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Learning is the eye of the mind

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«Learning is the eye of the mind»

Learning is the eye of the mind

(урок с применением технологии проблемного обучения)

(8 класс)

Цель: развитие интеллектуальных способностей учащихся при помощи проблемных заданий.

Задачи: 1. Образовательные:

Формирование навыков просмотрового чтения с основным пониманием прочитанного.

Развитие навыков говорения (в частности – составление правил и задач).

Расширение словарного запаса.

2. Развивающие:

Развитие аналитического мышления (через работу с текстом и новыми словами).

Развитие умений искать пути разрешения проблемной ситуации, работать в группах, оценивать свои действия

Приобретение новых знаний о мире.

3. Воспитательные:

Воспитание желания учиться и быть трудолюбивым на примерах из жизни знаменитых ученых.

Воспитание уважения к одноклассникам.

Речевой материал: раздаточный материал: список слов по теме (Vocabulary), тексты об ученых ( «T. Edison», «S. Korolev», «M. Lomonosov»), задания на понимание текстов «Answer the questions», «Develop the topic sentences».

Оснащение урока: плакаты с высказываниями знаменитых людей, портреты ученых, листы бумаги, фломастеры ( для учащихся).

Ход урока

1.Организационный момент.

Teacher: Hello, girls and boys. I’m glad to see you. How are you?

2. Этап постановки цели и планирование.

Teacher: Today we are going to work in groups. We’ll talk about how to get knowledge, how to become an educated person. I’m sure you are going to continue your education after school. What must you do to study well and to make progress?

Учащиеся пытаются ответить на вопрос.

Teacher: You can see words of some famous persons. (Приложение 1) Let’s read them. If you don’t know meanings of some words, ask. Who can translate? Do you agree with them?

3.Этап включения учащихся в самостоятельную работу по поиску знаний.

Teacher: You have lists of words and word combinations (Vocabulary - Приложение 2) for our lesson. Led’s read them.

Чтение и фонетическая отработка лексики к уроку.

Teacher: Now we are doing exercises to train new words. Work in groups. Tusk 1. Match the words and definitions. (Приложение 3).

Соответствия представляет группа, которая первой выполнит задание.

Teacher: Tusk 2. Make up word net. Use the words from the list (Vocabulary).

Учащиеся записывают вопрос What does it mean to study? в центре листа и группируют вокруг него лексику, объединяя ее по категориям personality qualities, skills, wishes\interests. Группы представляют свои лексические схемы, слушают, дополняют.

4.Этап самостоятельной деятельности, оценивание результатов.

Teacher: Read the texts about great scientists Thomas Edison, Mikhail Lomonosov, Sergey Korolev and do the tusk below the text. (Приложение 4).

Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы после чтения текстов. Работают в группах. Записывают ответы. Далее группы обмениваются ответами и производят взаимопроверку. Учитель открывает ключ на доске. Ошибки анализируются вместе с учителем.

Teacher: There is one more tusk. Develop the topic sentence using the text. (Приложение 5).

Учитель выдает учащимся листы с предложениями. Дается время на обдумывание. Далее каждая группа берет по 2 карточки с topic sentences, представители от групп отвечают.

5. Этап итоговой рефлексии, создания итогового продукта.

Teacher: In groups write down rules (at least 5-6), which you should follow to become educated persons. You can do it this way:

You must be…/ Be….

You must learn…/ Learn…

Suggested answer:

You must be hardworking and energetic.

You must be eager to learn.

You must learn to express your opinion.

You must be a clever reader.

You must be observant.

Каждая группа представляет правила.

Teacher: Great job!

Каждая группа оценивает себя по критериям: на все 8 вопросов по текстам даны правильные ответы – «5», на 5-7 – «4». 2 topic sentences раскрыты верно – «5», 1 – «4». Выводится средний балл. Далее каждому учащемуся предлагается заполнить лист успешности (Self-assessment Приложение 6). Листы не подписываются.

