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Musical heritage of Kazakhstan

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Musical heritage of Kazakhstan.


Educational: introducing a new vocabulary, revising of some grammatical points: Participle and gerund, promoting interest in learning English, giving less-controlled practice of a language point.

Educative: facilitating in formation of patriotic feelings,

Developing: Developing study skills - note-taking/summarizing, developing the critical thinking

The type of the lesson: combined

Equipment of the lesson: Computer, interactive whiteboard or a projector, worksheets, plates with the points; 

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«Musical heritage of Kazakhstan»

Musical heritage of Kazakhstan.


Educational: introducing a new vocabulary, revising of some grammatical points: Participle and gerund, promoting interest in learning English, giving less-controlled practice of a language point.

Educative: facilitating in formation of patriotic feelings,

Developing: Developing study skills - note-taking/summarizing, developing the critical thinking

The type of the lesson: combined

Equipment of the lesson: Computer, interactive whiteboard or a projector, worksheets, plates with the points;


  1. Greeting. Preliminaries of the lesson

  2. Checking up of the home task

  3. Introducing a theme of the lesson

  4. Work on the topic

  5. Solving of situations

  6. Playing a game

  7. Grammar revision

  8. Summing up. Estimation. The homework

  1. Good morning, children! How are you getting on? Who is on duty today? Who is away? What day is it today? What date is it today? What was your home task?

  2. At home they had to do their own project on previous theme “Monuments of history and culture”. Students were given a task to choose one famous event and make its dummy

  1. Our people had collected their music samples for a long time in order the current generation could enjoy it and understand the state of their souls in that period of time

As L. N. Gumilyev said: “Kazakh traditional musical culture belongs to the large ethnic civilization of the nomadic tribes of Central Asia”.

Traditional music of the Kazakh people is a rich treasury of spiritual heritage. It embodies all the talent and wisdom of the people; in third millennium it acquired special historical significance, especial artistic and cultural value.

The Kazakh steppe over the centuries lived by inspired poetry, accurate eloquence, rousing kui and heart felt songs. Music penetrated the life of Kazakh; it is heard at festivities, in ceremonies and rituals, in routine works, etc. The Kazakh people are notable for the unusual musical talent, almost in any family there is a person that can wonderful sing or play folk instruments. People say: “The God put a part of kui in the soul of each Kazakh from the moment of his birth”.

Over the centuries the main treasurer and popularizer of the works of musical culture was the people. Carefully keeping and dynamically developing the music art, it handed it on across generations.

It is not by accident that many scientists-folklorists being the representatives of another culture, which watched the life of the Kazakhi n 18-19 centuries, went on surprising by the unusual poetic, prosaic and musical talent of the people, ability of the people too euvre, striving musical and poetic improvisation, wide involvement of all people in musical art.

The talent of the Kazakh people was accurately described by a great Russians cientist A.I. Levshin, who was called by Sh.Valikhanovas “Hero dot us of the Kazakh steppe”: “The Kazakhs are a new evidence that a man was born as a poet or musician”. A. Eichhorn in the introduction to his work on music of the Kazakh wrote the following: “The Kazakh songs are jauntily childish and gay like colts at the green pastures, strong and cheerful, powerful and free like an eagle rising to the blue sky in steppe. The Kazakh songs sung by every body from a boy to an elder, by both girls and women are… the inviolable property, an exact mouldof the Kazakh people!”. A famous Russian scientist G. Potanin wrote the following lines: “It seems to me like all the Kazakh steppe is singing”.

Talented zhyrau, akin, olenshi, kuishi, enshi created high art and joined people to the “celestial mystery”, the music. In the Great steppe they,proud and free, were highly valued by the people along side with famous governors, outstanding state figures and big commanders.

During the period of its history the Kazakh people created priceless layer of musical culture. Ancestry of the Kazakh, many tribes of unique civilization of nomads, created rich instrumentation, instrumental music, unique musical and poetic traditions that are worthily continued in the modern epoch.

