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Listening. The song “Honesty”

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М??алімдік е? ?асиетті маманды?. ?азіргі та?да білім ?рдісінде а?паратты? технология молынан ?олданыс?а ие болды.?о?амны? а?парттандырылуы білім беруге ?ойылатын талаптарды да ?згертті. Білім беру саласыны? ?ызметкерлеріні? міндеті а?паратты?-коммуникациялы? технологияларды пайдалана отырып, баланы? рухани м?мкіндігін дамыту, білім беру, т?рбиелеу, оларды? ?зіндік ж?мыс жасау ?абілетіні? дамуына м?мкіншілік жасау. Сонымен бірге а?паратты?-коммуникациялы? технологиялар білім беру саласыны? ?ызметкерлеріні? шы?армашылы? ізденіс ?абілетін дамыту?а, жа?а педагогикалы? технологияларды жете ме?геруге, маманды? шеберлігін ?алыптастыру?а ы?палын тигізеді.

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«Listening. The song “Honesty”»

Date: 28.10.14.

Grade: 12 “B”

Theme: Listening. The song “Honesty”

Aims: SWBAT use and memorize words and phrases, express their feelings.

Procedure of the lesson

Organization moment

  • Greeting

  • Marking absents


Look at your paper and find out the answers.

1. Name the most famous Scottish family in Moscow.

The most famous Scottish family in Moscow is Mac Donald.

2. What city has the nickname “The Smoke”?

The nickname “The Smoke” has the city London.

3. This forest is connected with Robin Hood (Sherwood Forest)

4. How many birthdays does the British Queen (Elizabeth II) have?

(Two. Her real birthday is April, 21st, but it is a tradition to celebrate the Queen’s Birthday on the second Saturday in June)

5. You lived in London in 1890. You were a bad-reputed man and your behavior was so awful that soon everybody in London knew you and talked about you. When one began to behave badly, people said, Oh, he behaves like…” and called him your name. Nowadays, people, especially parents or teachers, use your name to call those children who behave badly. Who are you? (Lord Hooligan)


Now I’m going to give you a sheet of paper with the text of the song, your task is to fill in the gaps with missing words listening to the song. Before doing this task, tell me what is the title of the song?

Explain the meaning of the word. Give the translation.

Put the headphones on and do your task.

Are you through with your task?


You may look at the blackboard and compare your text, then correct your mistakes.

OK, let’s read and translate the words written with red colours. Before singing, let’s talk about the author of the song.

Now, let’s sing together.


It’s interesting for me to know your opinions about the song.

I have got a bag. We call it “A bag of knowledge”. I want to know what you can put into this bag.

Thank you for your attention! My lesson is over! Good – bye!

Honesty (Billy Joel)

Fill in the gaps with following words:

Inside, depend, nothing, sincerity, promises, security, lover, tenderness, love, truthfulness, always, honesty, untrue, hardly, mostly, someone, sleeve, lies, believes

If you search for ---------------,it isn't hard to find.

You can have the ------------ you need to live.

But if you look for -----------------

You might just as well be blind.

It ------------ seems to be so hard to give.

Chorus: -------- is such a lonely word.

Everyone is so -------------

Honesty is --------- ever heard.

And ------------ what I need from you.

II. I can always find --------------to say they sympathize,

If I wear my heart out on my ---------------------

But I don't want some pretty face to tell me party------------

All I want is someone to ----------------------

I can find a ------------; I can find a friend;

I can have -------------- until the bitter end.

Anyone can comfort me with ----------------- again.

I know, I know.

Ways down deep ----------- of me, don’t be too concerned.

I won't ask for ------------ while I'm gone.

When I want --------------- tell me where else can I turn?

Cause you're the one that I ---------------- upon.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Listening. The song “Honesty”

Автор: Шалкарова Зайгуль Мукашевна

Дата: 08.04.2016

Номер свидетельства: 316476

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