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My health

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The theme of the lesson: My  health

  Aims  of the lesson:
                        a) educational: to enrich pupil’s knowledge about  health, to

enlarge their  vocabulary, give them more information  on  the

            b )  developing;  to develop  their speaking, reading,  writing and                                                                     logical  thinking ,listening.

, to develop communication skills and abilities.

                       c) cultural to bring up pupils to love and to respect their native

and foreign languages, to teach them to respect each other and

to educate them to be a honesty,  to take care of their health, to  bring  up  healthy  way  of  life.
The type of the lesson: revision   lesson
The kind of the lesson: practical
The methods of the lesson:  question-answer, game ‘Snowballs’, individual  work,  pair work, group work,  association.’memory’ game
Visual aids of the lesson: an interactive board, slides,  , video  about  ‘Parts of

body’, ‘Health’,film ‘A picture of Health’, A song  ’12 ways of  the  healthy, happy  holiday’

Connection with other subjects: biology, music,  Kazakh.

                                 The procedure of the lesson:
І. Organization moment
Teacher’s activity
- greeting;
- to check  the  pupils’attendance
- to pay pupils. attention to the
- to check the preparation of the
Student’s activity
- greeting;

  1. Organization moment.
    Good morning, children!   How  are   you?  What   is  the date  today?

          What   is the weather like  today?

    Today at our lesson we’ll revise all the new words and word combinations, expressions on the theme “Health”. It  will be  revision  lesson.  At   first  I want you to be  active  at the lesson.

 You know, there  is  no thing  more  important  than  health. As everybody is responsible for his health and well-being we must take good  care of  our  health.

      II. Game ‘Snowballs’.

    This   is your favourite  game. Your   task   is  to name  all  the parts  of  body   you remember

Let’s   test  yourself  by   listening   and   watching  this    video. 


III.Work    with  e-book.    Listen   to the speaker   and   choose the picture  he is talking  about.    ‘The   Doctor’s    advice.

          Once     an old   man     went   to   see   a  doctor.  He   said    he felt  ill and   tired.   The  doctor   examined    him  and   said:  ‘You   must   have arrest  .Go  to the   country    for   a month,  go to bed  early,  drink milk,  go for  long walks   and  smoke only one cigar    a day.   A  month   later   the  man  came  to the  doctor  again.   ‘How are  you ?’   said the doctor    again      I’ m    very  glad   to see you.    You    look  much     better.   ‘I’m   quite well now.  I  had   a good   rest.   I went     to bed  early  ,  I   d rank milk.  I   went   for long    walks .Your   advice   helped   me  to smoke    one  cigar   a day. 

    IV.   Test.  

  Individual work ;     Who  wanted   to   see a doctor ?

2/   An   old   man   was -tired.

3/   The   old  man    came   back   to  thd  doctor   a month   later.

4/   The    doctor  told  the  man  to    milk.

5/      Did      the     man   follow    doctor’s  instructions ?

  V.    Test  .   Fill   in the  daps.

  1. Prescription,
  2. symptoms,
  3. instruction,
  4. myself


       1.  Video ‘My Health’  Match  the  verbs   with  pictures. I’ m  coughing, I’m  sneezing,   I 

2nd   rule ; Take   regular   exercises  to keep  fit.


 V. Pair work.      ‘Wordbooster’

    You  have  to  complete  the  sentences  with ache, hurt,feel,; using   pictures.

a/   I   have   got a_____ in my   leg.  My   leg_____.


      b/ I have  a  tooth__________________.


c/     I  have   a  ____ in my  arm.


d/     I______sick.


E/   I have   a   terrible  head-___.


f/    I have  a stomach______/


Now   test   your   partner.


 Pair –work.  Your   task is to   match  the verbs  on the   left with the advices on the right.   What  people  do if;   

They  have a headache


They   can’t   sleep-


They have  a toothache-


They have  a cold-


They have   a   pain  in  the  heart-

They have a  stomachache-



-Go  to the dentist


-Call a doctor

-Go to bed

-Take some medicine

-Have a walk  outdoors

-Drink warm milk.



         VII. Reading  the  dialogue   and  do   association   ‘Rules’

  1. . Memory’  game .  Let’s see  how is your memory.

