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Конспект урока английского языка в 10 классе по теме "Вежливое обращение"

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Данный урок разработан к УМК В.П. Кузовлева (Unit1 Section5)

Образовательной целью данного урока является развитие умения слушать и понимать английскую речь и строить высказывания на основе заданного лексико-грамматического материала. Кроме того ставятся и воспитательные цели (воспитание уважительного отношения к культуре страны изучаемого языка и формирование представления о нормах поведения в обществе), а также развивающие, а именно развитие языковой догадки и познавательного интереса к изучаемому предмету.

Урок выстроен по классической схеме урока иностранного языка (фонетическая, речевая разминки, актуализация и первичная отработка лексико-грамматического материала в устной речи).

В основе занятия лежит лингвострановедческий поход.

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«конспект урока по теме Вежливое обращение»

Открытый урок в 10 «Б» классе 27 ноября 2015 год

Тема урока: Вежливое обращение

Цели и задачи урока:

1) Воспитательная:

Расширять кругозор учащихся

Воспитывать чувство уважения друг к другу, доброжелательность, толерантность,

формирование представления о нормах культурного поведения в обществе в Англии и России.

2) Образовательная:

развитие умения слушать и понимать речь учителя и одноклассников,

слушать аутентичный материал с поиском нужной информации, сопоставлять и сравнивать ее,

развитие умения строить высказывания на основе заданного лексико-грамматического материала.

3) Развивающая:

развивать творческие способности учащихся по теме,

развивать у учащихся коммуникативно-игровые способности,

развивать языковую догадку,

развитие логического мышления, памяти, познавательного интереса

Ход урока

1.Организационный момент

Приветствие учащихся, объявление темы урока.


Good morning, students! Good morning dear guests! Nice to meet you. We have an unusual lesson today. We are going to travel around London. But before visiting any country a tourist should learn more about traditions and customs, about people and their features. And I want you to answer the question what characteristics are typical for the British. (home-lovers, reserved, conservative)

You are absolutely right. But there is one more feature of the British. This poem will help you to guess what one. Look and repeat after me the most difficult words of the poem.

2. Фонетическая зарядка

Hearts like doors, will open with ease

To very, very little keys.

And don’t forget that two of these

Are “Thank you” and if you “Please”.

Ok. Well done. Can you name the most famous characteristic of British people right now, without translating? What words can help you to do it? (Thank you and please) What people do use such words? (Polite people)

And it means that we are about to speak about politeness today.

Let’s read and translate the poem.

3. Речевая разминка


Where should a person be polite?

(Учащиеся пытаются ответить сами а затем читают надписи на слайде)


- A person should be polite at school, in the street, at the table, with friends, abroad, in the café, with adults, with elderly people ….

4. Знакомство с грамматическим материалом


You know to be polite The British use not only “thank you” and “please”. They use special polite questions. Look at the table. The beginning of polite questions depends on the situation they are asked in.

(работа по таблице)

Be attentive. You should use the formal language when you are in different state institutions for example in a bank. Or if you take part in official events for example in a ceremony.

With young people, your friends, in everyday communication you can use neutral or informal language.

Обращаю ваше внимание на то, что в отличие от обычных вопросов, в которых, как мы знаем, используется обратный порядок слов, в вежливых вопросах на первом месте стоит подлежащее, за ним следует сказуемое, как в обычном повествовательном предложении.

5. Развитие умений учащихся в составлении вежливых вопросов.

Look. You should transform this question into polite phrase.

The first group uses the formal language, the second one – the informal, and the third – the neutral.

Where is the bus stop?

How much does a single room cost?

Where can I find any currency exchange point?

6. Совершенствование навыков аудирования учащихся по теме.


And now you will listen to several dialogues. You should decide what kind of situations are the foreigners in: formal, informal or neutral.


7. Совершенствование грамматических навыков

Now I want you to do exercise from you textbook. You have 3 minutes to read the situation and to discuss in your group what would you say in this situation.

Выполнение упражнения на карточке

8.Развитие навыка устной речи

Ok. I see you are ready enough for having a tour around the capital of the UK London. Welcome. Don’t forget you are tourists and you should be polite to get more information.

Please remember this side of the coin is called the head and means informal situation. And this one – the tail and it means formal situation.

9. Рефлексия

Our tour around London is over. So let’s make a conclusion. Finish my sentences please.

  • While you are visiting any country of the world you should be _____ (polite)

  • To be polite you should use ____ (please, thank you and polite questions)

  • When you speak to your friend the language should be ___ (informal)

  • When you speak to unknown people in the street the language should be ___ (neutral)

  • When you are at different state institutions you should use ____ (formal language)

Good job. I hope you will have a chance to visit different countries and you won’t forget to be polite. Thanks a lot for your work. Good bye.

