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Конспект по английскому "Когда твое день рожденье"

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«Конспект по английскому "Когда твое день рожденье"»

Открытый урок на тему: “When is your birthday?” в 5 классе. 
Учитель английского языка: Байгалым Г.А.
Каракольская СШ 
I. Greeting. Good morning! How are you, pupils? I am very glad to see you? 
What date is it today? 
Your home task was to repeat months, days of weeks, ordinal and cardinal numerals. 
I put the theme of our lesson into code. Let’s count letters of the English alphabet and you can decode the theme? Each number is English letter.; 9.19;; 
As you can see the theme of our lesson is “When is your birthday”. Today we shall speak about seasons, months, ordinal and cardinal numbers and days of the week. 
II. Active Vocabulary: 
When- қашан 
What? - қай, қандай 
birthday- туған күн 
cake- торт 
month- ай 
season - жыл мезгілі 
week – апта 
day – күн (аптада) 
date – күн 
year – жыл 
now – қазір 
III. The main part of the lesson. 
1) There are 4 pictures on the blackboard. 
Look at the blackboard. 
- There are 4 seasons in the year. 
It is autumn. It is summer. It is winter. It is spring. 
( Match the seasons with the pictures) 
2) Ask the pupils : “What season is it?” ( the pupils will answer ) “It is ……..”. 
3) You prepared one poem about seasons: Let’s listen to the poem about “Seasons”. 
Spring is green, 
Summer is bright, 
Autumn is yellow 
And winter is white. 
IV. As you know each season has three months. These are 12 months in a year. Put the months under the seasons. 
December, January, February are winter months. 
March, April, May are spring months 
June, July, and August are summer months. 
September, October and November are autumn months. 
V. Please, repeat the names of months. The pupils will say the months in order. 
VI. Take sheets of paper, listen, repeat and write a rhyme. 
30 days has September, April 
June and November 
All the rest have 31 
Excepting February alone 
Which has 28 or 29 days clear 
Fill in the rhyme 
30 days has S..er, A…l, 
J…e, and N…r 
All the rest have 31 
Excepting F…, alone 
Which has 28 or 29 days clear 
VII. As you know there 2 types of numerals: cardinal and ordinal. 
Lets use cardinal numerals. 
T: - Who count from 1 to 10? – 

X. Now will be moths. Listen to me attentively, we must receive 10. 
XI. But there are ordinal numerals. You must remember that numerals have the definite article – 
the – and the ending –th- 
XII. Warm up. Game with a ball. 
I shall call the cardinal numerals and throw the ball to pupils, they will say the ordinal numerals. 
Example: one- the first; 
three- the third; 
seven- the seventh; 
20- the twentieth….. 
(ask from 1to 31 ) 
XIII. Read and Remember. 
You know that Sunday is the first day of the week in England. 
Sunday is the first day of the week 
Monday is the second day of the week 
Tuesday is the third day of the week 
Wednesday is the fourth day of the week 
Thursday is the fifth day of the week 
Friday is the sixth day of the week 
Saturday is the seventh day of the week 
XIV. As our theme: When is your birthday? Can you translate? When is- When’s 
- It is (It’s) on the 22 (twenty second) of December. Repeat and read. 
I want to know when are your birthdays? Write on these colored notes your birthday’s dates. 
And then place them on the picture with birthday’s cake and presents. 
Tell me, please again. 
What date is it today? 
It is the 4(fourth) of December. 
Do you know today Little hare, Jack has got his birthday. 
Lets congratulate Jack. 
Mother Hare: My Little Hare, today there is your birthday. You are six. I baked your birthday cake. 
Father Hare: I congratulate you my dear son. Be happy and healthy. 
Jack: Thanks very much. It is fun! I like being six. I am very happy hare! 
Mother Hare: Let’s go and try the birthday cake. 
(Little Hare blows all the candles out). 
The pupils sing the song “Happy birthday to you.” 
XV. Open your books on page 78. 
Read and Remember! 
after – кейін, соң 
before – дейін, бұрын, алдында 
Read Exercise 6, page 79 
-What month is it after January? 
-It’s February. 
-What month is it before July? 
-It’s June. 
XVI. Let’s check how you remembered the words and expressions . 
Answer the questions. 
а) — What month is it now? 
— It's____________now. 
b) __What month is it after March? 
__ It’s _______________ . 
c) __What month is it before December? 
___It’s ______________ . 
b) — What season is it now? 
— It's____________now. 
c) — What day is it today? 
— It's____________today. 
d) — What date is it today? 
— It's_____________ 

Now I see you can answer my questions. 
XVII. We conclude our lesson through test. 
Test 1. Underline the cardinal numeral. 
1) 2 
a) the second 
b) two 
c) twelve 
2) 8 
a) the eighth 
b) eight 
c) eighty 
3) 4 
a) four 
b) the fourth 
c) forty 
4) 3 
a) the third 
b) three 
c) thirty 
5) 5 
a) five 
b) fifteen 
c) the fifth 
6) 20 
a) twelve 
b) the twentieth 
c) twenty 

I) Translate ordinal numerals. 

1-ші; 2) 2-ші; 3) 3-ші; 4) 4-ші; 5) 5-ші; 6) 9-ші; 7) 15-ші; 

II) Choose the correct version. 
23 – ші ақпан 
a) the twenty three of February; 
b) the twenty third of February; 
c) the twenty third February; 

Test 2 Choose the appropriate article. 

a) the 

b) a (an) 

Task. Translate. 

1) Бүгін аптаның қандай күні? Бүгін сенбі. 

2) Бүгін желтоқсаның нешесі? Бүгін 4-ші желтоқсан. 

3) Сенің туған күнің қашан? 4-ші желтоқсан. 

XVIII. Open your diaries and write down your home task. 

XIX. Our lesson is over. Thank you very much. You were clever, so bright. After our lesson please don’t forget to taste this cake. Your marks are Excellent.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Конспект по английскому "Когда твое день рожденье"

Автор: Байгалым Гулбаршин Асулханкызы

Дата: 08.06.2016

Номер свидетельства: 333368

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