You can see the stages of our lesson here. Let's put the blocks in the right order
3.Актуализация знаний и пробное учебное действие
Look at the screen. This is magic square. Find the names of professions here
Match the phrases to the jobs. (Что эти люди делают на работе? Соотнесите фразы с названиями профессий).
Learningsapp. You know the names of professions. You must match the names of the professions to the actions
T: - What do these people do at work?
4) Обобщение и систематизация знаний
Let’s stand up! You have cards. Read the description to the neighbour. He (She) must guess the name of the profession. Then your neighbour reads to you, and you guess. Swap cards. Move through the class and choose new partner.
I can teach. I am rich.
I can fly. Do not cry.
I can cook without book
I can drive. It’s my life.
I can fix. Count to 6
I grow trees. Sit down, please.
Работа с текстом. Аудирование.
Lets work with text. Listen and correct these sentences.
Put the parts of this text in right order
Read the text and fill(e)swhere it is necessary. Remember present simple.
Подготовка учащихся к обобщенной деятельности
Воспроизведение на новом уровне
5) Применение знаний и умений в новой ситуации
Игра в группах с кубиком (с местоимениями) + карточки из шляпы (действия). Составить предложения.
Wok in groups. Roll the dice and choose a card from the box. Make sentences with these words. Add an ending(e)s with he,she,it
6)ДЗSpeaking. Make a story about the profession (5-10 sentences) that you like. Learn by heart (mark 4/5). Prepare an expressive reading (mark 3)
7) Рефлексия (подведениеитоговзанятия) Гора «флажки» +листсамооценки
We return to our mountain. Let's arrange the flags. Where are you now? who has a different opinion?
Good job! And the result of our lesson is SPEAKING. We will all reach the top.
Let's fill out the self-assessment sheets. Write your name.
Tick or crossinformation about yourself. Exchange sheets, mark information about your partnеr.