Тема: « Ми господарі ЕВРО - 2012»
Мета: навчальна – інформування учнівської молоді про підготовку та проведення в Україні фінального етапу Чемпіонату Європи з футболу 2012; контроль засвоєння учнями вивченого матеріалу з тем; формування вмінь і навичок презентації свого регіону;
розвивальна – розвивати увагу, пам’ять, вміння логічно, ;
виховна – виховувати почуття гордості за свою країну, співпраці роботі у команді, прагнення до творчості.
Тип уроку: контрольно-узагальнюючий; вид уроку: урок – гра КВК
Обладнання: емблеми, картки із завданнями, офіційний логотип чемпіонату, фотографії , учнівські презентації, комп’ютер .
Хід уроку.
Організаційна частина.
Викладач перевіряє наявність учнів,
Пропонує сформувати 2 команди гравців по 5-6 учнів та розповідає про правила гри. У кожної команди є капітан та відповідна емблема.
Вибирається журі з 3 осіб.
Основна частина уроку.
Teacher. Good afternoon, dear friends. You are welcome to the lesson! Today we’ll talk about Euro – 2012 .
As a host of Euro – 2012 Ukraine is preparing to take about a million tourists at the international level. Despite the fact that closely engaged in recruiting volunteers to be in to ears, host cities have already started to create a volunteer base.
The best training for volunteers is now in our country, which takes European football championship among boys under 19 years old. To work on it the city has prepared 650 volunteers. So our today’s efforts to obtain and share information about basic facts and about even which surround Ukraine as a Host country of Euro – 2012 will be useful contribution into popularization of this sport event among our schoolmates. Today we’ll have the game. We are glad to see you on the game.
First of all, let me introduce our judges. Here they are... Thank you.
(Добрий день, дорогі друзі. Раді вас бачити. Сьогодні у нас урок – КВК. Перш за все дозвольте мені представити наших суддів. Ось вони... Дякую.)
Then I’d like to introduce our players. Meet our players! Here they are. Take your badges and put on them , please.
Dear captains! Introduce your teams and the members of your teams.
First, team “Success” (I am.... and it’s my team. They are...) Thank you.
Then, team “Rainbow”. (I am... and it’s my team. They are...) Thank you.
(Також я хочу представити наших гравців. Зустрічайте їх! Ось вони. Сідайте, будь ласка. Дорогі капітани! Представте свої команди та членів своєї команди. Перша команда „Успіх ” (Я... і це моя команда. Вони ... Дякую.)
Друга команда „Веселка ” (Я ... і це моя команда. Вони... Дякую)
Dear players! Are you ready to start? O.K.
( Дорогі гравці! Ви готові починати? Добре.)
1. The first competition is “The Interesting Reading”
The task is for both teams.
Each member of the team reads one sentence, paying attention to prepositions.
1 sentence – 1 point.
(Перший конкурс – „Цікаве читання ” Завдання обом командам. Кожний гравець команди читає речення, звертаючи увагу на прийменники.
1 речення – 1 бал)
The combined team of the USSR became the first champion of Europe.
The first finale passed
Paris between the USSR and Yugoslavia. Victory was celebrated by the combined team of the USSR, driving a victory ball in extra-time.
1964 a competition was spoiled by political activity: the combined team of Greece renounced
play with the combined team of Albania. Final part of tournament passed in Spain, where the Spanish combined team and won the first championship 2-1.
The name of tournament was changed
1968, the National European cup began
be named European championship
football of UEFA, and also the format of realization of tournament was changed.
European championship
1972 saved the same format and amount of participants. A final tournament passed in Belgium, the combined team of German federal republic became the winner of championship.
the final tournament of 1976, passing in Yugoslavia, the combined team of Czechoslovakia won.
So, dear judges, what is our score? Thank you. Our congratulations the players!
(Шановні судді, який рахунок? Дякую.Вітання нашим гравцям.)
2. I think we should start the second competition “Questions”.
Dear players! We are going to do Tests on computers. If the team says the right answer, it will take one point.
(А зараз ми починаємо другий конкурс – „Питання ”. Дорогі гравці! Ви повинні слухати уважно, якщо команда дає правильну відповідь, вона отримує один бал)
Team “Success” | Team “Rainbow” |
The sport of fighting with fists Boxing* Football Hiking | The sport of one who swims. Swimming* Boxing Tennis |
The sport of playing a sort of football with an oval ball. Rugby* Hockey Volley-ball | The sport of going on horse back. Hiking* playing baseball |
A game played two teams of 6 players each that is playing on an ice field Ice hockey* Figure-skating Boxing | A game for 2 people who use rockets, a small soft ball and a net. Tennis* Golf Basketball |
What form is a ball? Round* Oval Long | How often does championship of Europe take place? every four year* every five year every six year |
During the game the players kick the ball with their feet Football* Swimming Tennis | What does the winner get for the 1-st place? the golden medal* the silver medal the bronze medal |
A group of people in sport Team* Group Schoolmates | What do people have to do in the morning to be healthy? morning exercises* difficult exercises grammar exercises |
Dear judges, what is our score? Thank you.
(Шановні судді, який у нас рахунок? Дякую.)
3. Our third competition is called “Interpreter”
Look at the dates and countries and translate them into English. One word – 1 point.
