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На тему "Do you know English?"

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1. ?йымдастырукезе?і.
Good afternoon, dear Friends! Today we have a special lesson, in a form of a competition between two teams of your English group. It will be an interesting lesson. Your answers must be right, loud, expressive and artistic. Are you ready? Let’s begin our first competition. Divide into two teams, please.
2. Негізгіб?лім.
1) «Your name» бай?ауы
You must complete the names of your teams from this letters (imagination, composition).
Do it, please.
Now both teams will introduce themselves. Who will be first?
Thank you!

2) «Warming - up» бай?ауы
Now, I will give you some tongue - twisters. You must read and translate them. Listen to my reading and repeat after me, please.
Let’s begin!
1 команда.
• I’ll have a proper cup of coffee in a proper coffee cup.
• Chilly chipper children cheerfully chant.
2 команда.
• Grey gees graze in the green grass.
• Ten trains travel together to Toyland.

3) «Underground» бай?ауы
underground с?зіненбірнешес?здер??растыру
Thank you very much. And the next competition will be “Forming idioms of comparison”

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«на тему "Do you know English?"»

Жамбыл облысы, Талас ауданы,

Қаратау қаласы

Ш.Уалиханов атындағы орта мектебінің

Ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі: Бегалиева Зарина Оразбаевна

Do you know English (сабақтан тыс шара)

«Do you know English well?»
Түрі: КТК (Көңілділер тапқырлар клубы)
Тақырыбы: «Do you know English well?»

Мақсаты: шетел тіліне қызығушылықтарын арттыру.
2) шеттіліндегіматериалдықабылдауғажағдайжасау;
3) лексико - грамматикалықеп - дағдыларынпайдаланыпсөйлеудідамыту
Көрнекіліктер: ағылшынәріптеріненкарточкалар, қағаздар, екітүстіжетондар, тақта, бор.

1. Ұйымдастырукезеңі.
Good afternoon, dear Friends! Today we have a special lesson, in a form of a competition between two teams of your English group. It will be an interesting lesson. Your answers must be right, loud, expressive and artistic. Are you ready? Let’s begin our first competition. Divide into two teams, please.
2. Негізгібөлім.
1) «Your name» байқауы
You must complete the names of your teams from this letters (imagination, composition).
Do it, please.
Now both teams will introduce themselves. Who will be first?
Thank you!

2) «Warming - up» байқауы
Now, I will give you some tongue - twisters. You must read and translate them. Listen to my reading and repeat after me, please.
Let’s begin!
1 команда.
• I’ll have a proper cup of coffee in a proper coffee cup.
• Chilly chipper children cheerfully chant.
2 команда.
• Grey gees graze in the green grass.
• Ten trains travel together to Toyland.

3) «Underground» байқауы
underground сөзіненбірнешесөздерқұрастыру
Thank you very much. And the next competition will be “Forming idioms of comparison”

4) «Forming idioms of comparison» байқауы
Complete each of them with a suitable word or words.
As like as…
As black as…
As light as…
As blind as…
As silent as…
As different as…
As happy as…
As busy as…
As poor as…
As silly as…
As good as…
Two peas
A feather
A bat
The grave
Chalk from cheese
A kind
A bee
A church mouse
A goose

5) «Captains’ Contest»байқауы
We are coming to the fifth competition. It’s the competition of the captains.
1 топ
You meet a friend of yours who has just come out of hospital. What do you say?
2 топ
The telephone rings and someone asks to speak to Diana. You’ve never heard of her. What do you say?
Thank you, Captains. It was a pleasure to hear you. And now find the name of the leading person. Choose from the words on the right the name of the person.
A TV programme
A shop
A school
A college
The governing party
An orchestra
A republic
A hospital
A football
A monastery
Prime Minister
Prime Minister
Thank you! Well done, Captains!

6) «Sentence» байқауы
And now let’s begin the final competition. You must write the sentence.
Әрбіртопмүшесіберілгенқағазғабірсөзденжазады, ақыраяғындамағыналысөйлемқұрастырылғаншатопмүшелерісөздержазабереді.
3. Қорытындыбөлім. Thank you very much! Very good! It was very interesting to listen to you. Now I’m happy to announce the results of the competition.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

на тему "Do you know English?"

Автор: Бегалиева Зарина Оразбаевна

Дата: 04.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 272169

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