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Мир детектива

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Объектом данного урока является творчество таких известных детективных писателей как  Агата Кристи и Артур  Конан Дойл. Учащиеся 7 класса продемонстрировали свои знания по данной теме, показали творческие способности и закрепили лексические единицы на тему "Преступления".

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«Мир детектива»

Тема: Мир детектива

Цель: активизировать в речи учащихся лексику по теме, совершенствовать навыки говорения учащихся, развивать коммуникативные и творческие способности учащихся, прививать любовь к чтению.

Тип урока: комбинированный

Оборудование: проектор, раздаточный материал, атрибуты для инсценировок, тематические картинки (виды преступлений).

Ход урока

I. Орг. момент.

1. Приветствие.

2. Сообщение темы и цели урока.

II. Основная часть.

1. Вступление. Эпиграмма «Книжный червь» Р. Бернса.

The Book-Worms

Through and through th’ inspired leaves,
Ye maggots make your windings;
But O respect his Lordship’s taste,
And spare the golden bindings.

Пусть книжный червь - жилец резного шкафа
В поэзии узоры прогрызет,
Но, уважая вкус владельца-графа,
Пусть пощадит тисненый переплет!

(Р. Бернс)

2. Выступление библиотекаря.

3. Презентация «Агата Кристи».

Pupil 1. Agatha Christie was born at Torquay, Devonshire. She was educated at home and took singing lessons in Paris. She began writing at the end of the First World War.

Агата Кристи родилась в Торки, Девоншире. Она получила образование дома и брала уроки пения в Париже. Она начала писать в конце Первой Мировой войны.

Pupil 2. Agatha Christie became generally recognized in 1926, after the publishing of her novel "The Murder of Roger Ackroyd". It is still considered her masterpiece.

Агата Кристи завоевала всеобщее признание в 1926 г., после публикации ее романа «Убийство Роджера Акройда». Его все еще считают ее шедевром.

Pupil 3. Her first novel, "The Mysterious Affair at Styles" was published in 1920. That was the first appearance of Hercule Poirot, who became one of the most famous private detectives since Sherlock Holmes.

В 1920 г. был издан ее первый роман, «Таинственное Дело в Стайлсе». Это было первым появлением Эркюля Пуаро, который стал одним из самых известных частных детективов со времен Шерлока Холмса.

Pupil 4. When Agatha Cristie got tired of Hercule Poirot she invented Miss Marple, a deceptively mild old lady with her own method of investigation.

Когда Агата Кристи устала от Эркюля Пуаро, она изобрела мисс Марпл, обманчиво мягкую пожилую леди со своим собственным методом расследования.

Pupil 5. Her plots always mislead the reader and keep him in suspense. He cannot guess who the criminal is. Fortunately, evil is always conquered in her novels.

Ее сюжеты всегда вводят в заблуждение читателя и держат его в напряжении. Он не может догадаться, кто преступник. К счастью, зло всегда побеждено в ее романах.

Pupil 6. Agatha Christie’s language is simple and good and it is pleasant to read her books in the original.

Язык Агаты Кристи прост и хорош, и приятно читать ее книги в оригинале.

 4. Выход героев.

Hercule Poirot: Hercule Poirot, at your service! Is there nothing to which Hercule Poirot can not turn his finger!

Эркюль Пуаро к вашим услугам! Нет ничего, к чему Эркюль Пуаро не мог приложить палец!


The more you read,
The more you know.

The more you know,
The smarter you grow.

The smarter you grow,
The stronger your voice,

When speaking your mind
or making your choice.

Miss Marple: I know that in books it is always the most unlikely person. But I never find that rule applies in real life. There it is so often the obvious that is true.

В книгах преступником всегда оказывается тот, кого меньше всех подозревают. Только это правило вовсе не годится для реальной жизни. Чаще всего именно то, что бросается в глаза, и есть правда.

The world of books is wonderful,

The world of books is rich,

It can take your thoughts away

To the places you can’t reach,

It can make your dreams come true

Or make magic real for you.

Reader: I am a bookworm. My favourite writer is Agatha Christie. I like reading these books in the original.

Я – читатель. Моя
любимая писательница – Агата Кристи. Я люблю
читать книги в оригинале.

A book, I think, is very like

A little golden door

That takes me into places

Where I’ve never been before.

It leads me into fairy land

Or countries strange and far.

And, best of all, the golden door

Which always stands ajar.

5. Инсценировка шутки о Конан Дойле.