(Наш третій конкурс – „Перекладач”. Погляньте на дати та страни і перекладіть їх на англійську мову. За кожне слово – 1 бал)
Team “Success”
1960 - СССР 1964 - Испания 1968 - Италия 1972 - Германия 1976 - Чехословакия 1980 - Германия Team “Rainbow” 1988 - Нидерланды 1992 - Дания 1996 - Германия 2000 - Франция 2004 - Греция 2008 - Испания | |
And now our dear judges, what is our score? Thank you. (Шановні судді, який рахунок? Дякую.)
4. Do you like rebuses, riddles, and charades? Our fourth competition is “Guess the Rebuses”?
2 points for right answer. (Ви любите ребуси, загадки, шаради? Наш четвертий
конкурс „Відгадай ребус, загадку, шараду ”)
Team “Success”
“Guess the crossword”
| | | | | | | | | | 5. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | F | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | 1. | G | O | L | F | 4. | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | O | | | C | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | T | | | H | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 2. | B | A | S | E | B | A | L | L |
| | | | | | | | | | A | | | S | | | | |
3. | B | A | S | K | E | T | B | A | L | L | | | S | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | L | | | | | | | |
1. At is a national game of Great Britain
2. At is a national game in the USA
3. At is a very popular game in the USA
4. Garry Kasparov is famous at …
5. What kind of sport is very popular in the word?
Team “Rainbow”
“Guess the Riddle”
It is the most popular game in Ukraine and in England. Both men and women can play it. The game lasts 90 minutes. At has 2 halves. The players kick the ball and run after it. The players try to score a goal. (Football)
Dear judges, what score do we have now? Thank you.
(Який рахунок? Дякую.)
5. And now I think we should continue.
Our fifth competition is called “Competition of Captains”. Dear captains! Your task is to make up the sentences. You must put the words in the right order.
Who will be the first? There are 5 points for this task. So, let’s start.
( Я гадаю, можна продовжувати конкурс. Наш 5 конкурс – „Конкурс капітанів.” Шановні капітани! Ваше завдання – скласти речення. (Капітани одержують конверт зі словами, з яких потрібно скласти речення. Кожне речення написано різним кольором. Починаємо. (Дивись додаток № )
1.On collection in October, 1954 in Copenhagen, it was decided to begin preparation to the first Championship of Europe.
2.А. Делон had to prepare suggestions on realization of the first continental tournament for national collapsible commands to the first congress of UEFA.
Dear judges, what is our score? Who is the best captain? Thank you. Congratulations to our captains!
(Шановні судді, який рахунок? Хто кращий із капітанів? Дякую. Вітання нашим капітанам!)
7. Now, let us check your homework .We’ll see how you prepare it.There are 12 points, for this competition. Each team had to prepare presentation.
(Давайте перевіримо домашнє завдання. Це наш наступний конкурс. Ми подивимося, як ви його приготували. 12 балів отримує команда за цей конкурс. Кожна команда підготувала презентацію за своєю темою. )
Our next competition is “Check up your Homework”.
Team “Success” The CUP of Europian championship For championship 2008 a cup was some changed, became very little more, and also insignificant cosmetic changes happened with him Cup of Анри Делона, which gets champion of Europe, named so after Анри Делона, first secretary general of UEFA, which offered realizations of European championship first, but died 5 years prior to the first Championship of Europe in 1960. His son Пьер Делон was accountable for creation of trophy. A cup was created by parisian jeweller Мишель Шобийон . Since the first in history tournament, a champion was rewarded by the cup of Анри Делона and kept him 4, to next championship of Europe. For championship 2008 a cup was some changed, became very little more, and also insignificant cosmetic changes happened with him. A cup became on 18 centimetres higher and on two kilograms heavier. (Презентація виконана програми PowerPoint ) | Team “Rainbow” The Alley of Forged Figures in Donetsk to EURO - 2012 We are proud of the Park of Forged Figures in Donetsk, which was opened in 2001. Initially there were only 10 metal sculptures in the park, but further on their quantity grew. Nowadays this park is a full of «The Ring of the European Cities of Smiths» –organization that unites metal sculptures different countries. The Park developed promptly and next year 19 more forged figures were added to its collection. The following year one more alley Euro – 2012 presented by 10 forged figures appeared in the park. Every year a festival of Forged Art is held in park. The best works are selected and remain in the park collection. Nowadays there are more than 60 exhibits in the park their numbers grow steadily. ( Презентація виконана програми PowerPoint ) |
Dear judges, what is our score? Thank you.
(Шановні судді, який наш рахунок? Дякую.)
Заключна частина уроку.
Teacher: I think that friendship has won.
Do you agree with me? Each team had wonderful answers and played very well. I’d like to thank you, our teams, and give them presents.
Dear judges! I’d like to thank you for your work too.
Thank you very much for your coming and encouragement!
Each player gets the mark 12 for today’s lesson. Thank you. Our game is over.
Викладач: Я гадаю, що перемогла дружба. Кожна команда блискуче відповідала та добре грала. Я хочу подякувати командам та подарувати маленькі сувеніри. Хочу також подякувати всім, хто приймав участь у нашій грі. Дорогі судді! Я хочу також подякувати вам за вашу роботу. На цьому наша гра закінчилась.
Дякуємо вам, що прийшли до нас сьогодні та підтримали команди. Кожен учасник отримав 12 балів за урок.
Дякую. Гра закінчена.
Підсумок. Дебрифінг.
Які враження викликав у вас цей урок?
Чи задовольняє Вас власна робота?
Яким чином Ви вирішували завдання?
Що ви покращили б у роботі команди?
Чому виникали труднощі?
Як Ви можете набуті знання застосувати на практиці?
Домашнє завдання.
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