Let’s   watch  a  film    ‘A picture   of   Health’. Watch   it carefully   and   name   the words and   phrases  you remember.Game “snake”



A song  ‘The   12 ways to Healthy, Holiday   Song’


X.  Giving   homework
To write   ‘My family    rules   for healthy  life’
XI. Evaluation

Pupils you are very active today, your marks are  excellent, good  etc    
- The lesson is over
- Good-bye pupils
- Good-bye teacher.



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«My health»

The theme of the lesson: My health

Aims of the lesson:
a) educational: to enrich pupil’s knowledge about health, to

enlarge their vocabulary, give them more information on the

b ) developing; to develop their speaking, reading, writing and logical thinking ,listening.

, to develop communication skills and abilities.

c) cultural to bring up pupils to love and to respect their native

and foreign languages, to teach them to respect each other and

to educate them to be a honesty, to take care of their health, to bring up healthy way of life.
The type of the lesson: revision lesson
The kind of the lesson: practical
The methods of the lesson: question-answer, game ‘Snowballs’, individual work, pair work, group work, association .’memory’ game
Visual aids of the lesson: an interactive board, slides, , video about ‘Parts of

body’, ‘Health’ ,film ‘A picture of Health’, A song ’12 ways of the healthy, happy holiday’

Connection with other subjects: biology, music, Kazakh.

The procedure of the lesson:
І. Organization moment
Teacher’s activity
- greeting;
- to check the pupils’attendance
- to pay pupils. attention to the
- to check the preparation of the
Student’s activity
- greeting;

  1. Organization moment.
    Good morning, children! How are you? What is the date today?

What is the weather like today?

Today at our lesson we’ll revise all the new words and word combinations, expressions on the theme “Health”. It will be revision lesson. At first I want you to be active at the lesson .

You know, there is no thing more important than health. As everybody is responsible for his health and well-being we must take good care of our health.

II. Game ‘Snowballs’ .

This is your favourite game . Your task is to name all the parts of body you remember

Let’s test yourself by listening and watching this video.

III.Work with e-book. Listen to the speaker and choose the picture he is talking about . ‘The Doctor’s advice .

Once an old man went to see a doctor . He said he felt ill and tired. The doctor examined him and said: ‘You must have arrest .Go to the country for a month , go to bed early, drink milk, go for long walks and smoke only one cigar a day. A month later the man came to the doctor again . ‘How are you ?’ said the doctor again I’ m very glad to see you . You look much better. ‘I’m quite well now . I had a good rest. I went to bed early , I d rank milk. I went for long walks .Your advice helped me to smoke one cigar a day.

IV. Test.

Individual work ; Who wanted to see a doctor ?

2/ An old man was ----tired.

3/ The old man came back to thd doctor a month later.

4/ The doctor told the man to milk.

5/ Did the man follow doctor’s instructions ?

V. Test . Fill in the daps.





1. Video ‘My Health’ Match the verbs with pictures. I’ m coughing, I’m sneezing, I

2nd rule ; Take regular exercises to keep fit.

V. Pair work.Wordbooster’

You have to complete the sentences with ache, hurt,feel,; using pictures.

a/ I have got a_____ in my leg. My leg_____.

b/ I have a tooth__________________.

c/ I have a ____ in my arm.

d/ I______sick.

E/ I have a terrible head-___.

f/ I have a stomach______/

Now test your partner .


Pair –work. Your task is to match the verbs on the left with the advices on the right. What people do if;

They have a headache

They can’t sleep-

They have a toothache-

They have a cold-

They have a pain in the heart-

They have a stomachache-

-Go to the dentist

-Call a doctor

-Go to bed

-Take some medicine

-Have a walk outdoors

-Drink warm milk.

VII. Reading the dialogue and do association ‘Rules’

VIII . Memory’ game . Let’s see how is your memory.

Let’s watch a film ‘A picture of Health’. Watch it carefully and name the words and phrases you remember.Game “snake”


A song ‘The 12 ways to Healthy, Holiday Song’

X. Giving homework
To write ‘My family rules for healthy life’
XI. Evaluation
Pupils you are very active today, your marks are excellent, good etc
- The lesson is over
- Good-bye pupils
- Good-bye teacher.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: Дошкольникам

My health

Автор: Жолмырзаева Гулжазира Нурмашевна

Дата: 25.04.2016

Номер свидетельства: 322482

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