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Looking for a leader

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Theme of the lesson: Who is the champion?

The aim of the lesson: to develop pupils’ skills and habits in speaking. Improve knowledge in English language.

Procedure of the lesson:

  1. Organization moment;
  2. Warming up;
  3. Competition of speaking skills;
  4. Intellectual game.


3. We shall give you only useful type of the lesson.

1.Christopher Columbus made 12 voyages to New world. He discovered America in 1620 a group of people left England for New World. They sailed from England on board the ship. What was the name of the ship?

a) “Ice break”                       b) New land                     c) May-flower.


2. What ever you do, what were you go, you will always need a true friend and a good teacher. On the way of learning English you need something or someone.

a) a teacher                          b) a friend                        c) both


3. I think you know the name of  Walt Disney. To many people in our country his name means the world of cartoon. Walt Disney has created a lot of shot Cartoons and many longer films. His name is very famous and not only in America.

The main character of the cartoons

  1. a cat                       b) a mouse                c) a dog                d) a frog


4.In the 16th century England was highly developed country, you know. There lived great people, brave men, traveler. One of them discovered America. Who was that man?

a) Ch. Columbus          b) Monger              c) Fancies Drake


5.At the beginning of the 11th century England was already a big country and London was a very important city. People of London built the White Tower and big buildings, houses. In 1666 there was a strong wind and many houses were burnt.

a) stone                     b) wooden                  c) glass


6.Each people have their own tradition. In America began a life in the Wild West was full of danger, work was very hard. In 1621 the colonists had their first harvest. It was rather good. They wanted to thank God. They’d a Thanksgiving day. What bird become a symbol of Thanksgiving Day?

a) a parrot                 b) a chicken                 c) Turkey


7. He lived in Stratford-on-Avon. He is an English writer and an actor. He wrote about 37 plays, many books and poems. Who is this man?

a) Agate Christie                    b) William Shakespeare        c) Jack London


8. He was a America short-story writer. He wrote about Tom Sawyer and began to work at age 12, was sailor.

a) Mark Twain                      b) Jack London                    c) Canon Doile


9.He is a hero of Kazakh people. He lived in the History of Kazakh people, he was the only man who was against the Khan Jangir.

a) Isatai                                b) Makhambet                   c) Amangeldi


10. Great Kazakh poet Abai Kunanbayev was born in Semey region. He had very interesting childhood. His mother and his grandmother always told many stories to him and what was his grandmother’s name?

a) Zaure                             b) Zere                        c) Uldanai


11. Kazakhstan is highly developed country. It has own state language and great people. We know, we have the first cosmonaut. He flew into space 1993.

a) Toktar Aubakirov           b) Talgat Begeldinov               c) Talgat Musabayev


12. In the history of human life, for the first time man flew into space. He was Yuri Gagarin. He spent much time did he spend in the space.

a) 108                               b) 110                                c) 105


         A pupil must say these themes in English by heart.

  1. What hobbies do you know?

Music, drawing, painting, collecting (coins, computer games, stamps), reading, photography, dancing.


  1. Kinds of sport:

Basketball, volleyball, football, tennis, gymnastics, table tennis, cricket, golf, boxing, judo.


  1. Different kind of Subjects:

English, Literature, Geography, Biology, Labor training, Music, Art, Physics, Chemistry, History, Nature language, Russian and Physical Training.                                               


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«looking for a leader »

School № 115 Almaty

Opened lesson

Who is the champion?

(for the 6th form)

Teacher: Zhaksybayeva K.

Theme of the lesson: Who is the champion?

The aim of the lesson: to develop pupils’ skills and habits in speaking. Improve knowledge in English language.

Procedure of the lesson:

  1. Organization moment;

  2. Warming up;

  3. Competition of speaking skills;

  4. Intellectual game.

3. We shall give you only useful type of the lesson.

1.Christopher Columbus made 12 voyages to New world. He discovered America in 1620 a group of people left England for New World. They sailed from England on board the ship. What was the name of the ship?

a) “Ice break” b) New land c) May-flower.

2. What ever you do, what were you go, you will always need a true friend and a good teacher. On the way of learning English you need something or someone.

a) a teacher b) a friend c) both

3. I think you know the name of Walt Disney. To many people in our country his name means the world of cartoon. Walt Disney has created a lot of shot Cartoons and many longer films. His name is very famous and not only in America.

The main character of the cartoons

  1. a cat b) a mouse c) a dog d) a frog

4.In the 16th century England was highly developed country, you know. There lived great people, brave men, traveler. One of them discovered America. Who was that man?

a) Ch. Columbus b) Monger c) Fancies Drake

5.At the beginning of the 11th century England was already a big country and London was a very important city. People of London built the White Tower and big buildings, houses. In 1666 there was a strong wind and many houses were burnt.

a) stone b) wooden c) glass

6.Each people have their own tradition. In America began a life in the Wild West was full of danger, work was very hard. In 1621 the colonists had their first harvest. It was rather good. They wanted to thank God. They’d a Thanksgiving day. What bird become a symbol of Thanksgiving Day?

a) a parrot b) a chicken c) Turkey

7. He lived in Stratford-on-Avon. He is an English writer and an actor. He wrote about 37 plays, many books and poems. Who is this man?

a) Agate Christie b) William Shakespeare c) Jack London

8. He was a America short-story writer. He wrote about Tom Sawyer and began to work at age 12, was sailor.

a) Mark Twain b) Jack London c) Canon Doile

9.He is a hero of Kazakh people. He lived in the History of Kazakh people, he was the only man who was against the Khan Jangir.

a) Isatai b) Makhambet c) Amangeldi

10. Great Kazakh poet Abai Kunanbayev was born in Semey region. He had very interesting childhood. His mother and his grandmother always told many stories to him and what was his grandmother’s name?

a) Zaure b) Zere c) Uldanai

11. Kazakhstan is highly developed country. It has own state language and great people. We know, we have the first cosmonaut. He flew into space 1993.

a) Toktar Aubakirov b) Talgat Begeldinov c) Talgat Musabayev

12. In the history of human life, for the first time man flew into space. He was Yuri Gagarin. He spent much time did he spend in the space.

a) 108 b) 110 c) 105

A pupil must say these themes in English by heart.

  1. What hobbies do you know?

Music, drawing, painting, collecting (coins, computer games, stamps), reading, photography, dancing.

  1. Kinds of sport:

Basketball, volleyball, football, tennis, gymnastics, table tennis, cricket, golf, boxing, judo.

  1. Different kind of Subjects:

English, Literature, Geography, Biology, Labor training, Music, Art, Physics, Chemistry, History, Nature language, Russian and Physical Training.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

looking for a leader

Автор: Жа?сыбаева Кулшария

Дата: 03.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 196288

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