In terms of the National program “Cultural heritage” they created the project Anthology of the Kazakh traditional music “Mangilik saryn: kazaktyn 1000 kui, 1000 ani” (“Immortal melodies: 1000 kui, 1000 songs”). This is a grand and unprecedented work on collection, preparation, processing, restoration, digitalization and release of CDs with the Kazakh traditional music in authentic performance in the history of the national culture.The Anthology of the Kazakh traditional music is a unique full collection of the works of the Kazakh traditional art (many songs and almost all significant dombra, sybyzgy and kobyz kui) in the digital media. The majority of the records were unavailable before to the wide audience. Now all who wish can listen to the classical samples of the performance perfection.

(Teacher must divide the text into paragraphs and distribute them among students’ groups)

  • The task is every group must translate their parts, title them and write out Participles and Gerunds.

For example: the 1st paragraph

(Groups can estimate each other through the plates with the points on them, then arithmetic average is awarded for their answers)

  • Now let’s pass on to next task that demands of us to find the right explanation and solution:

  1. there have been a lot of cases plagiarism in the music world.

Can you explain the reasons of such behavior? (this is problem method of studying English: children analyze and search the solution of the problem. Students utilize here the lexis from previous lessons, taught turns of speech, different grammar constructions )

  1. We will participate in show “Guess the Tune!” (on the example of Russian TV Program). You need only your memory and good knowledge of music.(here is also reasonable a division into groups and teacher can let them to use some distinctive signs like ribbons)

The rule is that you will listen to a fragment of a song and by several chords must guess what is this song or melody. If you have an answer you must raise your hand. The group that will collect more point will be considered to be a winner.

(For example, to put a recording of the kui “Adai” by Kurmangazy, the first who has answered is awarded one point. In this task children must use parenthetical word such as “In my opinion, I think, to my mind”)

Grammar revision: Gerund and participles

(as the explanation of the rule is usually boring for students of high school, it will be better to clarify it more easy for their understanding)

  1. The Gerund is used to be a servant of many masters, but now he is free and he is boss himself. His ex- masters were Mr. Adjective, Mr. Adverb and Mr. Verb. But the first master was Mr. Verb who taught him a lot. He also acquired their features.

  2. The participle. There were two brothers: the Present Participle and the Past Participle. The present was more active and always was with his apprentice an ending –ing. The Past Participle was passive than his brother and his assistants changed all time: either it was an ending –ed or his pals : irregular verbs.

(The exercises are also jokes for increasing interest of students while they do them!)

Decide which is correct in the following: -ed or –ing?

  • I was extremely embarrassed/ embarrassing yesterday. I called my wife Sue.

what’s embarrassed/ embarrassing about that?

  • Her name’s Edwina!

  • I’ve got an amazed/ amazing watch. It only cost me 1 £

  • Why is it amazed/ amazing?

  • Because every time I look at it I’m amazed/ amazing it’s still working!


Mary: the boy over is there is very annoyed/ annoying me.

Jane: but he is not even looking at you.

Mary: that’s what I’m annoyed/ annoying about!

Complete the joke with right gerund : speaking (x2), learning, trying (x2), understanding,

A Swiss tourist in London was having difficulty_______ the London underground map, so he stopped to ask two Londoners for directions.

‘Excuse me!’ said the Swiss man, ‘I speak no English. Parlez-vous francais?’

The Londoners shrugged their shoulders.

‘It’s no good ­­­­_______French to us!’ one of them said. ‘We can’t speak a word of it.’

The Swiss tourist tried again in another language.

‘Sprechen sie Deutsch?’ he asked.

Once again, he met with blank stares from the Londoners.

‘Sorry, mate. It’s a waste of time _______German to us, either.’

The Swiss tourist tried again.

‘Parlate Italiano?’ he asked.

Again the Londoners met his questions with incomprehension, so the Swiss man had to give up ______. There was obviously no point ______ any other languages with them.

As he was walking away, one of the Londoners turned to the other and said, ‘Three languages! That’s impressive. Maybe we should learn another language.’

‘No, there’d be no use _______ another language.’

‘Why not?’

‘Well, it didn't do him much good, did it?’

Summing up: what have talked about today?

What impression have you got from the lesson?

For homework: writing an article about modern Kazakh music

Estimating: students can estimate each other through the above-mentioned plates

The lesson is over. Good bye!

Comprehensive school named after E. Niyetkaliyev

Musical heritage

Teacher: Iklassova A. S.

Form: 10 “A”

Kamysty- 2015

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Musical heritage of Kazakhstan

Автор: Икласова Алида Свенышевна

Дата: 25.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 298741

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