Students, what do you think, what will we talk about today? - About family. - And how do you understand the word "family"? - This is Daddy, Mummy, Grandpa, Grandma and I .... - Well done, students , today at the lesson we'll talk about the pleasant and warming soul of every person-family. Before we begin the lesson, let's see a video. View the video "My Family" - Who was it about in the video? K. Task. The teacher calls the words, the children pick up pictures with grandpa, grandma, mummy, daddy, brother, sister on the strategy "Say who is this?" They say the words in Russian, Kazakh, English. The teacher reads, the students repeat: Семья – отбасы – family Дедушка – ата – grandpa Бабушка – әже – grandma Мама –ана – mummy Папа – әке – daddyl Брат – аға – brother Сестра – әпке – sister Малыш-сәби- baby W) Family picture: Teacher asks learners to bring photos of their relatives beforehand. Teacher asks them to introduce their relatives using the phrases This is my mummy! This is my daddy! Teacher provides learners with the Zone of proximal development. Work on the picture. - Look closely at the picture, how can you call one word those whom you see in the picture? Work on the picture. - Look closely at the picture, how can you call one word those whom you see in the picture?  G. Task. 1-group: List family members, how many are there? (grandfather, grandmother, father, sister, mother, brother, younger sister, baby-8 people) 2-group: Make a sentence using the phrase This is(This is my family. This is my mummy, this is my daddy…) 3-group: Make 2-3 sentences on the picture (This is a big family, they have dinner, the family is friendly) FA Smiles Worm up P. Task. Choose an extra word. Game "Superfluous word" Mom, grandmother, a book. Grandpa, class, dad Notebook, brother, sister. F.A. Smilies The task. (The teacher throws the student a ball with a certain question) Game "Catch the ball" - What's your name? - How old are you? - What is family? - Name family members. Children need to help their parents? F.A. Smilies I. The task. Continue the sentence. Work on the strategy "Find the right word." About whom in the family can say: Old, wise, kind ... (grandfather) Kind, wise, hardworking .... (grandmother) Young, beautiful, loving ... (Mom) Strong, brave, hardworking ... (Dad) F.O. Smilies Well done boys! Reflection Students, let's remember what new you learned today? (family, children, kids) - And now wish your family something cordial. (I love my family because she ...) "Tree of success" (attach stickers to the tree) Green - I'm done! Yellow - I'm satisfied with my work Red - I could work even better. Descriptors 1. Understands the meaning of familiar words. 2. Can name all family members. 3. Can correlate pictures and words. 4. Correctly make up the sentences for the picture. 5. Uses words and phrases to report themselves. 6. Makes 2-3 sentences using familiar words. 7. Can use the words-signs to the object shown in the picture |