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Money Matters

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English Discoveries Online

Тема: Money Matters  (денежные проблемы)


 Prepared by N.G.Spasheva 

Спашева Нургуль Ганиматовна

Uralsk-2015-2016  (город Уральск. ЗКО)

Money Matters

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«Money Matters»

Pedagogical College after Zh. Dosmukhamedov

Педагогический колледж имени Ж.Досмухамедова

Мультимедийный курс

English Discoveries Online

Тема: Money Matters (денежные проблемы)


Prepared by N.G.Spasheva

Спашева Нургуль Ганиматовна

Uralsk-2015-2016 (город Уральск. ЗКО)

Money Matters

LEADING INTO- The topic and the Listening Section





Bridging activity:


  • If you had a lot of money, how would you change your life?

T: You must divided in small groups in order to find out what each person in their group would do. Who is the group leader? Please, report the answers.


Introducing the topic of money and vocabulary


Page 41

T: Look at the collage at the beginning of Unit 2 and answer:

-What are the people in the pictures doing? (buying/selling things)

-Which things can you identify that relate to money?

Teacher explains the double meaning of the unit title –“ Money Matters” (things that have to do with money or that money is important)

T: - What things do you have to do with money?

  • Is money important in our life?

Teacher writes the word “ MONEY” on the board and elicit verbs that describe what people can do with money

e.g. spend, learn, save, lose, win, lend, borrow, give

The teacher writes the following word cues on the board. In pairs students ask each other questions created from these cues.

The teacher demonstrate the first one:

  1. save money/in the bank ( Do you save money in the bank?)


  1. win money/ lottery or competition (Have you ever won money in a lottery?)

  2. lend money/ to friends or family (Do you lend money to friends?)

  3. spend a lot of money/ every month (Do you spend a lot of money every month?)

Teacher: (conduct a class survey by asking the following questions and writing the new vocabulary items on the board):

  1. How many of you save money in the bank? (You are careful/cautious with your money.)

  2. How many of you have ever won money? (You’re lucky with money)

  3. How many of you lend money to family or friends? (You’re very generous with your money)

  4. How many of you spend a lot of money on food? ( You careless with your money./ You love spending money)


Expressing opinions about sayings about money


Personal anecdotes

Handout 21:




(one for each student)

The purpose of Handout 21 is to introduce students to some common English sayings about money. In addition, students get practice in expressing their opinions and in supporting opinions experiences.

The teacher gives each student a handout. Explain that in part a/ they work with a partner to match the expressions to their meanings.

The teacher demonstrates useful language for them to use, e.g.

  • What do you think number1 means?

  • Which one do you think means “Money is power”


  1. 1-f, 2-a, 3-g, 4-h, 5-c, 6-d, 7-b, 8-e

The teacher explains that in part b. their task is to first give their own opinion about each saying (by ticking the appropriate column). Then they share their opinions with a partner, explaining why they agree with particular sayings. T: (encourage them to support their opinions by relating/ describing personal stories about things that happened to them)

Students have a short class discussion. Teacher asks leading questions, such as:

-Do you think that money is the most important thing in life?

- Do you think that money just causes problems?




Independent task



Introducing the content of the Listening section

T: (tell students to listen to the radio program in the Explore section in the Listening section in order to find out:)

-What kind of program is it?

-What’s the name of the program?

-How is it connected to money?

Computer path:

Listening Section

Assign all activities of:

English Discoveries Offline - My Courses-Intermediate 2-Money Matters-Radio: Quiz

Expanding on


The Listening section

Reviewing the content of the radio quiz


Explore texts

Page 78

T: We review the Listening section by asking:

-What kind of radio program is it? (a weekly quiz show)

-What’s the name of the program? (Get Rich quick)

-What are the names of the two participants in the program?(Cee cee Rodeau and Susan Philipson)

-Who won the quiz? (Susan)


Explore vocabulary and parts of speech


Explore texts

Page 78

The teacher asks students to find words in the Explore text for the following people and things:

People who write their opinions about music ,art or movies (critics)

People who take part in a show or competition (participants)

A person who is addicted to drinking (alcoholic)

Things you win in a competition (prizes)

The teacher asks them to find words that describe the following:

The diamond necklace (elegant, fabulous)

The women (glamorous)

The fur coat (fantastic)

Guy Gaylord (wealthy)

(point out that these are adjectives and that their function is to describe nouns ( people, things,etc ) Have them three columns in their notebooks:

1-Adjectives 2-Nouns 3-Verbs

The teacher explains them that they are going to write a list of words on the board. Their task is categorize these words by putting each one into the correct column:

wealthy, impress, polite, necklace, respect, win, glamorous, quiz, diamonds, help, participate, participants, join, elegant ,popular, join


  1. Adjectives: elegant, polite, glamorous, popular, wealthy

  2. Nouns: necklace, quiz, diamonds, participants,

  3. Verbs: impress, respect, win, help, participate,


Checking homework tasks in pairs or small groups


Pages 41,42


  1. 3

  2. 2

  3. 1 weekly quiz show 2. get 3 participants 4. million copies 5. impress 6. polite to anyone, 7. Wealthy, 8. Respect yourself, 9. hit song, 10. popular, 11. alcoholic, 12.real diamond necklace


Creating a trivia competition

Handout 22:

Write your own quiz (one for each pair)

Explain that in pairs a. and b. students work in pairs, choosing a topic an creating questions. They need to form questions correctly and remind them that they must know the answers to the questions they ask.

In part c. each pair needs to join another pair to form a group of four. The two pairs then challenge each with the questions other they prepared earlier. Remind them to fill in the names of the other pair and to keep score of their answers by circling the or x.