Your vocabulary

Home lovers – домоседы

Reserved – сдержанный

Conservative – консервативные

Polite – вежливые

Politeness – вежливость

at school – в школе

in the street – на улице

with friends – с друзьями

abroad – за границей

in the café – в кафе

with adults – с взрослыми

with elderly people – с пожилыми людьми

single room – одноместный номер

currency exchange point – пункт обмена валюты

bus stop – автобусная остановка

weekly – еженедельник

weather forecast – прогноз погоды

travel agency – турагенство

railway station – ж/д вокзал

nearest train – ближайший поезд

heads and tails – орел и решка


  1. – Could you tell me where the station is, please?

  • Yes, it’s over there, on the left.

  1. – I wonder if you could tell me where Mr. Brown’s office is.

  • Yes, it’s on the 3rd floor, room 24.

  1. – Any idea what time the film starts?

  • No, let’s see the weekly.

Grammar exercise

  1. You ask your British friend about the weather forecast for tomorrow:

  • Got any idea what the weather is going to be tomorrow?

  • I wonder if you could tell me what the weather is going to be tomorrow.

  1. You are at a travel agency. You ask an agent:

  • I should be interested to know if there are any bus tours to Windsor.

  • Could you tell me if there are any bus tours to Windsor please?

  1. You are at the railway station. You ask the clerk:

  • I wonder if you could tell me when the nearest train to London is.

  • Could you tell me when the nearest train to London is, please?

Просмотр содержимого презентации
«Презентация к уроку»

Could you tell me…, please?

Could you tell me…, please?

What characteristics are typical for the British? Какие качества типичны для британцев?

What characteristics are typical for the British?

Какие качества типичны для британцев?

Hearts like doors, will open with ease To very, very little keys . And don’t forget that two of these Are “Thank you” and if you “Please”.

Hearts like doors, will open with ease

To very, very little keys .

And don’t forget that two of these

Are “Thank you” and if you “Please”.



  • at school
  • in the street
  • in the café
  • in hotels
  • with people
neutral language informal language Could you tell me…, please? formal language Happen to know…? Excuse me, do you know..?  I wonder if you could tell me…? Got any idea…? Do you happen to know…? I should be interested to know…? I’d like to now, please…?

neutral language

informal language

Could you tell me…, please?

formal language

Happen to know…?

Excuse me, do you know..?

I wonder if you could tell me…?

Got any idea…?

Do you happen to know…?

I should be interested to know…?

I’d like to now, please…?

Usual questions    Polite questions Вопрос. слово подлежащее do/does сказуемое … ? сказуемое Вопрос. слово подлежащее … ? Вопрос. слово подлежащее сказуемое … … ?

Usual questions

Polite questions

Вопрос. слово






Вопрос. слово



Вопрос. слово




Transform this question into polite phrase. Замените этот вопрос на вежливый Where is the bus stop?

Transform this question into polite phrase.

Замените этот вопрос на вежливый

Where is the bus stop?

Transform this question into polite phrase. Замените этот вопрос на вежливый How much does a single room cost?

Transform this question into polite phrase.

Замените этот вопрос на вежливый

How much does a single room cost?

Transform this question into polite phrase. Замените этот вопрос на вежливый Where can I find any currency exchange point?

Transform this question into polite phrase.

Замените этот вопрос на вежливый

Where can I find any currency exchange point?

What kind of situations are the foreigners in: formal, informal or neutral. В какой ситуации общения находятся иностранцы? (формальная,  неформальная, нейтральная)

What kind of situations are the foreigners in: formal, informal or neutral.

В какой ситуации общения находятся иностранцы?




Heads or tails or Welcome to London

Heads or tails


Welcome to London

At the airport Where can I take a taxi?

At the airport

Where can I take a taxi?

At the airport How much does an underground ticket cost?

At the airport

How much does an underground ticket cost?

In the street How can I get to Big Ben and to Trafalgar Square?

In the street

How can I get to Big Ben and to Trafalgar Square?

In the street Where can I find a policeman?

In the street

Where can I find a policeman?

In the hotel How much is this apartment per night?

In the hotel

How much is this apartment per night?

In the hotel Where is the cheapest hostel situated?

In the hotel

Where is the cheapest hostel situated?

Meal Where can I have a cup of tea?


Where can I have a cup of tea?

Meal Where can I have a meal if I have little money?


Where can I have a meal if I have little money?

Sightseeing Where does the most unforgettable event take place?


Where does the most unforgettable event take place?

Sightseeing Where is the oldest building of London?


Where is the oldest building of London?

Thanks a lot for your work

Thanks a lot for your work

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

конспект урока английского языка в 10 классе по теме "Вежливое обращение"

Автор: Поленова Елена Ивановна

Дата: 13.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 276130

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