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Конспект урока в 9 классе на тему: "Reported Speech"

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«Конспект урока в 9 классе на тему: "Reported Speech"»

План урока на тему Reported Speech.

The theme of the lesson:

Reported Speech.

The aims and objectives of the lesson:


to explain the change of interrogative sentences in the Reported Speech and practise their usage

b) developing

to develop pupils’ skills of reading, listening, writing and speaking

The type of the lesson:

new lesson

The kind of the lesson:

mastering new material

The methods of the lesson:

explaining, speaking, writing, completing, comparing

The procedure of the lesson:

Teacher’s activity

Students’ activity

І. Organization moment

-greets with the pupils

-checks up the attendance of students

-pays students’ attention to the lesson

-checks the preparation of school utensils

-greet with the teacher

-act on duty

-prepare for the lesson

II. New lesson

a) motivation

1. Sarah says: “I love Maths very much.”

Sarah says that she loves Maths very much.

2. Timur says to Sarah: “Do you like Maths?”

Timur asks Sarah if she likes Maths.

3. He asks: “What is the capital of the USA?”

He asks what the capital of the USA is.

They find the difference between the given sentences and tell them us

b) work on new concepts

Reported Speech (?)

Word order in the Reported Speech

1. General question

introductory word + if + subject + predicate

2. Special question

introductory word + interrogative pronoun + subject + predicate

General rules

-We don’t use (?)–the question mark and (!)–the quotation mark in the Reported Speech.

-We don’t use auxiliary verbs do/ does/ did

-We use a conjunction if in General questions

-The introductory words ask, want to know, wonder are used


1. She asks: “Is Wales situated in the British Isles?”

She asks if Wales is situated in the British Isles.

2. They ask: “Did it snow yesterday?”

They want to know if it snowed yesterday.

3. Nelly asks: “Where is Wales situated?

Nelly asks where Wales is situated.

4. She says: “Yes, I do.”

She answers that she does/ She answers in the affirmative

5. I say: “No, I shan’t”

I answer that I shan’t/ I answer in the negative

They listen to the teacher’s explanation and then make up general and special questions and change them into the Reported Speech

c) tasks for the development of cognitive abilities

Teacher explains the tasks of the exercises. If pupils make mistakes teacher will correct them

I level task. Say what Daulet offers to do for his granny

1. Shall I go shopping?

2. Shall I water the poppies?

3. Shall I put the lilies in the vase?

4. Shall I clean the floor?

5. Shall I wash up?

II level task. Change into the Reported Speech.

Mr. Bolatov: “What is the capital of the United Kingdom?”

Maira: “Is Scotland an island state?”

Beibit: “Why is my cousin so careless?”

The Alievs: “How many industrial cities are there in the North?”

The teacher: “When will you go to Africa?”

The doctor:”How do you feel?”

III level task. Change the questions into the Reported Speech.

-Work with textbook. Read the text “The Queen and the Parliament” in paragraphs

Pupils do the exercises

1. Daulet offers his granny to go shopping.

2. Daulet offers his granny to water the poppies.

3. Daulet offers his granny to put the lilies in the vase.

4. Daulet offers his granny to clean the floor.

5. Daulet offers his granny to wash up.

Mr. Bolatov asks what the capital of the United Kingdom is.

Maira asks if Scotland is an island state

Beibit wonders why his cousin is so careless.

The Alievs ask how many industrial cities there are in the North

The teacher asks when I shall go to Africa

The doctor asks how I feel.

-They change the questions into the Reported Speech.

-All the pupils read, but 4 of them will retell the text to the class

Optional part

d) extra tasks

I. Report the questions.

1.“Where does your mother work?”

Alice asks Tim ___________

2.“How did they get to school?”

Alice asks him ______________

3.“Why didn’t you tell your parents the truth?”

She _____________________

4.“What time does your plane leave?”


5.“Who has been accepted at university?”


6.“Where are you going on holiday?”


7.“When did you see Avatar?”


8.“How often does Doris go to the cinema?”

9.“When did your parents get divorced?”


10.“How much did your cell phone cost?”


11.“How often do you listen to the news?”


12.“Where did your sister go on the student exchange programme?”

-they report the questions

IV. Consolidation of the new lesson

V. Homework

All the pupils will be given level tasks in cards

VI. Evaluation

If pupils have made 4 or 5 correct tasks they will get “5”

If pupils have made 3 correct tasks they will get “4”

If pupils have made 2 correct tasks they will get “3”

They’ll bring their diaries to the teacher to put their marks

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Конспект урока в 9 классе на тему: "Reported Speech"

Автор: Макухина Надежда Сергеевна

Дата: 31.01.2017

Номер свидетельства: 385897

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