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My favourite toys

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Grade 1

Date                                   Assert

 The theme of the lesson ; My  favourite  toys                                   

   The purpose of the lesson: 1) Educational: a) to introduce with new words(a kite, a robot, a duck, an egg )  b) to introduce students with new  letters  D d  E e.

2) Developing:  to develop pupils’ reading, speaking and writing skills. 3) 3)Upbringing: to train them to think individually, to teach them to express guessing and to share with opinions.

Visual aids: Pictures and disk                                                       

 The form of lesson: Practical work     

The type of the lesson: Consolidating of the new knowledge and drawing up skills and habits

 Used methods: visual                                   

 Literature:  Grade 1 Rahimzhanova ,Bolkova                                                  

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«my favourite toys »

Grade 1

Date Assert

The theme of the lesson ; My favourite toys

The purpose of the lesson: 1) Educational: a) to introduce with new words(a kite, a robot, a duck, an egg ) b) to introduce students with new letters D d E e.

2) Developing: to develop pupils’ reading, speaking and writing skills. 3) 3)Upbringing: to train them to think individually, to teach them to express guessing and to share with opinions.

Visual aids: Pictures and disk

The form of lesson: Practical work

The type of the lesson: Consolidating of the new knowledge and drawing up skills and habits

Used methods: visual

Literature: Grade 1 Rahimzhanova ,Bolkova

The stage of the lesson 1.Organization moment Greetings: Good morning , pupils. Sit down ,please. Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What date is it today? 2.Home assignment ; Your home task was ex 1,2,3

3.Explaining a new subject . D is for duck. C is for egg |

It’s a robot It’s a kite.

4. Fixing a new subject

What’s your favourite toys ? Is it a doll?( a kite, a robot, a duck, an egg ) I like toys , Kites and dolls are

Cars and balls, My favourite toys .

5. Finalization of the lesson Stand up all of you! The lesson is over! You are free. Good-bye!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 1 класс

my favourite toys

Автор: Сентаева Салима Турмахановна

Дата: 26.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 179110

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