In part d. the pairs move on to other pairs and repeat step c.




The Reading Section





Bridging activity:

Brainstorming vocabulary

about money and shopping

T: Write the words Shopping and Money on the board an brainstorm for words or expressions the students associate with it. Provide cues if necessary:

What do people shop for? 9food, clothing, furniture, homes, cars, toys, medicine, etc.)

Where do they shop? ( supermarkets, department stores, furniture stores, drugstores, etc.

How do they pay? (by check, cash, credit card)

How can they save money? (look for sales/deals)

What makes them go to certain places? (low prices, easy, payments, good service)

Write the words and expressions you elicit on the board.


Preparing for the Reading:

Presenting new


Write the expression Get Your Money’s Worth on board.

The teacher explains that it means to buy something at a reasonable price –when the item is worth the money you spend on it

Tell students that the text they will be reading is called “Get Your Money’s Worth” . Ask them to guess from the title what the text is about.

Is it a story?/ a conversation about shopping?/ advice about shopping?

Cue them by writing on the board the following words/ expressions that come from the reading text:

Items, customers, bargain, deals, sales, consumers, buyers, purchase, satisfied, short of cash, guarantee, down payment

In order to clarify the meaning of these words, give the following explanations and ask to match them to the words on the bord:

  1. To buy something- or- the thing you buy ( to purchase/ a purchase)

  2. Not having enough money (to be short of cash)

  3. People who buy things ( three words-customers, buyers, consumers)

  4. The things you can buy in stores (items)

  5. How you feel when you buy something you like ( satisfied)

  6. The first part of the whole amount (down payment)

  7. When you get things at a cheaper price you call it… ( two words- a deal or a bargain)

  8. When a store lowers all the prices you call it … ( a sale)




Independent task



Introducing the content of the Reading section

Tell the students that the text they are going to read is titled “ Get Your Money’s Worth”.

-Where do you think you would find an article like this?

- What is it about/

-What is the main piece of advice the article gives you?

Computer path:

Reading Section

Assign all activities of:

English Discoveries Offline-My Courses- Intermediate 2- Money Matters -Get Your Money’s Worth”.

Expanding on


The Reading Section




Reviewing the main ideas of the text


Explore texts

Page 78,79

Review the reading section by asking:

-Where do you think you would find an article like this? ( in a newspaper or magazine)

-What is it about? (shopping for furniture-getting your money’s worth)

-What does it give you? (information, advice)

-Who is Edith Shaw? ( a writer for a consumer’s magazine)

-What’s the name of her column?

-What is the main piece of advice she gives to buyers? (to go to the stores that offer bargains all year long, not only during sales)


Checking homework tasks in pairs or small groups: Undaerstanding main ideas and details


Pages 43,44


  1. 2

  2. 1-d, 2-c, 3-a, 4-b

  3. 1- furniture 2-don’t have 3-brand-new 4-guarantee 5-delivery 6-item

7-quality 8-can afford

  1. 3,5

  2. 4

  3. Explain the difference between customer ( a person buying something) and consumer (anyone who uses products)

People who buy: consumers, buyers, cutomers

Things they buy: products, items, purchases

  1. 1. That they can afford 2. Recommended. 3 with limited budgets

4. Customers 5. Thinking about 6. don’t have much 7. Don’t have enough money 8. value for your money



And discussion

Handout 23:

What kind of consumer are you (one for each student)

Explain to students that they will be getting a questionnaire about shopping habits. In part a. they need mark the correct information about themselves. In part b. they need to mark the correct information about their partners. In order to o this, they must ask appropriate questions. Demonstrate interviewing techniques, e. g.,

I love shopping. – What about you? Do you also love shopping? Or do you just like it? Or do you hate it?

When the questionnaire is complete, they will have a picture of what kind of consumer they and their partners are. This will help them do part c, where they are to compare their shopping habits to their partner’s

To sum up, ask a few students to report the similarities and differences they found, by reading their sentences aloud. Point out various ways of making comparisons:

Both ____ and I …/ I…, but my partner …/We both…/ Neither of us …/ The things we share/ have in common are…/ We are different in a few ways: …

As a follow-up, ask students to give the class tips on local shopping, such as where and how to get the buys in food, clothing, household applicances, etc.

Write on the board:

How to get your money’s worth, find bargains, get good deals

List the useful tips they offer




The Speaking Section





Bridging activity

Elect words and expressions related to money and work. Provide cues, such as :

What do we get for working? (a salary)

What do we ask for if we want a higher salary? (a raise)

Who do we ask? ( the boss/owner/manager)

What verb means making money by working? (earning)


Who earns the highest salaries in this country?

Do nurses earn more here or in … (other country)?

Do teachers earn more or less than nurses?

Do men and woman earn the same for the same jobs?



Independent task


Introducing the content of the Speaking section

Tell the students that they are going to listen to and take part in a conversation called “The Raise”

Tell them to go to Explore in the Speaking section in order to findout:

What does the woman speak to her boss about?

How much does the boss offer her?

Does she accept the offer?


Computer Path:

Speaking section

Assign all activities:

English Discoveries Offline-My Courses- Intermediate 2- Money Matters – The raise

Homework task

Explain/ Demonstrate workbook activities –Pages 45,46:

  1. answer questions about the content of the conversation

  2. identify sentences that report what happened

  3. put words together to create complete expressions; complete a report of the conversation by filling in the missing expressions

  4. complete a dialogue by adding sentences that report what happened

  5. write a new dialogue about shopping

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Money Matters

Автор: Спашева Нургуль Ганиматовна

Дата: 12.04.2016

Номер свидетельства: 317739

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