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Моя родная земля

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Работаю учителем английского языка 35 лет. Имею звание "отличник народного просвещения", в 2008г. стала победителем Всероссийского конкурса "Лучших учителей". В своей работе применяю различные педагогические технологии: интерактивные технологии, ИОСО (индивидуально - ориентированная система обучения), игровые,  проектные технологии. Участвую в различных конкурсах, олимпиадах.   Урок-презентация на тему "Моя родная земля" разработан про республику Хакасия РФ.

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«Урок по_Хакасии»

Part 1.  I have been working at school in a small provincial town of Chernogorsk for 34 years. To begin with I’d like to present my lesson «My native land».  So you’ll better understand what republic I’m from, what methods and ways of teaching I prefer and what exercises I practise with my students to improve their learning outcome and develop their creative activity.

Part 1.

I have been working at school in a small provincial town of Chernogorsk for 34 years. To begin with I’d like to present my lesson «My native land». So you’ll better understand what republic I’m from, what methods and ways of teaching I prefer and what exercises I practise with my students to improve their learning outcome and develop their creative activity.

Урок-практикум по теме «Му native land» («Моя родная земля») Автор Канзычакова Фаина Николаевна, учитель иностранного языка МБОУ СОШ №1 г. Черногорска, Республика Хакасия

Урок-практикум по теме «Му native land»

(«Моя родная земля»)

Автор Канзычакова Фаина Николаевна, учитель иностранного языка МБОУ СОШ №1 г. Черногорска, Республика Хакасия

Цель урока : В увлекательной, нестандартной форме систематизировать имеющиеся знания по теме и дать дополнительную информацию по этой теме. Задачи : совершенствование навыков аудирования, чтения, диалогической речи, развитие познавательных и творческих навыков учащихся, развитие умений воспринимать информацию, предъявленную разными способами, воспитание чувства патриотизма и любви к малой Родине. Оборудование :
  • Цель урока : В увлекательной, нестандартной форме систематизировать имеющиеся знания по теме и дать дополнительную информацию по этой теме.
  • Задачи : совершенствование навыков аудирования, чтения, диалогической речи, развитие познавательных и творческих навыков учащихся, развитие умений воспринимать информацию, предъявленную разными способами, воспитание чувства патриотизма и любви к малой Родине.
  • Оборудование : магнитофонная запись, выставка лучших проектов, сочинений по теме, тесты, раздаточный материал, плакат, сканворд.
Какие ассоциации вызывает у вас слово Хакасия? Much sun Vast taiga Khakasia

Какие ассоциации вызывает у вас слово Хакасия?

Much sun

Vast taiga


Подберите к прилагательным соответствующие существительные. The first group has cards with nouns:   Country, реор l е , town, v а ll еу , forest, river, lake, birch, clouds, mountain, sea. The second group has cards with adjectives:   1. Grey, rainy  2. thick, dark  3. slender, graceful  4. long, swift  5. high, rocky  6. large, busy  7. vast, boundless  8. grand, majestic  9. calm peaceful 10. deep, great 11. loving, patient

Подберите к прилагательным соответствующие существительные.

  • The first group has cards with nouns:

Country, реор l е , town, v а ll еу , forest, river, lake, birch, clouds, mountain, sea.

  • The second group has cards with adjectives:

1. Grey, rainy

2. thick, dark

3. slender, graceful

4. long, swift

5. high, rocky

6. large, busy

7. vast, boundless

8. grand, majestic

9. calm peaceful

10. deep, great

11. loving, patient

Знаете ли вы Хакасию? О чем говорят эти данные? Т : Let's check your knowledge of Khakasia. Will уо u say what do these numbers and years stand for?  - October 1930  - 1707  - July 3 1991  - 61 000 sq. km.  - 600 000  - 108  - 160 000  - 50 per sent  - 8  - 5  - 2

Знаете ли вы Хакасию? О чем говорят эти данные?

  • Т : Let's check your knowledge of Khakasia.

Will уо u say what do these numbers and years stand for?

- October 1930

- 1707

- July 3 1991

- 61 000 sq. km.

- 600 000

- 108

- 160 000

- 50 per sent

- 8

- 5

- 2

Подберите слова и словосочетания с одинаковым значением. 1. was founded a. is named 2. to be situated b. principal 3. different c. a small mountain 4. main d. unlike 5. is called e. was discovered 6. hill f. grow 7. develop g. to be located

Подберите слова и словосочетания с одинаковым значением.

