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Конспект урока "Проблемы, связанные с телевидением"

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«Конспект урока "Проблемы, связанные с телевидением"»

Работу выполнила учитель английского языка МОУ гимназии №1 Центрального района Волгограда Мартиросян Лариса Телмановна

Конспект урока «Проблемы, связанные с телевидением»

УМК “MatrixUpper-Intermediate

10 класс (филологический профиль)

(Unit 3, Section Reading)

Aim: by the end of the lesson the students will be able to express their opinions on the topic “TV in

my life” (negative aspects);

Tasks: 1) to get acquainted the students with the vocabulary on the topic “The trouble with TV”

with help of reading;

2) to develop students’ reading skills (reading for gist and skimming);

3) to develop students’ speaking skills (discussions in groups and monologue

using pictures);

4) to develop students’ lingvo-contrystuding competence;

Equipment: Language notes, pictures, 4shits of paper, felt tip pens;

  1. T.: Good morning! I’m glad to see you today. Let’s begin our lesson.

  2. Pre-reading.

1) T.: What do you usually do in the evenings?

You know that television is an integral part of our life.

How much time do you spend watching TV every day?

I suppose you have already understood that the topic of the lesson will be about television. But today the topic will look like this way (shows a sign of the crossed TV).

Try to name the topic of the lesson. Give your ideas. (Антиципация).

So, the topic of the lesson today is “The trouble with TV” (write on the blackboard). And we’ll look at television from the negative point of view.

2) T.: Look at the blackboard. In the center it is written “Problems with TV in Russia”. What ideas come to your mind when you read “Problems with TV in Russia” (“Brainstorming”- мозговой штурм).

(possible ideas: boring, violence, silly programmes, lots of soap operas, much advertisement, many chat shows, documentary about criminals, nothing to watch, nothing to do without watching TV, etc.)

  1. While-reading.

1) T.: Now your task is to read the text, try to understand it and then complete the chart about “Problems with TV in England”.

I give you 3 minutes to read the text and 3-4 minutes to complete the chart.

Before reading I want to give you Language notes with explanation of some words and phrases(снятие лексической трудности). Read them yourselves. Are they clear for you? Now start reading.

Language notes:

Bottom line- essential point (originally the last line of smth.)

Telly (informal)- short for television

Edgy- nervous (also on edge)

Sad case (informal)- sad person

Whilst- variant of while

Comfort food- food like cakes and chocolate which people eat when they are depressed

2) T.: Let’s compare the charts “Problems with TV in Russia” and “Problems with TV in England” (Сравнительный анализ)

What’s similar, what’s the difference between them?(Ask a student to compare the charts).

  1. Post-reading.

  1. Ex.2p.31 Multiple choice reading. (Множественный выбор).

T.: Read the article again and choose the best answers to questions 1-6 (3min.)

  1. Exercises on vocabulary

1. Ex.3p.31 (verbs and meanings).

  1. Find a verb in the list above which has a similar meaning to:

T.: Pay attention that in some cases two meanings of the verbs are given.

B. What do these verbs mean in the article?

2. Ex. 4p.31 (phrases & meanings)

The phrases in 1-5 are from the article. Choose the correct explanation of their meaning, a or b, as they are used in the article. (pair work).

  1. Picture-based discussion (work in groups).

T.: Now I’m going to divide you into groups.

You have to think over these pictures (T. gives sts. Pictures). Then one student from each group will report about your decisions.(3-4 min.)

Try to use Useful phrases for expressing opinions (on the blackboard)

Useful phrases for expressing opinions:

On the one hand …, on the other hand …

Of course I’d …

In my opinion …

I (don’t) feel that it’s important to speak …

I have to accept that …

I’m sure (not sure) …

There is no doubt that it would …

  1. 1) Results.

T.: What have we done at the lesson?

2) Hometask: WB Ex.1-4 pp.10-11

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Конспект урока "Проблемы, связанные с телевидением"

Автор: Мартиросян Лариса Телмановна

Дата: 15.01.2017

Номер свидетельства: 379577

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