lesson today is “The main thing – to survive!” (On Daniel Defoe’s work “Robinson Crusoe”)
What we are going to speak about at the lesson?
We will learn some facts from the biography of Daniel Defoe, read, speak about his famous book “Robinson Crusoe”
- Фонетическая зарядка (2 слайд)
Firstly, look at the blackboard and try to read the words. Say after me. Read the words to each other
Daniel character
desert adventure
Robinson writer
famous Defoe
become popular
main Crusoe
real island
Now make word combinations.
(Daniel Defoe; desert island; Robinson Crusoe; famous writer; become popular;
main character; real adventure; make pots)
VI Паутинка ассоциаций
At home you read about D.Defoe and his novel “Robinson Crusoe” who found himself on a desert island. What associations do you have when we speak about the desert island?
- Аудирование (видеофильм)
Now let’s listen to the story from the book of D.Defoe and do the task after the listening. I’d like you to choose the right answer. Let’s test yourself. Exchange the sheets of papers and check using this scheme. Pass your sheets. (Приложение 1)
Choose the right answer (Слайд 3-4)
VI. Актуализация навыков чтения (Интердоска, слайд 1,2)
Now, I’d like you to read the extracts from the book about Robinson Crusoe.
Please, let’s work in groups and discuss the contents of the text using the questions. Then report your information to the class. You may report as with the whole group as individually (Приложение 2)
VII. Деятельность учащихся по освоению новых знаний (Приложение 3)
Задание 1. So, we are going to work with task number one. You have to agree or disagree with the statements which are in the table.
- D. Defoe wrote his novels in the 19th century.
- D. Defoe wrote his novel about R. Crusoe when he was 30.
- The story of R. Crusoe is the author’s imagination.
- R. Crusoe lived in the city of York.
- R. Crusoe made the raft to bring things from the ship to the shore.
- R. Crusoe found a goat on the ship.
Задание 2. Please, complete the sentences with the suitable words from the text.
- One day when the ship was at sea, a……came on them.
- Robinson could ….well, so he stayed in the water for a long time.
- The sea was low and Robinson saw their wrecked….
- Robinson began to make a …. of thick trees and grass.
- Many black men made a big….on the shore and danced round it.
- Robinson gave the young man the name of ….because he came to his house on that day.
VIII. Writing (Слайд 5-6)
I have an usual bottle. We will use it for a bottle message to Robinson. So, it is a high time to write a letter to him. You have sheets of paper on the tables, work in groups and read your letters in 3 minutes. Now we put these letters into the bottle and post them to the desert island Mas –a – tierra near Chile where Robinson lived
IX. РЕФЛЕКСИЯ. Подведение итогов
So, I'd like you to write синквейн for the word “island” (учитель предлагает написать синквейн для слова «остров». (Приложение 4)
1. Island.
2. Desert, danger.
3. To survive, to fish, to hunt.
4. I want to survive.
5. Adventure.
Выставление оценок за урок
X. Домашнее задание (Слайд 7)
1. WB ex. 19, p. 42 You should ask the questions about the sentence
2. Make a crossword “What things will you take on a desert island”