Teacher: It’s time to relax. Listen to the funny story about Conan Doyle and a taxicab driver; make up dialogues and roleplay them.

- Hello, Sir, can I help you?

- Yes, sure. Take me to the hotel, please.

- Oh, yes, Sir, with pleasure!

- Thank you. Here is the fare.

- Merci, Mr. Conan Doyle.

- Why, how do you know my name?

- Well, Sir, I have seen in the papers that you were coming from the south of France to Paris.

- It’s very interesting. Go on!

- Your general appearance told me that you were English.

- Did it?

- Besides, your hair had been clearly cut by a barber of the south of France.

- You are very attentive, I should say!

- I put these indications together and guessed at once that it was you.

- Great! You have no other evidence to go upon?

- Well, there was also the fact that your name was on your luggage.

- You are really a great detective!

6. Презентация «Конан Дойль».

Teacher: Friends, what do you know about Conan Doyle?

Pupil 1. English writer, author of numerous adventure, historical, journalistic, fantastic and humorous writing.

Pupil 2. Conan Doyle created Sherlock with his Professor who taught at his Institute.

Pupil 3. Conan Doyle was born in a family of Irish Catholics known for their achievements in art and literature.

Pupil 4. The family of the future writer was experiencing serious financial difficulties only because of the strange behavior of a father who not only suffered from alcoholism, but also had a very unstable mentality.

Pupil 5. When the boy was nine years old, rich relatives offered to pay his fees and sent in the following seven years at the Jesuit Stonyhurst College closed.

Pupil 6. The boy loved to write letters to his mother. Also known for his talent to invent stories and tell them to their peers.

Pupil 7. In addition, he practiced sports, mainly cricket, at which he achieved brilliant results.

Pupil 8. In addition, he practiced sports, mainly cricket, at which he achieved brilliant results.

Pupil 9. The writer died on 7 July 1930 in the UK.

7. Активизация лексики названия преступлений.

Guess what type of criminal it is:

1. a person who starts fires to damage or destroy something

an arsonist [‘ɑːs(ə)nɪst] поджигатель

2. the person who steals from a bank

a bank robber — преступник, занимающийся ограблением банков

3. a person who steals from a building

a burglar [‘bɜːglə] человек, незаконно проникший в помещение (с целью совершения преступления); вор-домушник; взломщик

4. a person who kills

a murderer [‘mɜːd(ə)rə]киллер, убийца

5. the person who attacks someone to steal their money

a mugger [‘mʌgə] грабитель, разбойник

6. a person who steals from shops

a shoplifter [‘ʃɔpˌlɪftə] магазинный вор

7. the person who takes things or people to or from a place secretly and illegally

a smuggler [‘smʌglə] контрабандист

8. a person who steals things out of pockets or bags secretly

a pickpocket [‘pɪkˌpɔkɪt] вор-карманник

9. a person who engages in extortion [ɪk’stɔːʃ(ə)n] вымогание, вымогательство

a blackmailer [‘blækˌmeɪlə] шантажист

10. someone who gets money by deceiving people

a fraudster [‘frɔːdstə] жулик, мошенник, обманщик, плут

8. Выполнения проверочных заданий.

1. Read these texts. Guess what type of criminal it is:

a) I am Jane. It is terrible. I walk along the High Street. Someone attacks me to steal my bag (a mugger).

b) I am Kate. I am not at home. Someone breaks into my house and steal things (a burglar).

c) I am Ann. I am in the shop. I see a woman looking a bit suspicious. She puts the packet of biscuits in her bag (a shoplifter).

2. Complete the sentences with the words given below:

Bank robbers, burglars, muggers, pickpockets, steal (4), rob (2), break into

a) ______________ usually “work” in crowded, busy places. They _______ things from people when they’re not looking.

b) _____________ often “work” at night or when people are away on holiday. They _______ houses, shops and offices and ____________ things.

c) _________________ usually “work” in quiet streets or places where there aren’t any witnesses. They _________ people and __________ anything valuable that the person has on them. They are sometimes violent.

d) ________________ often carry guns. They _____________ banks. Sometimes they _________________ a lot of money.

III. Заключительная часть урока.

1. Домашнее задание.

Write a detective story (7-10 sentences).

2. Подведение итогов урока.

What have we learned?

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Мир детектива

Автор: Бозбей Оксана Владимировна Макина Наталья Владимировна

Дата: 24.04.2017

Номер свидетельства: 411133

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