6. Объяснение домашнего задания.

Teacher: Think of how to become an educated person. Make up rules and tusks for yourselves. Be ready to tell about any famous person. 8-10 sentences.


Урок соотносится с темой «The whole world knows them». Учебник «Rainbow English», 8 класс, авторы О.В. Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева, К. М. Баранова. Но материалы урока можно использовать для работы в 9-11 классах.

Чередование методов и форм работы на уроке позволяет обеспечить высокую работоспособность учеников. Все этапы урока работают на решение задач и формирование учебных навыков. Листы успешности (Self-assessment) не подписываются учащимися. Это дает возможность учителю проанализировать ситуацию и обозначить задачи по формированию умений и навыков на последующих уроках.

Приложение 1

If you never thought of asking a question, you are not interesting in having the answer.

Science is discovery. Science is fun. Science is understanding what makes the sunrise, what makes the moon to look so large on the horizon sometimes during the year.

Rita Colwell

I think and think for month, for year. 99 times the conclusion is false, the hundredth I am right.

Albert Einstein

Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.

Thomas Edison

Приложение 2


hardworking, industrious трудолюбивый

inventive изобретательный

creative творческий

enegertic энергичный

to work hard (to make great progress) упорно работать (чтобы добиться успеха)

to try hard упорно стараться

to be eager to learn очень хотеть учиться, стремиться к знаниям

to be deeply interested in many subjects

to read much

to be fond of books (reading) увлекаться чтением

to be a clever reader

observant наблюдательный

to organize one’s own learning организовать самостоятельное обучение

to compare сравнивать

to come to conclusion делать вывод

to express one’s opinion выразить точку зрения

to make out line cоставить конспект, план

to learn new skills научиться новым умениям (навыкам)

to discover new things открывать новое

to explore new things исследовать что-то новое

to be eager to discover new things стремиться к новым открытиям

to be ready to learn new skills быть готовым учиться новым умениям и навыкам

to be ready to compare, to come to conclusion уметь сравнивать, делать выводы

Приложение 3

Match the words and definitions

inventive, energetic, creative, hard-working, being deeply interested in many subjects, industrious

able to think of new, different or interesting ideas

working with a lot of effort

having a lot of energy or determination

able to invent original ideas

being fond of many things

Приложение 4

Mikhail Lomonosov

Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov, the greatest Russian scientist and poet, was born in 1711 not far from Kholmogori in the Far North (Archangelskaya region).

He began his working life when he was still a boy. The son of fisherman, Misha often went with his father to the White sea and to the Arctic Ocean. He learned much about nature and about the life of his country. At an early age Lomonosov was eager to learn and read every boo he could find. Soon he knew by heart a few books he had found.

At the age of 19 the young man left his home and went on to Moscow where he managed to enter to Slvonic-Greek-Latin Academy. His first years of study were difficult, but Mikhail woked hard and made great progress. His teachers saw how industrious he was and five years later he was sent to the Gymnasium of Academy of Sciences in Saint Petersburg. His unusual ability as a student became evident very soon, and Lomonosov was sent to Germany to study chemistry and metallurgy.

In 1745 was elected to the Academy and appointed professor of chemistry.

Lomonosov’s ideas forestalled the science of that time. Lomonosov was a great physicist, chemist and astronomer. He formulated the main principles of one of the basic laws of physics – the law of conservation of matter and motion. Besides this M. Lomonosov wrote poetry (verses) that had a great effect on the development of the Russian literary language. The first Russian grammar was written by him as well.

ability способность, умение

appoint назначать

evident очевидный, явный

forestall опережать

law закон

manage удаваться

the law of conservation of matter and motion закон сохранения материи и движения

Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison was born in 1847 in Milan, Ohio. He was a busy, busy inventor. In his lifetime, he received 1.093 patents. However, his most inventions were an efficient light system and phonograph.

