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Medicine and health

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The theme of the lesson: Medicine and health.

 The aim of the lesson:

  1. Introducing  the new vocabulary using them in speech
  2. Developing pupils abilities of reading writing and speaking skills
  3. To train children to  respect our motherland

To type of the lesson: new lesson

The visual aids: pictures, cards

Literature: “English in Mind”

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«Medicine and health»

Школа – гимназии №40 им. Алпамыс батыра

Учитель английского языка: Бисеева Гульшахира Закировна

Тема урока : “ Medicine and health”

Школа гимназия №40 им. Алпамыс батыра

Учитель английского языка: Бисеева Г З

Шымкент 2018

Form: 10 «B»

Date: 14.09.2018

The theme of the lesson: Medicine and health.

The aim of the lesson:

  1. Introducing the new vocabulary using them in speech

  2. Developing pupils abilities of reading writing and speaking skills

  3. To train children to respect our motherland

To type of the lesson: new lesson

The visual aids: pictures, cards

Literature: “English in Mind”

Procedure of the lesson

I. The organization moment

- My dear! The bell has already rung. It’s high time to begin our lesson. I’m very glad to see you. 
- How are you? 
- Can you say what date it is today?

You will also practice asking for more information. At the beginning of the lesson I’d like you to do some phonetic and counting drills.

II. Counting

Count please (plus one)

69=70 101=102

138=139 145=146

Count please (plus 2)

1291=1293 1555=1557

1700=1702 2010=2012

Count please (take away one)

600=599 11=10

1200=1199 20=19

III. Phonetic drill

-Look at the blackboard. You know that the important thing is good health. There is a proverb. Listen and repeat.

Wealth is nothing without health

Health is above wealth

IV Checking up homework “The word football”

     «словарный футбол» «The word football»    Team 1 --- Team 2

 (раздать личные номера игрокам и символы команд;

  команда 3 --- жюри --- оценивают ответы игроков Т1 и Т2)

Team 1: P1 – a glass of milk ----------  Team 2: P1--   стакан молока

Team 2: P2 – a loaf of bread ----------  Team 1: P2 – булка хлеба

Team 1: P3 – a jar of honey  ----------  Team 2: P3 -  банка меду

Team 2: P4 – a piece of cake  ---------  Team 1: P4 – кусок торта

Team 1: P5 – a bottle of water --------  Team 2: P5 – бутылка воды  и т.д.

 (a cup of tea; a bowl of cereal; a bar of chocolate; a plate of soap; a packet of biscuit; a dish of  fish;)

Жюри подводит итоги игры: The winner is the first (second) team.

V. The new theme: Medicine & health:

- Today we’re going on to talk about your health: Medicine & health. So you need to learn some new words. Look at the blackboard you can see the new words

New words

a cold (‘kould)

a stomachache (‘st^mәkеik)

a headache ( ’ hedeik)

sick (‘sik)

Tummy ( ‘t^mi)

toothache ( ‘tu:Өeik)

Illness ( ‘ilnәs)

Treatment (‘tri:tmәnt)

Backache (‘bәеkeik)

  • Repeat all together

  • Read the words to each other , please

  • Read the words again, one by one.

Презентация1 (6-13)

He cut his finger.

She has got a headache.

What should you do to be healthy? And can you draw your opinion?

Ответы уч-ся.

Example P1: doing morning exercises

  • Now, please give advice to your friend if he has got any problem with his health. Match the problem with treatment. The first team you’ll take should and the second team you’ll take shouldn’t and the third team

you’ll take should and shouldn’t

If you‘ve got flu

If you’ve got a cold

If you’ve got a cough

If you’ve got a burn

If you’ve got a cut

If you’ve got toothache

If you’ve got a sore throat

If you’ve cut your finger

If you’ve burnt your arm

If you’ve broken your leg

If you’ve broken your arm

you should

you shouldn’t

stay in bed and keep warm

drink hot milk with baking soda and honey

go out

have X-ray

take tablets and drink much water

pull your tooth out

put a plaster on it

put a bandage on it

put your finger under cold water

drink hot herbal tea

drink tea with raspberry jam

eat onion and garlic

drink tea with cranberry jam

eat ice-cream and drink cold water

The winner is the … team

Dialogues “At the doctor’s”

Учитель:Now, children, imagine that some of you have a health problem and you go to a doctor for advice. So work in pairs. Make up short dialogues “At the doctor’s”. Then act out your dialogues. Use the information you have learnt in the lesson. I’ll give you 5 minutes to prepare your dialogues.

Pupil A is a patient. Tell the doctor about your problem and get his(her) advice.

Pupil B is a doctor. Listen to the patient’s problems, give him(her) advice and fill in the patient’s card.

Doctor’s card





Учитель: Whose dialogue was the best one? If the dialogue was very good, raise red cards. If it was good, raise green cards, if it was not good, raise yellow cards. I think dialogue 1 was the best. As for me dialogue 2 was good. I think dialogue 3 was not good. Etc.

VI. Consolidation

That brings us to the end.

Thank you for your work. I hope our lesson will be useful for you. You should always remember that health is above wealth. Try to follow these rules and you will fell strong, fresh, healthy and study well. You have worked very well today. Your marks for the lesson are…. 

VII Giving your marks

Write down your home task, please. It is on the blackboard.ex:3b

VIII. Home work: ex:3b

The End of the lesson

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Medicine and health

Автор: Бисеева Гульшахира Закировна

Дата: 18.04.2018

Номер свидетельства: 466701

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