1. was founded

a. is named

2. to be situated

b. principal

3. different

c. a small mountain

4. main

d. unlike

5. is called

e. was discovered

6. hill

f. grow

7. develop

g. to be located

Please, do this scanword and these sentences will help you to guess the missing word and as a result you will get the word meaning one of the dialects of the Khakas language.  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 u i r e h r a s a a r n r t k e e o r h n l k b a a i y n h g a s h a m a e n v Предложения для вас подсказки. It is а national sport in our republic. It is а national drink made from sour milk It is а musical instrument of the К hakas people It is one of the wild animals found in our republic, it may be grey or white It is one of the minerals found in our republic. It is one of famous К hakas writers. It is also one of the wild animals in our republic. The mountains are covered with it, it is inhabited by wild animals and valuable furred ones: wolves, bears, elks, goats, foxes, sables and others. It is а man who chases away the evil spirits by setting off fire.  (Answer Kachinets)

Please, do this scanword and these sentences will help you to guess the missing word and as a result you will get the word meaning one of the dialects of the Khakas language.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9









































Предложения для вас подсказки.

  • It is а national sport in our republic.
  • It is а national drink made from sour milk
  • It is а musical instrument of the К hakas people
  • It is one of the wild animals found in our republic, it may be grey or white
  • It is one of the minerals found in our republic.
  • It is one of famous К hakas writers.
  • It is also one of the wild animals in our republic.
  • The mountains are covered with it, it is inhabited by wild animals and valuable furred ones: wolves, bears, elks, goats, foxes, sables and others.
  • It is а man who chases away the evil spirits by setting off fire.

(Answer Kachinets)

Домашнее задание:

Домашнее задание:

  • Написать эссе «Моя родная земля» (7-10 фраз)
It’s not a secret that in recent years there has been a great increase of interest in studying English.  I try to excite, educate and inspire my students, bring my lessons to life.    As for creative approach to teaching I worked out a lot of non – standard lessons : a lesson – competition, a lesson – excursion, a lesson – project, a lesson – concert, a lesson – lecture, a lesson – seminar, a lesson – debate.

It’s not a secret that in recent years there has been a great increase of interest in studying English. I try to excite, educate and inspire my students, bring my lessons to life.

As for creative approach to teaching I worked out a lot of non – standard lessons : a lesson – competition, a lesson – excursion, a lesson – project, a lesson – concert, a lesson – lecture, a lesson – seminar, a lesson – debate.

These lessons help my students to mobilize their skills, their language experience.   Besides I start each lesson unusually : so called creative minute, a student in limited time must manage with the given task. Here are some examples of such tasks :

These lessons help my students to mobilize their skills, their language experience.

Besides I start each lesson unusually : so called creative minute, a student in limited time must manage with the given task. Here are some examples of such tasks :

1. What is associated with Scotland ?

1. What is associated with Scotland ?

2. Guess what profession is it ? retheac Teaches students Goes to school Speaks much Gives marks Checks up homework

2. Guess what profession is it ?


Teaches students

Goes to school

Speaks much

Gives marks

Checks up homework

3. Time travel.  What if you could step into a time machine and go anywhere, backward or forward in time? Where would you go? Would you go back to the time of the dinosaurs? What would you do there? What would your job be? How about the time of the cowboys? What about going into the future? Can you imagine living on a different planet, or in a spaceship? Use your imagination! You can go anywhere and do anything! Write your ideas on the lines below. You can tell a story, or just make a list of ideas for a story you may write later. TIME TRAVEL By___________ And here I am… ___________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

3. Time travel.

What if you could step into a time machine and go anywhere, backward or forward in time? Where would you go? Would you go back to the time of the dinosaurs? What would you do there? What would your job be? How about the time of the cowboys? What about going into the future? Can you imagine living on a different planet, or in a spaceship? Use your imagination! You can go anywhere and do anything! Write your ideas on the lines below. You can tell a story, or just make a list of ideas for a story you may write later.



And here I am… ___________________________________________






At school I’m responsible for the work with advanced students. Our school has only 390 students, only 10% of them are considered to be talented, but it doesn’t matter if you love teaching.   I also set up a students club « I’m a researcher » . Successfully engaging students are busy with research work, different projects. They are active in all contests in different subjects at all levels: from local to international and their learning outcomes and capabilities are constantly increasing.

At school I’m responsible for the work with advanced students. Our school has only 390 students, only 10% of them are considered to be talented, but it doesn’t matter if you love teaching.

I also set up a students club « I’m a researcher » . Successfully engaging students are busy with research work, different projects. They are active in all contests in different subjects at all levels: from local to international and their learning outcomes and capabilities are constantly increasing.

As for innovative approach to teaching I’m involved in a new technology: individually, oriented system of teaching. This technology gives a chance to a teacher to work out his own individual learning plan for each student according to his capabilities and at the end of each term students take test.   Results are changing for the better. My goal is to teach at the heart, to teach with high quality, to help my students in their not easy work.

As for innovative approach to teaching I’m involved in a new technology: individually, oriented system of teaching. This technology gives a chance to a teacher to work out his own individual learning plan for each student according to his capabilities and at the end of each term students take test.

Results are changing for the better. My goal is to teach at the heart, to teach with high quality, to help my students in their not easy work.