He went to school for only three months. After that time, his mom, who had been a schoolteacher, taught him at home. His father was a businessman. When he was 9, his mother bought him a chemistry book. He tried every single experiment in it. When he was 12, he got a job selling newspapers on a train. He also kept trying out his experiments.

Edison was a very hard worker. He often worked steadily through the day and night. He said «Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration». Sometimes he invented whole new machines. Other times he invented ways to make other people’s ideas work better.

For 50 years scientists tried and failed to invent practical electric light. In October 1879, Thomas Edison succeeded. But it was only after he had tried hundreds of ideas. He invented a bulb that burned for about 13 hours. Then he worked and worked until he made a bulb that lasted longer. Later Edison invented the first electric power plant.

a bulb лампочка

a patent патент

inspiration вдохновение

perspiration пот, испарина

steadily постоянно

Chief Constructor S.P. Korolev

S. Korolev was born in 1906 in a small Ukrainian town of Zhitomir. His parents were teachers. When he was 4 he saw for the first time airplane flying in the sky. One day he asked her mother to give him two bed sheets. He said that he wanted to make wings and to learn to fly like a bird.

In 1922 ,when he was fifteen, Sergey began to study at a vocational building school in Odessa. Korolev was a very good pupil at that school. He liked maths and literature, and he read much. In his school years he read books by A. S. Pushkin, N.V. Gogol, S.A. Yesenin and L.N. Tolstoy. In the vocational school Sergey received his secondary school education and a profession of a builder worker. In 1923 he joined a Glider Pilots club where he learned to construct gliders and to fly them. After finishing the vocational school in 1924 he had to work as a builder but all the time he thought of a higher education because he wanted to be an aviation engineer.

In 1924 Korolev began his higher education at the Kiev Polytechnic Institute where he studied aviation and mathematics. In the evening he had to work for money. He was a building worker, he worked at a post-office and even played small roles in films. At the day time he worked at an airplane factory, in the evening he studied, after lectures he worked at home at the design of a new glider.

At the Moscow Higher Technical school Korolev learned about K. E. Tsiolokovsky’s ideas of space travel. In 1930 Korolev graduated the Moscow Technical school. He was now an aviation engineer. At the same time he also finished the Moscow pilot school. His interest in rockets was very strong and he decided to study jets and to construct a pilot rocket plane.

On the 4th of October, 1957, the first man-made sputnik of the Earth was sent into the space from the cosmodrome Baikonur. It was the result of thirty years of hard work. The Chief Constructor was S.P. Korolev. Four years later after many experiments the first cosmonaut in the world Y. Gagarin went into space in the ship Vostok.

vocational school профессиональное училище

a glider планер

a jet реактивный самолет

Answer the questions

  1. Who tried a lot of experiments in his childhood?

  2. Whose parents were teachers?

  3. Whose hobby was the construction of gliders when he was a young man?

  4. Who played small roles in films to get some money for living?

  5. Who was a great reader?

  6. Who was sent abroad to study?

  7. Who was an aviation engineer?

  8. Who invented a bulb that burned for many hours?

Приложение 5

Develop the topic sentences using the texts

  1. Thomas Edison was very inventive.

  2. S. Korolev got a brilliant higher education

  3. M. Lomonosov was deeply interested in many subjects.

  4. Thomas Edison was a very hard worker.

  5. S. Korolev was fond of ideas of space travel.

Приложение 6


Поставьте галочку рядом с ответом, который выбрали.

1.Я активно участвовал в работе группы.

Участвовал, но был не очень активным.

Был пассивным.

2. Я смогу развернуто ответить на вопрос What does it mean to study?


3. Я научился по-английски составлять правила, ставить задачи перед собой.

Скорее не смогу это сделать.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Learning is the eye of the mind

Автор: Алексеенко Татьяна Геннадьевна

Дата: 27.10.2020

Номер свидетельства: 561539

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