I should work out fun-filled, imaginative activities, which include a wide variety of games, songs, playlets, projects, ways to celebrate birth days and other creative ideas – all designed the process of learning a great success.   letterfun is an innovative approach to teaching the alphabet for my young learners of English at primary level. Rhyming words, nursery songs and rhymes, board games give a chance to meet the needs of pupils in their first year English language learning.

I should work out fun-filled, imaginative activities, which include a wide variety of games, songs, playlets, projects, ways to celebrate birth days and other creative ideas – all designed the process of learning a great success.

letterfun is an innovative approach to teaching the alphabet for my young learners of English at primary level. Rhyming words, nursery songs and rhymes, board games give a chance to meet the needs of pupils in their first year English language learning.

Presentation of vocabulary through colour flashcards, lively songs, poems games, mind maps, constant recycling of vocabulary and grammar, through interactive tasks revision and evaluation at the end of each term, interesting texts, assessments tests, a look at life in English – speaking countries and Russian give a chance to provide a solid foundation for language learning.

Presentation of vocabulary through colour flashcards, lively songs, poems games, mind maps, constant recycling of vocabulary and grammar, through interactive tasks revision and evaluation at the end of each term, interesting texts, assessments tests, a look at life in English – speaking countries and Russian give a chance to provide a solid foundation for language learning.

Realistic everyday dialogues, variety of reading texts, writing practice make my lessons more interesting.   The transition from a traditional teaching/learning environment to an environment that uses and exploits ICT seems to create, in principle, a sense of novelty, an enthusiastic response from teachers and students.    Now as for achievements of my students. Every year they hold a marathone on the English language in our town and my students are always winners e.g.

Realistic everyday dialogues, variety of reading texts, writing practice make my lessons more interesting.

The transition from a traditional teaching/learning environment to an environment that uses and exploits ICT seems to create, in principle, a sense of novelty, an enthusiastic response from teachers and students.

Now as for achievements of my students. Every year they hold a marathone on the English language in our town and my students are always winners e.g.

Golysheva Polina in scientific – practical conference, for two years she’s been a winner, not only in the conference, but also in contest of readers, where the students declare an English poem then present its literary translation. The same goes with Vorsina Svetlana , Astanaeva Vica, Babich Eugene has won country-study contest this year. Besides my students are winners in distance Russian contests. Last year Liza Shelkynova became the winner in All-Russian contest of essays in English « Better life in Motherland » .

Golysheva Polina in scientific – practical conference, for two years she’s been a winner, not only in the conference, but also in contest of readers, where the students declare an English poem then present its literary translation. The same goes with Vorsina Svetlana , Astanaeva Vica, Babich Eugene has won country-study contest this year. Besides my students are winners in distance Russian contests. Last year Liza Shelkynova became the winner in All-Russian contest of essays in English « Better life in Motherland » .

We are also involved in national project « Learning and creative work » . Many students have become prize winners e.g.   Garbuzova Alina, Denisov Vladislav, Mikhalsky Sergey, Golysheva Polina.   Yearly my students take part in contest « British Bulldog » and show good results in our region. On the whole I prepared 15 prize winners and 2 participants for the project « Learning and Creative activity » , 2 winners of « Seven Lions » of the Department of English Language Contests: Garbuzova Alina, Paderin Dima.

We are also involved in national project « Learning and creative work » . Many students have become prize winners e.g.

Garbuzova Alina, Denisov Vladislav, Mikhalsky Sergey, Golysheva Polina.

Yearly my students take part in contest « British Bulldog » and show good results in our region. On the whole I prepared 15 prize winners and 2 participants for the project « Learning and Creative activity » , 2 winners of « Seven Lions » of the Department of English Language Contests: Garbuzova Alina, Paderin Dima.

Personally I became a prize – winner of the International Olympiad on methods of teaching English « English OnLine » in 2013. In March 2015 6 of my students became winners of All – Russian Olympic contest. One of my students Rudenko M. became winner of International Olympiad « Everest » , 2 students get certificates.

Personally I became a prize – winner of the International Olympiad on methods of teaching English « English OnLine » in 2013. In March 2015 6 of my students became winners of All – Russian Olympic contest. One of my students Rudenko M. became winner of International Olympiad « Everest » , 2 students get certificates.

In conclusion I’d like to say that I strongly agree to an English writer R. Kipling, who said: « Education is the most important of all life goods, if it is of the highest quality. Other wise it is quite useless » .   I’d like to thank the organizers of this contest. It helps me to review, appreciate my achievements once and again and treat them more carefully.

In conclusion I’d like to say that I strongly agree to an English writer R. Kipling, who said: « Education is the most important of all life goods, if it is of the highest quality. Other wise it is quite useless » .

I’d like to thank the organizers of this contest. It helps me to review, appreciate my achievements once and again and treat them more carefully.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Моя родная земля

Автор: Канзычакова Фаина Николаевна

Дата: 25.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 298660

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